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COMMUNITY ABW Court: Judge Judah vs Kandy

This how you treat me?!

The same mf who said your interview was gonna be great! REALLY?

You ain’t shit!

Judah you a fake ass friend! I hope to find a new friend quicker than you can FIND YOUR NECK!

You betrayed me and plotted against me!
Enough to cover my legal fees (HIS RATE) and to buy Kandy a badge....

One that says...

@Kandy, I order you to pay 2 mil to Judah, 1 mil for his lawyer, 1 mil for the badge

You have 24hrs to comply or the fine will dbl everyday thereafter.

@Jurors you have my thanks for what became a trying case. I'll get the 500k to you shortly.

@King Du Chile's, I never wanna see you in my courtroom again. The fact that you left ya client hanging, effectively resulting in a 2-1 handicap, I find you to be the lowest, most amoral, emotionless lawyer I ever had in my sights. I hope she takes you to court for malpractice and essentially sabatoging her case. You are scum sir!

This case is over

*Bangs gavel*
@Kandy, I order you to pay 2 mil to Judah, 1 mil for his lawyer, 1 mil for the badge

You have 24hrs to compile or the fine will dBm everyday thereafter.

@Jurors you have my thanks for what became a trying case. I'll get the 500k to you shortly.

@King Du Chile's, I never wanna see you in my courtroom again. The fact that you left ya client hanging, effectively resulting in a 2-1 handicap, I find you to be the lowest, most amoral, emotionless lawyer I ever had in my sights. I hope she takes you to court for malpractice and essentially sabatoging her case. You are scum sir!

This case is over

*Bangs gavel*
Fuck that!
Real tears

1) I thought this was the best handled case so far in terms of sidebar shit. I like this format a lot better. There were still a couple of outburst but nothing major that sidetracked the case being heard

2) Kandy and Goldie are fucking ying and yang. I was dying over here reading the posts.

This shit was funny af