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2023/2024 NBA Season Thread

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Yeah I feel you. This offseason gonna tell me if they’re serious about winning are not.

Shit sucks being in basketball hell. I miss playoff runs lol.

No doubt, it's sucks being at the bottom but I understand this season was absolutely necessary and I think all things considered it was a success

This was was the first time in three years actually trying to win games and be competent.....yeah it would've been nice to get a taste of the play-in tournament but it was really important to use this season to learn about these young players and the type of team we want to be

Plus we probably would've been closer to making it if Tari didn't get hurt...that essentially derailed our whole season

It's a process, I think this season has gone about as good as we could've hoped for the most part

1. We found our head coach

2. I think we have established an identity as a gritty defensive team

3. Jalen Green ain't it....it's better to find out like this than go on some fluke run to the playin tournament and end up giving Jalen some big extension

4. Changed the culture

5. We've maintained our flexibility going forward

6. The Nets pick is going to be better than our own pick and could possibly be top 5

7. Amen Thompson and Cam Whitmore look like long term pieces
It’s interesting to hear Kevin Garnett said the other day that LeBron James is on that Balco, and nobody is talking it. Especially when you know what Balco is, who got caught up in that scandal, and what that ultimately means for LeBron, all things considered.
I mean........that shit never passed the eye test. If you look at him late '08 on the Cavs and compare it to late 2011 Heat, maybe 5-7 pounds heavier.

Compare '08 to 2012 - 2014 it's like 25 pounds minimum. 2015-2016 season NBA begins HGH testing. But prior to the official announcement there were rumblings of this at least as early, as March 2014. So after 2013-2014 playoffs it was essentially a 1 year buffer before it took effect.

From spring/summer 2014 to fall/winter 2014 Carmelo_Anthony_Nov_2013_2.jpg eca86bd9ddb414fba78a03.jpg


53e22a56eab8ea63106c108e.jpg LeBron_before_and_after.0.png

And then there's the fact that during 2012-2013 was when Biogenesis was found to be supplying athletes with PEDs and HGH. The company was operating in coral gables, Florida.

Time to throw any aspirations of making the play-in tournament in the bushes and start pivoting towards next season

Rockets have about 30 games to reassess and make some decisions before this summer

We had a good start and I think at our core this is playoff/playin team but injuries and fucking around with Jalen Green sealed our fate

Amen, Tari and Cam all should be getting looks in the starting lineup

Why are they trying to replace him idk he’s improving and will be a future star idu
HGH alone doesn't pack on weight like that.

HGH is used to keep someone lean and to enhance bodily functions. You take HGH when you need a pick me up for overall well-being. I take HGH.

LeBron would go get straight Test and cycle on and cycle off since it's the safest and most effective thing to do and easy to get away with.

Thinking athletes are out here taking HGH to put on weight doesn't make any sense.

Lebron never took juice, all Lebron did was gain weight and lose weight.

Someone that takes bulking PEDs for an extended period of time ends up looking like The Rock or Conor McGregor or Barry Bonds.

Lebron was around 270 to 280 in Miami and got down to about 240 again in Cleveland.
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