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Fat Joe Calls Out FBAs and Tariq Nasheed

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Here comes the Let's try and tear and shame Knock's character down because he's beatin me on this topic and I can't pick apart his posts with facts.

Don't get upset or shame me because the world was what it was back then. I aint your enemy. Reality is.

Please don't let me stank up your Christmas, I so within the bottom of my soul, want for you to have a wonderful Merry Christmas and great 2025 but lies and crackhead talk will be debunk

Don't sit yo ass up here and act like your folks got shit popping for all when it's truly 100% not even the case.

You give yourself way more credit than you should. You're being laughed at not laughed with. May 2025 give you better ability to comprehend when you're ingesting nonsense into your brain.

@Suckio Andretti

Tether squad >>>> tether talk
Black immigrants weren't even over here in the U.S. prior to 1965 in large numbers.

70s, 80s, and 90s, black immigrants were a group of folks who kept to themselves, stayed out of FBAs spots and really didn't mingle with folks on the daily.

FBAs during those times mingled with everybody. We broke bread with community of folks.

Let's keep it a 100, FBAs (some/most) folks looked at black immigrants as weak individuals, most were docile, meek. The kids/teens. You almost felt sorry for some at times. They were quiet, didn't really understand black lingo, again, wore church or hard bottom shoes, may have had 4 outfits total to wear with the church shoes The father was a no nonsense type of man, most were very strict. Kids wouldn't come outside to play "couldn't play with FBAs" Their parents told them not to hang around FBAs, most of the kids stayed to themselves when they were at school, as well as the mother/rest of the family.
They went to church 5-6 days outta the week.

They had one car, the mama didn't work for the most part, if she did work it wasn't full time 40hrs a week type shit.

This whole notion that FBAs got things from black immigrants is Bullshit. Most non-FBAs didn't interact with FBAs, we didn't all mingle like that and when we did, if was FBAs coming to your defense for some shit that went left with your family, when folks tried to take advantage of them or we broke bread with the shops that were up and running during those times. Selling of African clothing and beads.

As I stated, I have no problem with non-FBAs, but let's tell the truth now, don't sit up here and act like you been popping shit over here.

Most of you niggas that are 80s babies had No friends in school, kept they head down, didn't get into fights nor ANY TROUBLE AT SCHOOL, (Their parents aint play that shit, which is a good, their parent pushed hard for that education or books lol) they got talked about, had no girlfriend, lacked social skills and your fashion game was ass. Let's keep it 100.

Ask them niggas to pull out that old family portrait or that 3rd grade picture from grade school, if they took one, I bet what I said matches everything that's goin on in that picture lol
I feel you are speaking from where you came from and your experience. BR or New Orleans is not like NYC. NYC was pretty much a immigrant city.
Imagining not getting buns from a chick cause you tell her you not an FBA

Well chi-town b, not getting buns under any circumstances but my larger point remains

Well maybe if they tell her their life story of being so downtrodden that you're just weak, wore hard bottom church shoes and couldn't understand slang she'll pass out some sympathy pussy.
I'm an African American that is descended from slaves and I believe and want all of us in the black diaspora to stick together with no division. With that said, fuck Fat Joe bitch ass, I can't stand none blacks who say "nigga." That's frowned upon where I'm from and none blacks dont say that word when we're around. Fat Joe would have trouble using that word around black people in Austin, TX cuz he ain't black.
If Fat Joe is lying about something, then the correction can be made. Fat Joe lied about PR having a hand in starting Hip-Hop

No FBA was even thinking about a Fat Joe up until that point. He got on shows stating that it was a of 50/50 thing with this Hip Hop genre, when that is a lie.

Telling the Truth Aint Hating - Young Turk.

Now that his lie has been called out, Fat Joe is the one who is trying to talk down on FBAs and others. He's the one who is taking it to another level. All folks (FBAs and others) were saying is that what you're saying outta your mouth about this Rap shit, is not true

You been eating off FBA culture your whole entire, your whole career was made by FBA rap and r&B artists and now you wanna try and shit on FBAs, that's a problem, folks don't rock with that motion. I don't rock like that with niggas in my real life.

Fat Joe deserves what's happening

That's like Fat Joe came up off bounce muisc, used bounce artists to get his rap career popping, now he's saying his people had a hand in creating bounce music and the dances and now when he's told that's lie, he's shittin on the people who created bounce music, aint no telling what that boy may encounter if he did some shit like that with that sector of music.

Shitting on FBA 'activists' and shitting on Foundational Black Americans aren't the same thing.
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Black immigrants weren't even over here in the U.S. prior to 1965 in large numbers.

70s, 80s, and 90s, black immigrants were a group of folks who kept to themselves, stayed out of FBAs spots and really didn't mingle with folks on the daily.

FBAs during those times mingled with everybody. We broke bread with community of folks.

Let's keep it a 100, FBAs (some/most) folks looked at black immigrants as weak individuals, most were docile, meek. The kids/teens. You almost felt sorry for some at times. They were quiet, didn't really understand black lingo, again, wore church or hard bottom shoes, may have had 4 outfits total to wear with the church shoes The father was a no nonsense type of man, most were very strict. Kids wouldn't come outside to play "couldn't play with FBAs" Their parents told them not to hang around FBAs, most of the kids stayed to themselves when they were at school, as well as the mother/rest of the family.
They went to church 5-6 days outta the week.

They had one car, the mama didn't work for the most part, if she did work it wasn't full time 40hrs a week type shit.

This whole notion that FBAs got things from black immigrants is Bullshit. Most non-FBAs didn't interact with FBAs, we didn't all mingle like that and when we did, if was FBAs coming to your defense for some shit that went left with your family, when folks tried to take advantage of them or we broke bread with the shops that were up and running during those times. Selling of African clothing and beads.

As I stated, I have no problem with non-FBAs, but let's tell the truth now, don't sit up here and act like you been popping shit over here.

Most of you niggas that are 80s babies had No friends in school, kept they head down, didn't get into fights nor ANY TROUBLE AT SCHOOL, (Their parents aint play that shit, which is a good, their parent pushed hard for that education or books lol) they got talked about, had no girlfriend, lacked social skills and your fashion game was ass. Let's keep it 100.

Ask them niggas to pull out that old family portrait or that 3rd grade picture from grade school, if they took one, I bet what I said matches everything that's goin on in that picture lol

You keep thinking that you know stuff, when the truth is that you don't know shit.

West Indians were immigrating to the US in significant numbers, law against it or no law, especially to NYC. I am not sure why; it may be because most were British subjects.

Marcus Garvey is one prominent example. But there are many others (e.g. Colin Powell's parents, Malcom X's mother, etc.).
ABW turning more xenophobic by the day... And it's actually a turn off to come in here and post sometimes as a non Black American...

I always make the point that @Goldie named this place A BLACK WEB and not An American Black Web ...

The inability of Americans and some cases Black Americans travelling out to other parts of the world and experiencing different cultures and ways of life influence their thinking unfortunately...

Quite sad
Here comes the bitching and po mouthing, when a nigga actually push back on the stupid pussy ass shit that's been said
If Goldie ain't tripping on what posters say about the issue at hand, the topic, and you feel a type of way about whats being said then nigga don't come up in this thread bitchin and po mouthing about reality, about how you don't like what's being posted etc etc, nigga move around, there are plenty of other threads. How the fuck you trying to police another nigga words and truths. But thats what you niggas do, when that fire, truth gets to burning, you niggas cry and while crying take jabs as if you better.
Women do that shit, right outta they playbook.
Telling the truth ain't hating.

I told you niggas 95-98% of this shit comes from non black Americans trying to shit on FBAs.
Case in point, this thread title

If Fat Joe doesn't say shit about FBAs, then this thread wouldn't be created. But the fact that he did make those goofy ass comments along while telling lies about how hip hop was started by them is the reason FBAs are on his ass and niggas who co-sign his lies

FBAs again, don't go around poking at niggas for shits and giggles as adults.

You got niggas in here, in this very thread, trying to give props to FBAs all while trying to throw shots at FBAs by saying oh, such and such had some influence on the stuff they did too
Oh it's American culture when there's no such thing as that goofy shit and niggas go along with that dumb ass narrative.

Oh Kool Herc started Hip Hop
Nigga just lying but we supposed to let the shit fly.

These are lies and when a nigga get on your ass and tell you about yourself and about how you came to be, then it's a motherfucking problem.

Now niggas wanna go to crawfishin and playing victim. No keep that same frustration you had when you posted about FBAs not being who we are

Keep your chest poked out.

As far as that Marcus Garvey shit, the nigga own ppl didn't fuck with him, he had to come over here to get his movement off the ground which in then was propped up by FBAs. The nigga whole aura and why he's talked about today is because of FBAs. His own ppl didn't fuck with him. If I'm lying about this, then he would have gotten shit popping in his backyard.
Then the nigga has nerve to talk about FBAs. Yes that Marcus Garvey.

As far that travel shit about FBAs need to travel, since it was addressed to black Americans. My nigga, you are talking to a nigga who stay on a bird, as I'm posting this shit, I'm about to board now on a bird and when I do travel out the country I go to the locals and talk to the elders. I make it my point to do so, My feet has been on many countries soil. My whole crew, family are either on their 2nd or 3rd passport my guy. So that lil shot about niggas who are black American need to travel, you could have kept that to yourself.

Also my nigga, we read over here, we do that alot too, while I'm on 8 hr flights or 9hr flights, going to a country, it's a book that's in my face or a documentary playing about something. That whole notion about traveling and experiences, my nigga, I'm 5 steps ahead of you on that.

Yall niggas now wanna be all sensitive, how bout you tell your ppl to leave FBAs alone, stop the lies about goofy shit and how shit was.

Reality is your enemy not me.

Merry Christmas nigga
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Let me preface this by saying I've disliked Fat Joe for years before any idiot thinks explaining what happened in context, a word ABW hates, means its a cape. With that said...them FBA/ADOS folks on social media come at any and everybody they deem not "Black". And by that not from the US. So engaging with them in any way is pretty pointless because it's rarely if ever actual discussions and more just them talking about how nobody else should call themselves Black.

In regards to Fat Joe and the whole thing about latinos having a hand in the start of hip hop...well it's true. They did. Also by all accounts Kool Herc, a Jamaican immigrant, is credited with being one of the founders of this...so the entire idea that it was solely a Black American thing is also not true. It's a mixture of a bunch of different things that led up to the beginning of hip hop. And even many of the first DJs, MCs, breakers etc were 1st generation Caribbean immigrants to NY or fresh off the boat their damn selves. So the whole FBA/ADOS trying to rewrite history is silly.

There is plenty beauty in Black American culture in the US and it's seen on a daily basis. That doesn't mean that Black American culture hasn't also been influenced by the many Black immigrants that have also came to this country as well. And acknowledging that doesn't diminish anything else at all. It in fact adds to it

No, we not doing this.

First of all, the foundation of Hip Hop music has been is Funk and Disco.

It's not Reggae or Ska or Bachata.

The first Hip Hop song that went mainstream is literally a Disco song.

There was no musical influence by others. They all played breakbeats from African American music.

We aren't talking about few Jamaicans and Latinos being DJs and BBoys. There were European immigrants in the beginning too nobody says Greeks, Italians and Jews had an influence.

We are talking about national culture.

Because Black Americans don't say we created Ska when Ska was influenced by Motown. We don't say we created Reggaeton when it was influenced by Hip Hop. We don't say we created Afrobeat when it was influenced by Funk.

Shit, Cajun and Jewish people were some of the first Jazz artists. Half of RocknRoll was written by Jewish people.

Ain't nobody talking about Jazz and Rock music being created by Cajuns and Jews. The world know where the sauce was created.

This is what I mean by disparate groups trying to assimilate into America via Black American popular culture.

They were sampling Black American music. Saying Black American slang. And now all of a sudden, they created Hip Hop when they actually were immersed in Black American street culture and participated like everyone else. Now the story is that they are co-creators because a few were there.
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No, we not doing this.

First of all, the foundation of Hip Hop music has been is Funk and Disco.

It's not Reggae or Ska or Bachata.

The first Hip Hop song that went mainstream is literally a Disco song.

There was no musical influence by others. They all played breakbeats from African American music.

We aren't talking about few Jamaicans and Latinos being DJs and BBoys. There were European immigrants in the beginning too nobody says Greeks, Italians and Jews had an influence.

We are talking about national culture.

Because Black Americans don't say we created Ska when Ska was influenced by Motown. We don't say we created Reggaeton when it was influenced by Hip Hop. We don't say we created Afrobeat when it was influenced by Funk.

Shit, Cajun and Jewish people were some of the first Jazz artists. Half of RocknRoll was written by Jewish people.

Ain't nobody talking about Jazz and Rock music being created by Cajuns and Jews. The world know where the sauce was created.

This is what I mean by disparate groups trying to assimilate into America via Black American popular culture.

They were sampling Black American music. Saying Black American slang. And now all of a sudden, they created Hip Hop when they actually were immersed in Black American street culture and participated like everyone else. Now the story is that they are co-creators because a few were there.

Me: a mixture of a bunch of different things led to the creation of hip hop

You: that's not true. *proceeds to name more than 1 thing that led to Hip hop.
Me: a mixture of a bunch of different things led to the creation of hip hop

You: that's not true. *proceeds to name more than 1 thing that led to Hip hop.


I am saying Black American music created Hip Hop. Black American NY street culture created Hip Hop. Non-Black Americans simply participated in Black American culture like they always do but nobody says they are co-creators and their native cultural impact is minimal.

See, you like to split the middle and be like..."DJ Kool Herc was Jamaican, so there were non-Black American influences somewhere..."

DJ Kool Herc got taken in by the 5 Percenters, which is a Black American organization, and his father introduced him to Black American music. He was known for spinning funk records.

There is nothing Jamaican about his artistry. He's a Jamaican in a Black American tradition.

Hip Hop didn't create anything new. Hip Hop is an amalgamation of Black American musical traditions that were mutated and accelerated by digital technology.

That's why you have multiple ethnicities in Hip Hop and the only music you find at it's foundations is Black American. You don't find dancehall, ska, or Reggae. You don't find Calypso.

So to say that there are non-Black American influences in Hip Hop culture just because there were non-Black Americans at it's founding is false.

It's like saying Europeans discovered America and made America a democracy when Native Americans were here before Europeans and had democracy.
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Just for added emphasis... I've always stated on here I'm Nigerian...

Been a message board poster for 15 years both here and on the IC... Most of you recognise me ... I've never been a popular poster

If there's anytime on here or over on the IC anyone witnessed me denigrate Black Americans at all then holla at me ...

My screen name is hono(u)ring an American who also is one of the greatest music producers of all time in modern popular music and not just in America...
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