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COMMUNITY ABW COURT - King Du vs. Chitown B

You should be sued for being a bad judge. Du should’ve won.
I asked these niggas if they wanted to wait until today, they were adamant about yesterday

It is what it is
The judge can call up witnesses.

He can ask playmaker if he ever gave me any information.

He can ask playmaker did he make those statements

He can ask whispering did I or any one saying I give her information to take to court. Or did she just observe it in a team meeting or whatever.

I gave y'all the truth. I want my name cleared. And people need to know what it is that I do.

I never turned on anybody. Sage came out on his own. Happily.

Dubbz is proud of his involvement.... We ain't work with no feds... We set up the nigga who robbed my wife to his own crew..... And laughed when they threw him out a helicopter.....

Y'all was playing one game, we was on a whole nother one.....

Chess not checkers
I asked y'all twice to call witnesses, y'all chose not to but because I declared it a mistrial now all of a sudden "but wait, I got people I could've asked"
you just love to suck the fun outta shit dont you nigga

48 hrs no robbing

I swear If I had a mil right now i'd go on and take those 48 just to show you i dont respect your rule
Bye dubbz
i didn't need witnesses, i had my evidence ready, and presented my testimony....

i said if the court needed more witnesses to back up my claims i was prepared to call up whoever.....

i mean, i was the defendant.. if i'my not guilty because his evidence didn't hold up.. that means i win....
mistrial the defendant still wins he ain't' going to jail.. i deserve something
mistrial the defendant still wins he ain't' going to jail.. i deserve something

I've seen you run circles around people in court before

You weren't prepared and your presentation was sloppy

His was as well

Y'all can't fault me for y'all's lack of preparation

i ran circles around him..

i was completely prepare, i gave my testimony, and provided the documents to support my claims....

he was blocked in. he couldn't call the one witness cuz of previous arrangements....
the other witness he shitted on them too hard for believing on a lie......
he tried to settle out of court....

he was done bruh....you saved him....

i asked if the court needed witnesses, but when u came back u just declared mistrial.......i thought i didn't need any, bcuz i figured with my testimony and evidence, shit was open and close....
Brah, it's not on me to declare if you need witnesses

I asked and you should've told me what the move was

You not about to pin this on me
what witnesses u wanted?

dubbz and sage admitted to their parts in the thread...

playmaker only gotta answer one question, did he send me any information.... but in my screen shots i showed he only sent me one response and i showed it in my submitted documentation.....

maywood didn't need to be called, cuz chi-town showed himself giving us the faulty evidence that i gave to maywood....i recognized my work the second i saw it

man i outplayed these dudes, and getting robbed of my victory...

i don't know how u claim i was unprepared
Brah, it's not on me to declare if you need witnesses

I asked and you should've told me what the move was

You not about to pin this on me
i cleared the need for witnesses with my damaging testimony....

if u dropping all charges as a result of my testimony, that's a win for the defense....
if anyone person in america is on trial for anything, and the defense enters evidence that gets the whole trial thrown out....

that's a win for the defense....

right or wrong?
...Du pissed. Lol!
naw i'm good, cuz i know i won regardless.. everybody seent it,

i'm just saying if it's a mistrial, and the defense was facing time... that's a win

i'm free and clear of all charges......
I don't think a mistrial was the right lick

Should have dismissed the case without prejudice

That would have allow Chi a chance to regroup and refile

Judge Mathis>>>>Judge Judy
Care to make a wager?