Change could happen…eh maybe in two more, three more years though. Not bad in the grand scheme of time, but it’s gonna take a lot more literacy and ACTIVISM
Lots of the housing market is also being purchased by outside foreign investors with major money and no regards too lol.
It’s crazy how we’ve evolved as a society I both love and loathe it at times. Back in the gap, ppl were legit fistfighting and shooting at times when stuff wasn’t going well, like when those veterans tried running for office in the South back in the 1800s…through bloodshed we often see remission, you can’t kill a person’s ambition unless you kill the person. Idk, I’m rambling because it’s just more and more great discussions, but there’s just too many ppl. Too many ideologies. No real way to unify for a major constructive good cause.
America is cool but there’s just too many different ppl at the freakin dinner table nowadays lmao. It’s the problem with the ratio of teachers to students in schooling, on a sociopolitical level