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Venezuelan Gang Takes Over Multiple Neighborhoods In Colorado

The fuck you mean lol. Mexico didn't build up that area, and we're not welcome in Mexico. They have a whole ass country down there and didn't go through half the shit we overcame. don't get why they don't fix the corruption down there and make Mexico into a 1st world nation. Perfect climate, big port cities, and right next tot he US.

And don't get me wrong, I love Latinos but it's crazy has casual we are about being displaced by illegals in our own neighborhoods. Cities we fought to build up and build infrastructure in and just like that we are being pushed out.

Well it’s either gonna be whites and yall say Latinos are the new threat. Why we keep letting it happen?
can anyone explain how a supposed gang can “takeover” private property without law enforcement arresting anyone for trespassing or other crimes, and how are they not deported if they immigrated illegally. Somebody lying.
I mean, if you really wanna know, can just read a couple previous pages that shows whos lying...
can anyone explain how a supposed gang can “takeover” private property without law enforcement arresting anyone for trespassing or other crimes, and how are they not deported if they immigrated illegally. Somebody lying.
You're thinking about it like it's the movies. If there's illegal activity on the property u can call the cops but unless the cops witness it themselves or receive evidence there's not much they can do besides make a report. If ppl that live there say the loiters are with them then cops can't make them leave. They can't just come in and start searching shit either.

As far as illegals if it's a sanctuary city they leave u be unless you're actually convicted of something in court.
Yeah something is fishy about this....now the biker hell's angels are going there to get them out of there
I’d like to hear more about this if so. lol.

You're thinking about it like it's the movies. If there's illegal activity on the property u can call the cops but unless the cops witness it themselves or receive evidence there's not much they can do besides make a report. If ppl that live there say the loiters are with them then cops can't make them leave. They can't just come in and start searching shit either.

As far as illegals if it's a sanctuary city they leave u be unless you're actually convicted of something in court.
Cops can do something if there’s witnesses. Like did anyone see them breaking into cars for example.

If they just loitering then that’s one thing, but is that a crime? What’s the issue, are they blocking an entrance? That’s something Property management need to deal with, they responsible for controlling and maintaining the property. If its a resident there covering for them then property management can still do something, unless they incompetent. They supposed to know the property laws and codes to deal with it all that. Yea they would have to go through justice of peace and courts to get cops involved but there’s a way. Even residents have rights to deal with it themselves they just not using the tools they have.
I’d like to hear more about this if so. lol.

Cops can do something if there’s witnesses. Like did anyone see them breaking into cars for example.

If they just loitering then that’s one thing, but is that a crime? What’s the issue, are they blocking an entrance? That’s something Property management need to deal with, they responsible for controlling and maintaining the property. If its a resident there covering for them then property management can still do something, unless they incompetent. They supposed to know the property laws and codes to deal with it all that. Yea they would have to go through justice of peace and courts to get cops involved but there’s a way. Even residents have rights to deal with it themselves they just not using the tools they have.
Lol assume for arguments sake that a gang really runs the complex....who's telling the police anything? Does that really make sense to u?

What can property management do if the police can't help beyond filing reports?

Maybe start a formal eviction process but that costs time and money and prob only deals with one tenant occupancy. If there's more than one tenant it's a nightmare that will have u in a big hole with little to no progress on the long run.
can anyone explain how a supposed gang can “takeover” private property without law enforcement arresting anyone for trespassing or other crimes, and how are they not deported if they immigrated illegally. Somebody lying.
Through intimidation and extortion like always. You think people are going to put their lives at risk by calling the cops?
can anyone explain how a supposed gang can “takeover” private property without law enforcement arresting anyone for trespassing or other crimes, and how are they not deported if they immigrated illegally. Somebody lying.

This thread was already debunked on page one lol.

But anyone with common sense would’ve stopped and thought “Why are the police kicking out residents from an apartment complex ‘because a gang took over’ instead of kicking out said ‘gang members’?”

Simple logic should’ve done this but niggas don’t read past headlines.
Thnx for this.

Because even the local news Tori Mason at "Covering Colorado First" (which is supposed to be a balanced and most trustworthy source) blamed it on the illegal aliens. They even had a witness to sit down with them and state those illegals were taking over the complex and how scared she was and they were left there to die. That's f*d up cause I was wanting to see and post what the local news had to say.

So now we going back and forth and don't know which is which.
I look at it like this....
run down facilities attract derelict conditions...derelict conditions attract dubious folks...that apartment complex at best is probably a front for some illegal activity considering how run down it is, similar to a trap house in the hood, but i don't think it's primarily occupied

Niggas acting like the Vice lords are running the shit like a stronghold on a video game like Watch Dogs or the Ballas had territory out in the open on GTA San Andreas
Shoutout to the posters who provided that insightful background report on the owner of the apartment complex. It ultimately helped shine light on another major issue....


I live in Denver...the renters market is hell because the housing market is scorched earth...so you have people legitimately moving into run down spots, hoping to make a home out of a hellhole. It was particularly bad before folks moved in, driving up demand (and Denver has a notoriously low, but gradually improving, supply). Especially since the influx of migrants late last year/this year. In the hood, most people just drive by a trap house and think nothing of it, setting up a good base of operations. But, when you have a tough market like here, you're forced to make due with what you get...I think the poor conditions were just ripe for some illegal front to arise.

Not saying that criminals don't rent out high-rises in trendy areas to do stuff, but generally speaking, they probably have a higher likelihood of being caught
since that kind of activity is more taboo in such locations.
I saw some videos on what the inside of those apartments look like, they should be condemned. The Management property is taking advantage of poor Americans and migrants they taking the rent but not fixing shit.

They are going to court this week, i need to check if its Colorado or another state because they are known as slum lords.
Some of yall really dont read. Just read the thread title then comment & ignore the posts inside, amazing. It was literally proven false (with links) in the earlier comments.

How you dont wanna read on a forum, holy fuck. Its only 6 pages, get it together

Bruh back in a school a nigga told me he failed an English standardized test cuz he didn’t feel like reading. I’m like nigga that’s the easiest part I was struggling with math.

Realizing niggas got older
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Venezuelan gang activity confirmed by Aurora officials after release of Colorado woman's surveillance video​

Officials in Aurora have begun to acknowledge the presence of Venezuelan gang activity in their Colorado city after the release of a terrifying surveillance video.

For Cindy Romero, living at 12th Avenue and Dallas Street has become a daily struggle against escalating violence and neglect. Life deteriorated into a nightmarish ordeal, marked by frequent encounters with crime and what she calls a lack of support from the city and police.

She first noticed a gradual increase in crime in her part of the Denver metro area about a year-and-a-half ago. It got worse over the last three months.

"We were constantly forced to take measures to protect ourselves," Romero said. "I installed more locks, bought additional cameras, and parked further away from the building. Despite all these efforts, the situation kept escalating. We felt like we were being tortured."

She reported seeing people move automatic weapons and engage in shootouts.

"I've seen handguns, rifles with scopes, and other firearms. It got so bad that bullets even went through my friend's apartment and hit my car," Romero said.

Cindy Romero shows CBS Colorado's Tori Mason the bullet hole in her car.CBS
Despite frequent calls to 911, the police response was nearly nonexistent.

"The police would call me and say they weren't coming unless it was a severe crime," Romero said. "When I called the police to report a shooting, one officer asked if I had considered moving. If I could have afforded to leave, I would have."

Romero installed multiple cameras that captured violent activity over weeks. Doorbell video shows a group of armed men forcing their way into her neighbor's home. Another night, her camera outside captured two men approaching a vehicle with guns drawn.

Romero criticized city officials for their failure to address the problem.

"You are elected to protect your constituents. You fundraise off your promises, yet you left us to die," she said.

After a shootout on Aug. 18 Romero was driven to desperation. And this week, her pleas for help were finally answered. By Aurora City Councilwoman Danielle Jurinsky.

"Jurinsky was the only one who really took an interest in our safety and worked to find solutions. It meant a lot to have someone genuinely concerned," Romero said.

Jurinsky helped her move out and find other housing.

"I went in myself to help people move out. There was a large police presence, and at one point, a gentleman charged up the stairs after me," Jurinsky said. "It was an eerie feeling. Even as I was helping people move out, others were moving in right in front of me."

Jurinsky first became aware of the escalating gang activity shortly after a large gathering in Aurora related to the Venezuelan election.

"People were saying that individuals were patrolling their properties with guns and walking through their buildings. They called the police repeatedly, but the response was lacking," Jurinsky said.

CBS Colorado's Tori Mason interviews City Councilwoman Danielle Jurinsky.CBS
According to her, police leadership had instructed officers that a minimum of three to four officers were needed to respond to such situations. If those numbers weren't available, officers were told not to respond.

The council member expressed frustration about being one of the few voices raising awareness about the issue.

She says politics is being played with people's lives.

"There's human suffering on the other side of some of these doors and these apartment complexes, but there's a big election coming up, and nobody wants to talk about this. Because if they start talking about this, someone has to admit there's a problem somewhere," she said.

On Wednesday, Aurora police said they're aware that components of TdA are operating in Aurora.

In a statement, APD says in part:

"It would be improper at this time for the city and APD to make any conclusory statements about specific incidents or provide details about law enforcement strategy and operations. Based on our initial investigative work, we believe reports of TdA influence in Aurora are isolated."

In response to the release of Romero's video footage, Jurinsky hopes it will bring action.

"The footage is too real to deny," she said. "There has to be something done now."

Romero says she survived the ordeal by staying quiet, giving them food and bedbug spray.

Every night, she said she was praying she'd hear sirens.

In her new home, far away, the peace she feels is fleeting. Because for many others, she says there is no escape, no solution and no sign that help will ever come.

"My family lives in Aurora. My daughters live there. I talked them into moving to Aurora. If someone doesn't do something now, their apartments are next," she said.

The city and Aurora police established a special task force to address concerns about Venezuelan gang activity.

APD urges all community members, including members of our migrant communities, to please report crimes committed against them to their local law enforcement agencies and not remain silent victims. Crime victims can report crimes anonymously by calling Metro Denver Crime Stoppers at 720.913.STOP (7867). As always, information could change as the investigations continue at the local, state and federal levels.