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COMMUNITY A John Amos Thread

Any of yall ever accidentally tasted period blood?
Typically, I drink coffee as my caffeine drink. But every now and then I’ll have an energy drink. Is it me or do these Celsius drinks taste like beer? It’s weird.
I have a question for y’all as a whole, looking for individual answers.

How do yall experience things or enjoy things that have no foundational meaning?

As in, there’s no purpose for you to do it, there’s nothing knowningly to gain from it, it just is.

What do you get from it, if there’s anything to get at all.

And if you get nothing from it, how exactly do you experience it?
He looks like the type that will take the 100 and still tell. I just have to take the L on this one. I honestly need to get away for awhile with everything that is going on in my life at the moment.
Yea I remember going to go scoop up my homie pulling into his garage and hitting a car while their arch nemesis neighbor was randomly sitting out

This lady got the nerves to tell me give me 150 and I ain’t gonna say nothing

I hit her w the Smokey
how does immigrants coming here benefit us as black folks?

I know it’s like half and half on here that’s pro illegal immigration