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30+ crew, what liquors have you left behind?

Two liquors I used to drink heavy and will never touch again.

Number 1 is Captain Morgan. Used to love that shit but then I started drinking more scotch and bourbon and the shit just became too damn sweet.

Number 2 is any of the Bacardi's. Used to love Limon and Orange. There's a hand sanitizer that smells just like Bacardi Limon and I almost earl every time I smell it.

Anybody else use to do 99 Apples or 99 Bananas, lol? I ain't never fuck with it like that but those are some others I'll never drink again.
I've always loved whiskey and tequila so I've stuck to those. Got wasted bad on Lambs amber rum one time in my early 20s and can't handle the smell to this day. I've gotten fucked up bad on tequila and literally crawled home thank gawd I lived one street over but I still love tequila!
Used to put that in our punch at parties. Get those big ass 10 gallon buckets with the rope handles and put in a 5th of Everclear, 2 half gallons of vodka, some other liquor, and fruit. Let the fruit soak for a few hours before putting in the punch.

One of my homeboys took his Great Aunt's punch recipe that had been passed down and modified it for this shit, lol. Shit was so damn good. We called it GNP, for Get Nice Punch, but my brother bottled it up and called it Superhero Juice cause he said you fee invincible when gone on that shit, lol.
I stopped fuckin with vodka, tequila, bum wines, cheap beer (lowest I'll go is Fosters), and anything made by Heublien (brass monkey, etc).

These days it's strictly bourbon, brandy, and good beers. Once in a blue I might peep some Appleton rum or Junipero gin but that's about it.