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Lol you are far from the most sane you told us tons of traumatic stories and don’t know why they are traumatic. You’re not crazy tho but not the most sane.
I was talking to my grandma the other day and I had a revelation.

I could either as a man sit and say, no one cared when I cry, so fuck when anyone else feels pain cause no one cared when I did.

Or I can say, no one cared when i cried and it showed me that tears change nothing. If I don’t want to feel this way again or now, I must relay on me to make it happen.

So it’s not that shit wasn’t traumatic, I just didn’t allow myself to shape it as that, I chose optimism
Universe is huge with 2 trillion known galaxies. Difficult to believe we're the only ones. I mean it's possible we're just an anomaly but the probability suggests there are other lifeforms

2 to 3 Trillion... And I think we can safely say that the odds are in favor of there being at least one planet in every galaxy with intelligent life inhabiting it.

And we're so far away from each galaxy that even traveling at the speed of light and being able to maintain that speed constantly it would still take us 25000 years just to reach the closest one to us (Canis Major dwarf galaxy). Then you gotta explore every star system for signs of life.

In other words... Whomever has the ability to get to us is mind-bogglingly more technologically advanced than us. We have probes that are moving at rates of speed that would be impossible to achieve on this planet and it still took one 40 years to finally breach our solar system and hit interstellar space. We're painfully ill equipped for aliens coming here acting a fool.

Instantly remembered this classic.


MJ even did the mocap and voice for his character in the game.
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