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20 (Or More) Questions thread

I know for a fact I could kick Nick Cannon ass. No doubt in my mind

Reveal to me the purpose of letting billions suffer when they have the means to help

3 reason why you wouldn’t support someones crack habit
I know for a fact I could kick Nick Cannon ass. No doubt in my mind

Reveal to me the purpose of letting billions suffer when they have the means to help

3 reason why you wouldn’t support someones crack habit

Damn, we must be running outta questions huh.

Money, Their health, I really don't wanna fuck them up for stealing my shit.

What's your favorite Holiday?

3 things you need to be more financially responsible about
Debt payments
Buying better groceries
What do do after I become debt free

What is one store you will never step foot in?

Any Bi-lo down south...I was in a store years ago and I was on tha spice aisle looking at different shit...spent prolly 5 mins just looking...few mins later I hear over tha loud speaker “we have a code 19 on aisle 6!!” I start chuckling to myself thinking they caught somebody on camera stealing...I happen to look up and I’m on aisle 6...by my goddamn self...smh...so I filled up my buggy and pushed that shit in tha middle of tha store...I’m nobody’s code 19 muthafuckas!! And every since that day I’ve been like “FUCK BI-LO!!”

Was man made in Gods image...or was God made in man’s image??
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Any Bi-lo down south...I was in a store years ago and I was on tha spice aisle looking at different shit...spent prolly 5 mins just looking...few mins later I hear over tha loud speaker “we have a code 19 on aisle 6!!” I start chuckling to myself thinking they caught somebody on camera stealing...I happen to look up and I’m on aisle 6...by my goddamn self...smh...so I filled up my buggy and pushed that shit in tha middle of tha store...I’m nobodies code 19 muthafuckas!! And every since that day I’ve been like “FUCK BI-LO!!”

Was man made in Gods image...or was God made in man’s image??

To me, being made in Gods image simply means our higher intellect. We create just like the almighty did and we shape the world around us

And in turn we put a face a name a form that fit our developing imagination into God

Last place you were most uncomfortable?

To me, being made in Gods image simply means our higher intellect. We create just like the almighty did and we shape the world around us

And in turn we put a face a name a form that fit our developing imagination into God

Last place you were most uncomfortable?
Tattoo shop

Last time you had sex?