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Added to Calendar: 06-16-24

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Word. I got cable for 2 things... hoops and HBO.. HBO has been an essential since s2 of GoT.
Shiiiiit HBO been the truth since forever but a must have since OZ, The Soprano and The Wire

Shiiiiiii I used to watch Sex and the city too religiously
I'm streamlining my team black stance. I'm team rhaenyra. If you not on my bitch side it's up for you. All them niggas on her small council minus rhaenys can get the chop. Daemon?! You on thin ice buddy and I never saw it for his ass anyway. But if he keep harenhaal we can talk.....
I wonder what modern day westeros is like right now?

I imagine the kingdoms as different countries and different companies with their version of iPhones,droids,and microwaves

Different companies have been trying to recreate how to make dragons and some have been successful but they put the dragons in Disney world type zoos for profit.

The white walkers run the music industry naturally
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I wonder what modern day westeros is like right now?

I imagine the kingdoms as different countries and different companies and companies with their version of iPhones,droids,and microwaves

Different companies have been trying to recreate how to make dragons and some have been successful but they put the dragons in Disney world type zoos for profit.

The white walkers run the music industry naturally
I want whatever you're on
They're taking their sweet time to pop this war off, it's been too much talking about going to war.
I'm enjoying the slow cooked meal. We've seen the war pop off this last episode. Just no footage of it. This last episode just let me know when it pops off.....it's going to be worth the wait. We gonna see war on a few different fronts.
I wonder what modern day westeros is like right now?

I imagine the kingdoms as different countries and different companies with their version of iPhones,droids,and microwaves

Different companies have been trying to recreate how to make dragons and some have been successful but they put the dragons in Disney world type zoos for profit.

The white walkers run the music industry naturally
Calling white walkers jews gotta be the wildest take I've seen in a minute
I'm enjoying the slow cooked meal. We've seen the war pop off this last episode. Just no footage of it. This last episode just let me know when it pops off.....it's going to be worth the wait. We gonna see war on a few different fronts.

Niggas still ainā€™t learned the lesson about wanting to microwave the series to rush to the good parts and crying about ā€œfillerā€.

Never again. Slow burn all this shit and build the tension and develop the plot properly.