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Is Kamala Harris The Best Candidate For Black People?

What job can a candidate hold that would disqualify you from voting for them?


The job they have doesn't disqualify them for me. How they do the job does. No part of being a good prosecutor should result in the DA fighting to keep an innocent man locked up. That's crazy.
I feel you, I just understand that it's really a fruitless journey.

It's like Marlo in the store, you want it to be one way... But it's the other.

Black people want to be heard, listened to, and have a influence ultimately leading to a better American experience. But we not... We just get lied to for a vote, and it's always business as usual 🤷🏿‍♂️

That's what it seems at times for sure, but if you just resign yourself to the idea that things can't get any better, you basically are guaranteeing they won't.
There are 20 things more pressing for Chicago residents than the border.

They're residents are literally about to be swindled into Billions of dollars in taxes for a fucking football stadium. Something that will directly impact their pockets more than Republican immigration talking points.
Lol fam

Try telling this to the people that's seeing what's going on in their neighborhoods right now.

Mind u, most of them don't think they shouldn't get help, they just wonder why they get it at the expense of those that already live there, when they've been denied for decades.

To blow that off as a whatever is exactly why people in those communities are pissed.
I mean, since you brought it up, a single father that has custody of his infant child/toddler children gets no benefits like WIC.

But that's by the Democratic party's design. A married woman cannot get WIC either because of the man in her life. They could have fallen on hard times, best you might get is food stamps but no WIC or Section 8 'cause he's there. The purpose of these programs was to break up the Black family and it was the Dems that put them out there like that.
This is a myth. I've helped many families with married parents and single fathers sign up for WIC because their infant needed specialized formula. Now maybe back in the day this was true....
Just wanna say it took about 18 years for Japanese reparations. The effort started in 1970 and was successful because congressmen Norman Mineta, Daniel Inouye, and Spark Matsuaga continually lobbied for it for years. The actual bill was signed in 1988.

If blacks are really serious about getting our own reparations then we need to follow that blueprint and start electing congressmen and senators who are ready to introduce and lobby for a bill until it's signed...
They’re going to skip right over this one as usual. The Freedom Caucus laid the groundwork out in the open.
They’re going to skip right over this one as usual. The Freedom Caucus laid the groundwork out in the open.
Getting people in Congress who believe in reparations is really the most important part. Having a President who supports reparations is great, but it will just be a bunch of lip service if we have no one in Congress willing to write and lobby the actual bill.
I mean she was a prosecutor who locked up black men, she needs to try and distance herself from copmala.

I dunno why people overlook that shes half Indian
Not just any prosecutor either. They call her the super cop for a reason. She doesn't need to distance herself because these niggas don't care about none of that. They just care that she has some proximity to blackness. The same niggas bumping not like us are the same niggas pressed to vote for this brown broad. They not real.
They'll never give you a president who is actually is best for black people. If that was the case, they would've at least gave niggas Stacy Abrams as VP or something but choose the "black" person who literally couldn't get black people to vote for her when she tried to run. Let's not be imaginary players out here
This is a myth. I've helped many families with married parents and single fathers sign up for WIC because their infant needed specialized formula. Now maybe back in the day this was true....

It's not a myth: The programs were expressly designed to push Black men out of the home while keeping Black women beholden to the Democratic party because they hooked them up with food, a place to live, and whatever other services they got.

I told y'all before, the summer of '97 I was crashing on my best friend's couch (the woman I would end up marrying 4 years later) but the rule was I had to keep my stuff in the basement and it had to look like it was just being stored there 'cause she was on section 8 and getting WIC for her 3 year old 'cause if they did an inspection and determined I lived there she would get kicked off. Sure as shit, about 3 weeks after I moved in, she had an inspection and when they questioned her about my stuff in the basement, she told the worker that it was just being stored there and they let it go.

To your point: Yeah, that's how it was at least up through the early 00's. I don't know how it is today with those programs, but in the past it was walike that.
Getting people in Congress who believe in reparations is really the most important part. Having a President who supports reparations is great, but it will just be a bunch of lip service if we have no one in Congress willing to write and lobby the actual bill.
Ahhh so spending each big and small election establishing an infrastructure to push our own communities’ policies or kickbacks without having to go through dem crakaz. Got it Got it.
To actually answer the thread...I don't think that Kamala Harris is the best pick to spearhead black causes. I don't believe there will ever be a president in my lifetime who will put black people first, there is just too much "white washing" a presidential candidate has to go through to even get to that level.

My hope is that like @Richdollaz said we at some point build a political infrastructure where there will be no choice but to listen to us.
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I don't remember Trump doing this, Mr Deflector



wouldn't you think the party that pulls a stunt like that would have something for black people?
Literally played in niggas faces

Sheeesh :yikes1: