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COMMUNITY A J Cole Apology Thread

I got this numerology app, if you’re into this type shit, first of all get this shit

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Anyway, so I get this shit and I did my profile and I’m reading my shit, and a lot of this shit is familiar but I’m thinking, yea but this is just basic shit everyone deal wit.

Then out of curiosity i put in someone I knows info. Described them to an absolute tee, but..it provided insight that a lot of their motivations are based in fear and insecurity, and those things come from people pleasing.

Then i relooked at mine and realize that it was telling me, that im my harshest critic, im far greater than i realize, not walking in my true self makes me come off as dick, and that I need to take it easy and enjoy life cause I’m built like dat

Said to stop tryna prove to people I am who I am and just be who I am

No bullshit, my shit is filled wit shit like this
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And other people shit I put in is filled wit shit like, “stop being a pussy”

Lol..I’m dope

Numerology is amazing.. I am a 9
That IHOP breakfast after the club was some of the best times...

IHOP, Denny's, Silverman's, or Big Boy's, or any Coney Island around Tha D. Laughs, drunk asses cracking jokes, pullin numbers, alladat was just fun. Always one muhfucka in every group that got just too shitfaced and ends up throwin' up in the bathroom with some random coming to your table like "ayo... yall need to check on ya boy, he passed out with his face on the bowl".

Good times
I wanna do that herbal hallucinogenic drug that lets you speak to your true self. Hearing great things about it. I’d love to have that experience

I got told this many times in my life, but see, I llived my life a certain way that I really don't want love and understanding.

Look, a non-married man is only going to aspire as much as the women he is around and see everyday.

A single 40 plus year old man with money, taking dick pills, steroids, has chemically priced himself out of the old lady market.

I was 40 fucking 28 year olds because I had the hormones of a 21 year old. I wasn't the old man in the club but I honestly couldn't fucking relate to another 40 year old woman.

For real, if you are over 30, single, with money and prestige, you are more attractive than a motherfucker that is 21. You don't need no game, you just don't need to fuck it up.

These bitches ain't walking around NYC, DC, ATL, and LA with 6 inch heels, an Instagram account and free time to catch motherfucker they age.

Let Shannon finance these young women out here. He ain't benching 400 pounds to get with a woman with crow's feet and life skills.