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  1. StringerBell

    Racist Bounty Hunters arrest Orlando Brown(King Lando) & then drop the N-Bomb on him

    Smh.. That man didn’t deserve to be treated like that over missing a damn court date...
  2. StringerBell

    Racist Laura Ingraham tells LeBron to Stop Talking About Politics: ‘Shut Up and Dribble’

  3. StringerBell

    Chinese New Year ‘blackface’ sketch on China’s State TV sparks outrage

    This what China really thinks about Africa.. Smh.. I bet even this won’t stop African leaders from letting China continue to rape them of their resources...
  4. StringerBell

    Racist Italian gunman does a drive-by on 6 African migrants in Italy

    https://www.reuters.com/article/us-italy-shooting-macerata/italian-man-held-after-driving-through-city-shooting-at-black-people-idUSKBN1FN09W https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/03/world/europe/macerata-italy-shooting.html
  5. StringerBell

    Racist Rep. Steve King(R-IA) ‘Congressional Black Caucus Took a Knee Nearly All Night’

  6. Judge Dread

    OPINION - Ibram Kendi says education and love is not the answer to Racism

    A bit of a long read. https://theundefeated.com/features/ibram-kendi-leading-scholar-of-racism-says-education-and-love-are-not-the-answer/?ex_cid=TUemail