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ABW Court: Conflict vs Black People

You ain't this dumb bruh.

I'm done.
So u asked a nigga directly for something publicly then receive “confirmation” from a 3rd party after the nigga u asked tells u to suck a dick and I’m the dumb for following up on this?
I asked all the mods a question in the mod room. A mod answered. The situation was over.

You want more answers, ask another mod, you clearly ain't getting shit else from me.

Sometimes I think you forget who exactly who it is that I am.

You off all people should know better.
Yall dont appreciate the necessary evil @CONFLICT is on the forums and adding to the dynamic. He's quite a clever cryptic cat. A lot of his wisdom is lost amongst his shit talking and irritating antics.
I been talked about and insulted more than anyone in this forum.

My family gets made fun of, thrown in photoshops. All types of shit.

If you think for a second that I give a fuck about what that little nigga said.... Like for real.... You dumb as shit...
idgaf if he’s black, white, hispanic, asian, a mutant, an alien, a spirit, microbial life; I just wanna beat the shit outta him. ABW, throw a party and invite everyone. I’ll be there.
I’m cracking up at the fact that niggas acting like they don’t get what I’m talking bout...a quick recap here

Du: Conflict prove ur black Or get banned
The Streets: Hell yea y’all that gangsta shit
Conflict: fuck you ban me pig
The streets: oh shit nigga getting banned immediately
Du: nvm y’all I received confirmation Conflixt indeed black
The streets: o ok from Conflict?
Du: Nah , a mod/friend
The streets: who is said mod/friend , what’s their relationship w Conflict and what proof did they give you
Du: I don’t snitch out my friends
The streets : fam wtf are u talking right now?
Du: y don’t ask Chicity and Ap21
The streets:nah we asking u cuz u brought it up in the first place simple question who confirmed his blackness and how?
Du: I’m done w this
The streets: since Confluct never confirmed his blackness like u challenged him to u think he should be banned
Du: that s on y’all I told u I’m done w this y’all niggaz dumb

Lmao wtf?
Lol, that's horrible. But if that's the story you wanna run with.

By all means....
This thread not for the mods

It's for the people.

If he can't prove it to the people, he's gone.
This thread is pathetic, lock it
Reminds me of them silly ass kkk's in django


Y'all can't even lynch someone correctly
That's how I know this muhfucka ain't black.
Look how focused y'all are when its an actual black person in question; Ocelot.

Dammit man
This thread is pathetic, lock it
Reminds me of them silly ass kkk's in django


Y'all can't even lynch someone correctly
That's how I know this muhfucka ain't black.
Look how focused y'all are when its an actual black person in question; Ocelot.

Dammit man

Ay mayne they're qwik to ban a real black person