The one between three and three.
They had no other options unfortunately, because we got invaded first by people from every other state to the point of being priced out, politically outnumbered, and stagnate wages accompanied by high rent/expenses.
I would have moved too but I just can't leave this weather. I don't like the cold at all and I would prefer someplace where the weather isn't a tradeoff of extremes.
There's also a lot to do here...the problem is that its become way too crowded. Places that previously took 15-20mins to travel to now take 45mins. I can tell by how people drive that they are not from here.
After spending nearly 20 years in the desert in PHX and LV, I'm glad I'm back in Michigan. Having 4 actual seasons as opposed to "hot and less hot" is nice. I didn't even realize how much I missed it until we got here.
The housing costs in Cali are stupid high. Lil ass hovel in the hood be like half a millie on the regular. I don't even know how anyone even justifies it.