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A Black man dies after being shot by Atlanta pigs at Wendy's drive-thru. Update: special prosecutor dropped charges against the pig

so question....if the people in atlanta can keep control and police themselves........them fucking cops wont be needed or very few right?

and then niggas can be let go or reassigned.

am i right?
Buddy grabbed for the taser...

Cant rrally stand behind this like buddy was in the right.

shit like this just gives room for why he was wrong convos to take away from situations like Floyd where there was zero reason to kill that man and one of the hardest hitting evidences on camera. This mf got drunk and decided to drive and got caught lacking and tried to tussle a weapon.

This is a mistake that people need to quit making. The issue is not that police are always killing innocent people. The problem is that police are too quick to resort to violence when it's not needed and often take the violence farther than it needs to go. No one has argued that this guy was in the right for being drunk in public like he was, for scuffling with the officers, for fleeing, or for trying to use the taser. The question was whether or not the cops were justified to shoot him. If the standard for lethal for is supposed to be that the suspect is either a danger to the officer's life or someone else's life, then that standard wasn't met here given that Brooks was running away and had already missed with the taser.

Floyd's death was the catalyst for this latest movement, but it's not the standard by which unlawful police killings should be judged.