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Is Kamala Harris The Best Candidate For Black People?

Last I checked, Chicago was not in a border state.

Every time I turn on the news there's always something about Chicago and the illegals.

There are 20 things more pressing for Chicago residents than the border.

They're residents are literally about to be swindled into Billions of dollars in taxes for a fucking football stadium. Something that will directly impact their pockets more than Republican immigration talking points.
There are 20 things more pressing for Chicago residents than the border.

They're residents are literally about to be swindled into Billions of dollars in taxes for a fucking football stadium. Something that will directly impact their pockets more than Republican immigration talking points.

Basically kicking curses to everybody else plate and will only cry once that curse lands on your plate. Prolly didn't subsidize or finance anything when it came to these illegals, but instead turned a blind eye to this issue.

You finna die the stench of this race. And you're very uneducated. You are the type of posters I was referencing in this previous thread.

Don't worry about what I......... "THINK".....

Actually the fact is they agenda, plan, order of business, ultimate goal, checkpoint, or whatever you want to call it is well known and well-documented. They agenda is to get they hands on underage children (sexually) and do away with our age of consent laws. Namely boys. And yes, Nambla is in fact an LGBT affiliate and was actually created by gays. They just changed they name from BBC (Boston Boise Committee) to Nambla. The purpose of the name change was very successful, that's why all ya'll have a lack of knowledge and hurl insults at people that inform you of the facts like you just did.

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The reason why you black democrats make topics like these so difficult is just that. You a democrat. Ridin' round here actin' like you ready to die a democrat. And then got the nerve to sniff another grown man's azz and call names when he stating facts. You people will always be the stench of this race. This whole thread reeks of you people, put facts/documents/proof right in front of you and you people swat it away due to the fact your party is with the shenanigans.

*Naw, I ain't no Republican either*, so don't even think about it.
There's a lot of Black men that are self identifying themselves as the predetermined opp or enemy and saying that they are being put in that position by "Them", "They", "People", "Democrats", "Black Women", etc but they are doing it to themselves.

Nobody is boxing niggas into a corner. Some niggas have convinced themselves that they are the target and people are out to get them.

Can't even tell a nigga to go vote without them responding with a Black Men vs The World mentality.

Chill nigga damn.
A certain group is .making that contingent seem as if it is representative the vast majority...

Some of that comes from people stroking black women in effort to dissappear black men from them it disgusting and thereis a contingent of those women who are just as toxic as those idiots
Last I checked, Chicago was not in a border state.

Every time I turn on the news there's always something about Chicago and the illegals.

Mane that junt trip me out how these lame raggly 3cent fear-mongering black democrats be sniffin' another mans azz for not following politics to a T like they do.

I bet this would be a MAJOR issue if his black azz lived in the Chi and had them illegals dumped on his plate.
There's a lot of Black men that are self identifying themselves as the predetermined opp or enemy and saying that they are being put in that position by "Them", "They", "People", "Democrats", "Black Women", etc but they are doing it to themselves.

Nobody is boxing niggas into a corner. Some niggas have convinced themselves that they are the target and people are out to get them.

Can't even tell a nigga to go vote without them responding with a Black Men vs The World mentality.

Chill nigga damn.

I can see where you’re coming from but in todays climate any hint on seeming contrary to the group the word “coon” and/or “self-hater” is automatically used as a weapon….

I can understand why some are quick to be in the defense at least at first..:and that’s on both sides
Boy if she closes the loop holes with the tax code so that the rich pay their share of taxes and that funds reparations

Trill gonna have a stroke

I wanna know how she is going to make the rich pay their share in taxes and close the tax loopholes

same. I want term limits across the board eliminating the "career politician" completely. Balance out the supreme court... and dont allow politicians to make bank offa the stock market/investments when they can clearly and intentionally have insider knowledge or manipulate the market
This thread has answered itself. You have some speaking on how they question if Kamala will actually work in the interest of us if elected, and others yelling at them that it doesn't matter, we should support her regardless. Which isn't what Goldie asked. Pretty much everyone in here will vote for Kamala over Trump, but the question is if Kamala will do right by black people once in office, and based on her history that's likely a big nope. When she got elected out here she was claiming Indian-American
Yes, but my point was that black people have enough impact that it should lead to change. We just never demand it. The Dems don't have to do anything of substance for black people because they've been so successful playing identity politics. That's why Kamala is the VP to begin with. Biden didn't have to promise to change anything for black people. He made her the VP and black women showed up and showed out to the point of even bashing black men for not being a gung ho in support of the ticket. Why do you think he always makes a point of saying he's put the first black woman in the Supreme Court?

You're right, we aren't generating any change, but it's not because of our lack of impact. It's because we allow ourselves to be placated with bullshit.
I feel you, I just understand that it's really a fruitless journey.

It's like Marlo in the store, you want it to be one way... But it's the other.

Black people want to be heard, listened to, and have a influence ultimately leading to a better American experience. But we not... We just get lied to for a vote, and it's always business as usual 🤷🏿‍♂️
Boy if she closes the loop holes with the tax code so that the rich pay their share of taxes and that funds reparations

Trill gonna have a stroke

Here's what crazy on niggas asking for reparations. Every single platform that Republicans run on squeezes the pockets of every citizen except for the wealthy 1%. Cutting taxes easily pays for reparations and much more.

Democrats run on platforms that allow people to actually prosper. The Child Tax Credit expansion and Student Loan forgiveness alone has offered millions in relief.

Republicans oppose both. Democrats support both.

But since it wasn't an only Black ADOS Child Tax Credit or only Black ADOS Student Loan Forgiveness, niggas will say that Democrats aren't doing anything for you.

Meanwhile Republicans are defunding your public schools and funneling money to the private schools that the majority cannot afford all while changing the curriculum to white Christian nationalist religious bullshit.
This thread has answered itself. You have some speaking on how they question if Kamala will actually work in the interest of us if elected, and others yelling at them that it doesn't matter, we should support her regardless. Which isn't what Goldie asked. Pretty much everyone in here will vote for Kamala over Trump, but the question is if Kamala will do right by black people once in office, and based on her history that's likely a big nope. When she got elected out here she was claiming Indian-American

How can one single politician do right by Black people?

How do you measure that?
Why are we the only grouped being lumped into one?

All white people aren't Trump supporters. Therefore all white people do not align the same politically.

In order to believe that a single candidate can do right by Black people we have to understand how we're aligned.

There's Black people all over the country and I'm telling you that we are made up of multiple different political views. So why are we being lumped into one monolith while no other race or demographic is?
Here's what crazy on niggas asking for reparations. Every single platform that Republicans run on squeezes the pockets of every citizen except for the wealthy 1%. Cutting taxes easily pays for reparations and much more.

Democrats run on platforms that allow people to actually prosper. The Child Tax Credit expansion and Student Loan forgiveness alone has offered millions in relief.

Republicans oppose both. Democrats support both.

But since it wasn't an only Black ADOS Child Tax Credit or only Black ADOS Student Loan Forgiveness, niggas will say that Democrats aren't doing anything for you.

Meanwhile Republicans are defunding your public schools and funneling money to the private schools that the majority cannot afford all while changing the curriculum to white Christian nationalist religious bullshit.


Because some of you all crying about your electricity bill under Biden.
