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As disgusting as this GROOMING of children is, every time i've seen drag queens with kids it's because the parents signed off on it. All those drag queen storytime shits are parental approved. The day they pull some shit like this on people's kids without consent someone will die
Nah it’s 3-D chess…

What you do is find a target in your enemies armor that isn’t well protected. And it’s not well protected because it’s not normally a part of the armor thats attacked.

You attack it, if your enemy cares, they’ll be forced to defend it. Liberals don’t really care about Drag shows or men who dress in drag. Like care, care about it, because it’s just something that exist and isn’t a big deal among liberals that it exist because being liberal means being accepting and if you are accepting, the fact that something exist that doesn’t harm anyone, isn’t something to be concerned about.

But because it falls under the umbrealla of what liberals are supposed to care about. They defend that chink in the armor. Now once you get your enemy to defend that area, you flank and double down on your attack. You make that vulnerable area even more meaningful to your enemy.

They focus their attention there. But because it’s not something they had ever been forced to defend. They defend it very very badly. And now your job is done.

You have the focus on something that’s hard to defend. They are defending it very badly and now it makes the entire armor vulnerable to attack. It’s standard warfare just on a propaganda level.

Unfortunately people like those in the video are oblivious to the fact that they’re pawns. It’s put on social media to play out, and of course has its intended affect. It’s sad really.

Cause this type of shit is just a precursor to weaken one side to the point that anything that is attached to them outside of it is seen as weak. And then you can push everything from your side as strong and people will roll with it, even if it negatively affects them. Because they feel like they have to pick a side.

This is greatly displayed with Ron Disantos government take over of Disney. That’s the end goal and all the CRT and Gay talk was the attack. You gotta see beyond this shit and peep what’s going on.
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