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A $250,000 per seat Titanic tourist submarine has imploded

Imagine the smell in there now

imagine the smell when they're found months from now

Air hunger..damn

stopped the video when he said "I think we're all hoping for a miracle here".

"A fool and his money are soon departed".

No way in hell I'd spend money on some shit like this even if I was a billionaire. If I'm going underwater, I need some shit like what James Cameron used to go past that depth. Redundant systems, emergency shit in place, everything.


This shit here was made so ONE person could make it 7 miles under water. These fools took some shit less than half of this size with absolutely none of the tech onboard as this and controlled by a $20 gamepad from Walmart and really expected not to die in it??? The real miracle would have been if they came back safe and on schedule. Anybody with even a piece of brain stem should have known this was a death tube they were getting into.
I'm too lazy to Google but I thought when you run out of oxygen, you kinda just pass out

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong
It's like when you take your hand and hold your nostrils and at the same time don't breathe through your mouth

Same thing when you hold your breath
stopped the video when he said "I think we're all hoping for a miracle here".

"A fool and his money are soon departed".

No way in hell I'd spend money on some shit like this even if I was a billionaire. If I'm going underwater, I need some shit like what James Cameron used to go past that depth. Redundant systems, emergency shit in place, everything.


This shit here was made so ONE person could make it 7 miles under water. These fools took some shit less than half of this size with absolutely none of the tech onboard as this and controlled by a $20 gamepad from Walmart and really expected not to die in it??? The real miracle would have been if they came back safe and on schedule. Anybody with even a piece of brain stem should have known this was a death tube they were getting into.
It apparently had 7 backups