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20 (Or More) Questions thread


Mac & Cheese

My sisters

Who was your favorite teacher in school?
My COOP/Career Devlopment teacher, Mrs. Fuller. She helped me find a job while in hs and even gave me a ride there a few times. Best teacher I've evet had who showed interest in her student's lives.

Favorite color?
Mr. Butler. Old school 5%er that had no problem using his paddle or fist to keep the boys in line

Worst place you ever caught a whipping?
I don't remember. I didn't get beat much. My 1st grade teacher used to pop us with yardsticks, and when they broke, she would duct tape them back together. I was one of her faves, but she gave me a light tap on the thigh for gettin one answer wrong on a worksheet once.

Fave color?
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My COOP/Career Devlopment teacher, Mrs. Fuller. She helped me find a job while in hs and even gave me a ride there a few times. Best teacher I've evet had who showed interest in her student's lives.

Favorite color?
I like fall colors; brown, orange, dark blue, dark purple, black, dark grey. I love black blue purple together, like a streak of lightening across a dark sky

I grew up in the low end of the Chi, few blocks from the Lake front. Used to go over there to hoop, holla at girls, craw fish, smoke weed, drink beer. Basically things we didn’t want our parents to catch us doing lol

Favorite sport?
Chasing girl

No favorite

No favorite on that either

Favorite album from your teens?
Probably 14......might have been 15

Ribs or wings

Best flight you ever had and to where?
Buffalo wings.

I don't think I ever have. Does speeding count? If so, 16.

My next one!

About 40 hours. Working so I can pay for my next vacation.

What did you want to be when you grew up?
Illegal is a man made concept and I refuse to answer in the grounds I may incriminate myself

Back to the Caribbean. All inclusive

50+ hrs playing Final Fantasy VII with my best friend


Define Happy.. .

How often do you swear?