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“Sex Symbols” U Never Found Sexy

My god she was sexy
That's because she played that part twice and has said some political shit

Even with her being a warrior her outfit in the MCU is very sexy.

Off looks alone she got that look.....

She's alluring yes, but never have been depicted as a sex symbol by any medias. I wouldn't put her in this category.

The only actresses playing in a MCU installment who are or used to be deemed as sex symbols are Evangeline Lilly (back to the 2000s, white folks were drooling over her lean, long athletic body and the producers behind the TV show "Lost" were consistently attempting to fetishize her character) , Lucy Bennett, Lucy Lawless (she did have a cameo role in an episode from "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.") , Karen Gillian, Zoe Saldana... and since a recent while, Zendaya.
Well, there has also Kristen Ritter, but whypipo are crazy. To me, neither her nor Lilly or Gillian belong to this category, while Bennett doesn't have the spice in spite being extremely pretty. Whom to Lawless, her fame precedes her.

Zendaya and Saldana, though... they're definitively seasoned for any cookout, brunch, quincacera party or mitzvah whatever. I cannot compare them to someone like Thompson.
Nah J Lo was the baddest bitch on the planet to me for a few yrs and still is a beautiful woman

J-Lo, Madonna and the Knowkles are unquestionably some of the biggest sex symbols in the showbiz.

That's not debatable nor a matter of subjective individual opinions neither. I cut the fools, the trolls and the jealous sistas straight out. Next!
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Personality wise, she's not somebody to hook along. She's quite a self-centered, highly toxic control freak from what I heard about every dancer who used to work for her. Besides, just look at how conceited her and Jay-Z's eldest daughter acts since she's freaking three years old.

Some people found me full of myself here? Then, you haven't seen Blue Ivy yet: she's a memetic hubris.

In what world is she a sex symbol? I don't think you understand the premise of this thread. Dude mentioned Michelle Obama, Trump's wife and this chick. wtf

Nigga, I am not white.

Being a sex symbol depends also about how the media and/or public opiniom portrays you. Both medias and the white public opinion used to portray Evangeline Lily and Melania Devil as sex symbols, in spite having geniunely none of the qualities (especially Melania) .

The title of this thread is "Sex Symbols you don't find sexy" . Not "Black Sex Symbols you don't find sexy" . Deal with the casual oddities or just click on the ignore button.