Welcome To aBlackWeb


  1. Duwop

    ABW 2019 NFL Pick'em league

    I set up a Yahoo fantasy pick em league.... First time doing this....so we'll see how it goes.... Hopefully with the league ID and password yall good...... ABW 2019 NFL PICK'EM GROUP ID# 39720 password: beaniesigel https://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/pickem join up!!!!
  2. NeighborhoodNomad

    OPINION What Can We Do...??

    To help take ABW to another level? From anything to topics, to apps/web design, to merchandise, events etc... I think there's a lot of untapped opportunities this site can explore and I think there's ways we can all contribute in some way without necessarily having to spend money. My 2¢...
  3. Goldie

    COMMUNITY MK: Your Top 2

    MK is a staple on ABW. We haven't done one in 2018, so let's get one started. Rules: All the players will pick 2 rappers. I'll drop 5 themes and the players will have to drop a song that relates to the theme. For example: "break up song" , Player 1 can drop "Song Cry". After the players...
  4. Loquacious

    COMMUNITY How Tall Are You?

    How tall are all our members? I’m sure some of us answered but it won’t hurt to answer again.
  5. Loquacious

    ABW’s Funniest Moments

    I can honestly say, we are a funny bunch of people. Drop some of the funniest posts in this thread. Post that had you rolling or crying with laughter.
  6. AP3.0

    OPINION Best Freestyle of the year?

    this was a good ass year for freestyles like the other threads...put your top five from best to not as best they will be scored accordingly for this, so that the thread doesnt get filled with youtube vids, you can hyperlink your choices to the youtubes
  7. Loquacious

    ABW Money Wars 2

    TEAM ME @Tyrion Lannister - 4 million @BNE - 100k @Judge_Judah - 100k VS TEAM RUTHLESS @Joshua Sanchez -11 MILLION @TheMasterKey - 32 MILLION @Bum From Bmore - 11 MILLION