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COMMUNITY A J Cole Apology Thread


A good explanation of what I was getting at yesterday and my confusion and curiosity is.

Say theres a woman, who is success, able, and intelligent.

She meets a guy that she is smart enough to know is a guy who is going to lead her into things, she foresees this

This things happen, she experiences them, and continues to be with him, never tallying the affect of him in her life

There is no purpose for this man in her life, he is not meant for love, he is not meant for children, he is not meant for validation, he is purely an experience

My confusion is, with people who are ignorant to how life comes together. I get why you go through this experience

But for the mindful person, how do they experience this. Like


How do you mindlyful experience this, because I feel like understanding this. Is the only way I will be able to enjoy life.

So I am seeking advice from an individual who is like me that understands and has mastered this
I got this numerology app, if you’re into this type shit, first of all get this shit


Anyway, so I get this shit and I did my profile and I’m reading my shit, and a lot of this shit is familiar but I’m thinking, yea but this is just basic shit everyone deal wit.

Then out of curiosity i put in someone I knows info. Described them to an absolute tee, but..it provided insight that a lot of their motivations are based in fear and insecurity, and those things come from people pleasing.

Then i relooked at mine and realize that it was telling me, that im my harshest critic, im far greater than i realize, not walking in my true self makes me come off as dick, and that I need to take it easy and enjoy life cause I’m built like dat

Said to stop tryna prove to people I am who I am and just be who I am

No bullshit, my shit is filled wit shit like this

And other people shit I put in is filled wit shit like, “stop being a pussy”

Lol..I’m dope
Yo i hate how every show starts talking bout sports like day time tv. Yall dont ever talk bout sports bout all of a sudden yall football fans GTFOH

A good explanation of what I was getting at yesterday and my confusion and curiosity is.

Say theres a woman, who is success, able, and intelligent.

She meets a guy that she is smart enough to know is a guy who is going to lead her into things, she foresees this

This things happen, she experiences them, and continues to be with him, never tallying the affect of him in her life

There is no purpose for this man in her life, he is not meant for love, he is not meant for children, he is not meant for validation, he is purely an experience

My confusion is, with people who are ignorant to how life comes together. I get why you go through this experience

But for the mindful person, how do they experience this. Like

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How do you mindlyful experience this, because I feel like understanding this. Is the only way I will be able to enjoy life.

So I am seeking advice from an individual who is like me that understands and has mastered this
How is using someone for an experience different than using them for love or children, which are also experiences? I don’t follow the separate buckets you are placing things in
He can be offensive as he wants to be as long as it’s funny

Super offensive plus unfunny is a cardinal sin

I need to hear the set up for the joke to know if it was funny
How is using someone for an experience different than using them for love or children, which are also experiences? I don’t follow the separate buckets you are placing things in
That’s a great great point, in that, it’s me, that doesn’t see experiences as valuable as the other things. And my flaw in understanding this is that some people value experiences at the same clip as I value those things. So for me to enjoy such things, I have to find value in experiences.

Preciate it brotha, see, this is why I fuck wit yall


Should some shit be off limits for black comedians?

Nah they're naturally going to offend someone in the room.

The audience members who were offended did the right thing and got the fuck up.

I bet he won't tell that joke around black crowds again. Bitch ass nigga.
lol…lil goofy kid from across the street came up on my porch to look for my nephew.

So he gets to my door, that I can see through but he can’t see me. He gets a foot to my door, and does a slow motion robot dance and a slow motion motion to knock on the door.

Just before he knocks I yell for my nephew just so he can know that I sat here and saw that whole dumbass show..

lol..he’s standing out there embarrassed, lol..I love kids
Another broad bemoaning the club experience in <current year>

One of the last things she said about being shitfaced in a diner with no cameras in your face catching you acting an ass is real shit tho.

She shouldn't be going to clubs anymore cause she's in her 40s. If you have an actual reference point to being in the club early 00s the club is not somewhere you need to be in 2024.
I was talking to this white lady today, and she’s sorta a hot head, right.

On some normal shit, she kinda pale almost, but some shit was happening at the moment that she felt a way about and she was turning blood red…visibly

And shit had me thinking right, shit gotta kinda be fucked up to be dating a white chick…cause the indication I’m assuming you’d get during the act of sex is that blood flushed look on her body and her face

Bruh, what if you smashing and she pale as fuck..lol

Right? You hitting from the back and she naked and it’s straight Casper in there

That gotta be heart breaking, ion know if I’m ready such a reality.