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2021 ABW Thread of the Year | Reactions.….pt.2 & 3

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So When does it become an abusive action? What lead to shady team getting locked away in her own section? Wasnt it terrible threads and stalking posters?
Now you know damn well 😂 😂 😂 😂 WWhat the fuck Shadyteam did was a whole nother level. Race obviously trolling with a button press but, Shady crazy ass would be mentioning Stew randomly how he isn't built for the streets of UK grind. If not Stew Eminem and how he's real music while race baiting.
So When does it become an abusive action? What lead to shady team getting locked away in her own section? Wasnt it terrible threads and stalking posters?
No, shady team was banned for racist remarks. She was on here for a long ass time doing her shtick. People called her out on it all the time but she wasn’t banned because of her wack threads and stalking.
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