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Democrats Block Reparation Cali Bill

I've pointed out several times that Dems for each state and the Dems in the Fed government are not the same, not beholden to each other, and don't depend on each other as much as you might think. You even admit that Kamala has nothing to do with the bill not passing. Your whole reason for wanting to punish her is that she has the same label (i.e. Democrat) that the people that killed the bill have.

The correlation is that you also share a label (i.e. Black Californian) with the people that killed the bill. I hope it's obvious that it would be stupid for a pro-reparations black person from here in MD to blame you on some "You Black Californians just fucked up the whole movement" type shit. If you can understand that, then you should be able to understand why it's stupid to want to punish Kamala for something that she had no part in.

Now, like I said, if Kamala or the DNC did actually put pressure on or buy off those state politicians because they didn't want to deal with the optics of the reparations bill moving forward, then I'm with you 100%.

I'm in Louisiana and if I read that the democratic party killed a bill that black folks put together to help them, specifically for them, are you saying that I shouldn't let that affect my vote because I don't live in that state and I should still vote and champion for the Democratic party because the democratic members on the federal level pass bills that affect the entire country vs them passing bills that affect a particular state? The democratic party are the people that are supposed to help black folks around the country, but since it's not in my state and since these democratic members are 'different' then I shouldn't let that affect how I look at the 'entire' party??

Is that what you're saying?

If police officers in Cali murder innocent black kids are if police officers in the other 49 states, kill innocent black people, I shouldn't be upset or should I say, I shouldn't cast judgement on the police officers in my very own state and look at the entire police force around the country?

I'll even ask this, when Rodney King got beat down by the cops, I wasn't in L.A., so just because the beat down was in L.A., that shouldn't affect how I feel about police around the country??
I'm in Louisiana and if I read that the democratic party killed a bill that black folks put together to help them, specifically for them, are you saying that I shouldn't let that affect my vote because I don't live that state and I should still vote for the Democratic party because the democratic members on the federal level pass bills that affect the entire country?

If police in Cali murder innocent black kids are police officers in the other 49 states, kill innocent black people, I shouldn't be upset or should I say, I shouldn't cast judgement on the police officers in my very own state?

Let's say you believed Kamala was actually a good candidate and she had plans that you agreed with. No, it wouldn't make any sense for you whether you lived in Louisiana or California to refuse to vote for Kamala because of something some CA state legislators did. You're not hurting them by not voting for Kamala. You're only hurting her and yourself if you actually think Kamala will deliver what you want. I think part of the reason this is so hard for you to understand is that you just see the Dems as all being the same so a strike against one is a strike against all. The reality here is that you don't like Kamala anyway, so you don't really need a reason to not support her.

If Cali police murder an innocent black kid, you have every right to be upset. However, let's say your local police are actually good. They engage with the community and have a clean history when it comes to abuse. This actually isn't uncommon in small towns. Do you think it would make sense to go attack your local police over something that happened in Cali just because they are all police and even though your local police department has nothing to do with police in Cali?
It got knocked down for the same reason the bill allowing undocumented immigrants to be eligible for home loans, which was full steam ahead, only to be knocked down by Newsom.

Also I think in general ppl get too hung up on racial terms for some matters. You do realize there’s a such thing as laws that directly impact your race without the language specifically saying it. You need to think it terms of that instead as it’s probably an easier way.
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Let's say you believed Kamala was actually a good candidate and she had plans that you agreed with. No, it wouldn't make any sense for you whether you lived in Louisiana or California to refuse to vote for Kamala because of something some CA state legislators did. You're not hurting them by not voting for Kamala. You're only hurting her and yourself if you actually think Kamala will deliver what you want. I think part of the reason this is so hard for you to understand is that you just see the Dems as all being the same so a strike against one is a strike against all. The reality here is that you don't like Kamala anyway, so you don't really need a reason to not support her.

If Cali police murder an innocent black kid, you have every right to be upset. However, let's say your local police are actually good. They engage with the community and have a clean history when it comes to abuse. This actually isn't uncommon in small towns. Do you think it would make sense to go attack your local police over something that happened in Cali just because they are all police and even though your local police department has nothing to do with police in Cali?

You do know federal, and state reps work together on many issues.

Here's the thing with that example with Kamala, many black folks don't agree that she is a good candidate, you have many folks who can't explain what she's gonna do to help black folks, but that's getting away from the topic and I wanna say on the topic this topic about how the democratic party killed a bill that black folks put together to help them better their situation.

If Kamala, the democratic nominee, If I want to see black folks get ahead around this country, and if I pick up the newspaper or see online that the party she represents shoots down a Bill, that will help black folks be in a better position than where they are currently at, and the people who are championing for her are the ones who shot the bill down and could have passed, No, I will back off supporting her and slowly start to look at her more harder and that's what black folks are doing.
Call it silly, dumb, stupid, shame it all you want, doesn't matter, it's not a good look.

If Cali police or police in the other 49 states of America harm innocent black people like they are doing now, I will look at my police department, they could be giving out free turkeys every month, doesn't mean anything to me and most folks.
Free school supplies, a basketball game, and free turkeys won't keep me from holding looking at them much harder,

That's how Riots, protest start, things that happened in other states got folks in the streets demanding justices.

By your logic, every person in the US, should have stay inside when George Floyd got executed on TV, Correct?
It got knocked down for the same reason the bill allowing undocumented immigrants to be eligible for home loans, which was full steam ahead, only to be knocked down by Newsom.

Also I think in general ppl get too hung up on racial terms for some matters. You do realize there’s a such thing as laws that directly impact your race without the language specifically saying it. You need to think it terms of that instead as it’s probably an easier way.

Are you going to state the reason why the Reparation Bill didn't get a second motion by the entire democratic party when a Republican motion for the bill to be presented?
I've pointed out several times that Dems for each state and the Dems in the Fed government are not the same, not beholden to each other, and don't depend on each other as much as you might think. You even admit that Kamala has nothing to do with the bill not passing. Your whole reason for wanting to punish her is that she has the same label (i.e. Democrat) that the people that killed the bill have.

The correlation is that you also share a label (i.e. Black Californian) with the people that killed the bill. I hope it's obvious that it would be stupid for a pro-reparations black person from here in MD to blame you on some "You Black Californians just fucked up the whole movement" type shit. If you can understand that, then you should be able to understand why it's stupid to want to punish Kamala for something that she had no part in.

Now, like I said, if Kamala or the DNC did actually put pressure on or buy off those state politicians because they didn't want to deal with the optics of the reparations bill moving forward, then I'm with you 100%.

This is basically it right here. Holding Kamala more accountable than the people who actually killed the bill makes no sense. Withhold and vote against the people who didn't support the bill. That's like a Democrat in Ohio withholding a vote because of something that happened in Pennsylvania. Those 2 things don't really correlate to each other
This is basically it right here. Holding Kamala more accountable than the people who actually killed the bill makes no sense. Withhold and vote against the people who didn't support the bill. That's like a Democrat in Ohio withholding a vote because of something that happened in Pennsylvania. Those 2 things don't really correlate to each other
Democratic party as a whole is anti-black but but but that doesn't stop you from tapdancing huh

ABW wins gold in 2028 mental gymnastics 🦝🥇

Democratic party as a whole is anti-black but but that doesn't stop you from tapdancing huh

ABW will win gold in the 2028 mental gymnastics


It is crazy how the spinning and explaining that's happening in this thread.

I can't believe it, not that I'm trying to change the mindset. I am just pointing out what the democratic party 'just' did which would have helped black folks in great way.
Democratic party as a whole is anti-black but but but that doesn't stop you from tapdancing huh

ABW will win gold in the 2028 mental gymnastics


This the bill you were bragging about that made Cali so much better right? The one you tried taking personal credit for and you got told then this shit wasn't going to pass and you just got caught up in the word reparations being used. Point that finger at yourself.
It is crazy how the spinning and explaining that's happening in this thread.

I can't believe it, not that I'm trying to change the mindset. I am just pointing out what the democratic party 'just' did which would have helped black folks in great way.

You're trying to whole the whole accountable for the actions of a few. That's what's being pointed out why that logic doesn't hold up given how the government is set up to write and pass different laws and bills in different states. That's not spinning anything. That's Civics 101. It's basic knowledge
This the bill you were bragging about that made Cali so much better right? The one you tried taking personal credit for and you got told then this shit wasn't going to pass and you just got caught up in the word reparations being used. Point that finger at yourself.
Keep picking that cotton Blackrain

Keep attacking me to protect them you tether coward

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You're trying to whole the whole accountable for the actions of a few. That's what's being pointed out why that logic doesn't hold up given how the government is set up to write and pass different laws and bills in different states. That's not spinning anything. That's Civics 101. It's basic knowledge

Like I stated in my post, you do know the fed and state reps work together.

You can feel how you wanna feel and bring up job titles and that's find and all good, but understand this, those black folks in Cali and many across this country are upset with the 'whole' democratic party, they couldn't care less about a Civics 101 lesson.

Those folks just seen a bill that they worked hard on, which would have helped many of black folks in that state, get that bill shot down by the democratic party.
Like I stated in my post, you do know the fed and state reps work together.

You can feel how you wanna feel and bring up job titles and that's find and all good, but understand this, those black folks in Cali and many across this country are upset with the 'whole' democratic party, they couldn't care less about a Civics 101 lesson.

Those folks just seen a bill that they worked hard on, which would have helped many of black folks in that state, get that bill shot down by the democratic party.
And the bolded is the problem
You do know federal, and state reps work together on many issues.

Here's the thing with that example with Kamala, many black folks don't agree that she is a good candidate, you have many folks who can't explain what she's gonna do to help black folks, but that's getting away from the topic and I wanna say on the topic this topic about how the democratic party killed a bill that black folks put together to help them better their situation.

If Kamala, the democratic nominee, If I want to see black folks get ahead around this country, and if I pick up the newspaper or see online that the party she represents shoots down a Bill, that will help black folks be in a better position than where they are currently at, and the people who are championing for her are the ones who shot the bill down and could have passed, No, I will back off supporting her and slowly start to look at her more harder and that's what black folks are doing.
Call it silly, dumb, stupid, shame it all you want, doesn't matter, it's not a good look.

If Cali police or police in the other 49 states of America harm innocent black people like they are doing now, I will look at my police department, they could be giving out free turkeys every month, doesn't mean anything to me and most folks.
Free school supplies, a basketball game, and free turkeys won't keep me from holding looking at them much harder,

That's how Riots, protest start, things that happened in other states got folks in the streets demanding justices.

By your logic, every person in the US, should have stay inside when George Floyd got executed on TV, Correct?

lol How did you get to the bold from my logic?

Look man, you don't even try to understand what other people are saying. You literally make up your own twisted version of their views and run with that.

Nobody is saying that you'd be wrong to look at Kamala more closely because of these events. What I'm saying is that using these events as your reasoning for not supporting Kamala doesn't make sense. If you were a Kamala supporter, and after these events, you started to look at her more closely and found out that she was very similar in her ways, actions, and beliefs as the people that killed this bill and that was the reason you didn't want to support her, cool. There's not problem there. Again, the problem is you saying that Kamala is a Dem so she shouldn't be supported because the people that killed the bill are also Dems. I basically explained why that's problematic thinking, and you just ignored that explanation and made up your own logic that you claim is mine.

Everybody in the U.S. should have had a negative response to George Floyd's murder. Everybody should have wanted justice and to see those officers pay for their actions. People were right to protest even if they were living in places that have nothing to do with the MN police. My logic has nothing to do with that. What I was saying is that while you're protesting the MN police and others that have abused black people, you shouldn't be attcking your own police department if they've been nothing but a friend to your community. That seems like it should be obvious, so I'm not sure what your objection is here.
lol How did you get to the bold from my logic?

Look man, you don't even try to understand what other people are saying. You literally make up your own twisted version of their views and run with that.

Nobody is saying that you'd be wrong to look at Kamala more closely because of these events. What I'm saying is that using these events as your reasoning for not supporting Kamala doesn't make sense. If you were a Kamala supporter, and after these events, you started to look at her more closely and found out that she was very similar in her ways, actions, and beliefs as the people that killed this bill and that was the reason you didn't want to support her, cool. There's not problem there. Again, the problem is you saying that Kamala is a Dem so she shouldn't be supported because the people that killed the bill are also Dems. I basically explained why that's problematic thinking, and you just ignored that explanation and made up your own logic that you claim is mine.

Everybody in the U.S. should have had a negative response to George Floyd's murder. Everybody should have wanted justice and to see those officers pay for their actions. People were right to protest even if they were living in places that have nothing to do with the MN police. My logic has nothing to do with that. What I was saying is that while you're protesting the MN police and others that have abused black people, you shouldn't be attcking your own police department if they've been nothing but a friend to your community. That seems like it should be obvious, so I'm not sure what your objection is here.

How do you not get the bold from your logic? If I'm looking at Kamala more closely and she's a democratic, these events triggered my suspicious of her if I'm a democratic supporter and I want to see black folks get from outta the bottom.

This bill would have been a huge W and the people she's associated with, shot it down. Now these same people wanna play in my face or the faces of the black folks in Cali and ask for their vote to put their leader in office??


Why we don't see any Asians, Hispanics, other group of people in uproar about this?? Shouldn't they be upset and protesting too, like how they want black folks to do for them when they get shit denied? I find that funny that other groups are not marching and hollering for this Bill to be passed, or making noise about this situation.
@Disanthrope do you know if any of the Cali black caucus members are up for reelection this November?
I know state senator Bradford was a lame duck and terms out in December. So essentially he just crashed out on a suicide mission before he exited

You're going to tell me to vote them out (to replace them with much of the same.) It doesn't matter who they're replaced with, the name of the game is..... black people get nothing. Their careers were threatened by Newsome. Their replacements careers will be threatened as well

This is the type of shit we're up against, no matter who we prop up
Well shoot, I guess just go full blown MAGA then

I don't know what that means, I just asked if you could provide a reason why the democratic party shot down the bills.

You made a post to indicate/insinuate like you knew the very reason for why the reparation bill was shot down, why there wasn't a second motion by the democratic members on the floor when a Republican was first to bring the bill on the floor to get it passed.

If you can just give the reason, that would be good.