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New law requiring all Louisiana public schools to display the Ten Commandments in classrooms


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Ya'll seen this? 🤔

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Louisiana has become the first state to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed in every public school classroom, the latest move from a GOP-dominated Legislature pushing a conservative agenda under a new governor.

The legislation that Republican Gov. Jeff Landry signed into law on Wednesday requires a poster-sized display of the Ten Commandments in “large, easily readable font” in all public classrooms, from kindergarten to state-funded universities.

“If you want to respect the rule of law, you’ve got to start from the original lawgiver, which was Moses” who got the commandments from God, Landry said.

Opponents questioned the law’s constitutionality and vowed to challenge it in court. Proponents said the measure is not solely religious, but that it has historical significance. In the language of the law, the Ten Commandments are “foundational documents of our state and national government.”

Just want to preface by saying as many of ya'll may not know this, but I'm a man of faith despite not always having a history of the cleanest posts my entire posting career. Recently as of 2023 however I started to come into a bit of my own ministry and have done sweeping reforms on cleaning up my walk in all areas. I do my best to refrain from posting on any forms of social media in jest or inappropriately in light of this as well. Just want to be share that, as this hasn't been an over night thing, but it's something I've grown to take more carefully now as I made a choice and let go all things in my life that run counter to my walk of trust.

Anyways, I'm curious to see how much the commentary or discussion here differs from that of videos on YT covering this news. I'll just say that I find a lot of the comments on YT arguing against this to be a bit ridiculous at least to my thinking.
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A lot of times, these conservatives look like a parody of themselves. It's like they're just full time trolling irl.
Cacs got this state last or second to last in education but yeah, having the ten commandments posted is gonna change that


Don't tell me voting don't matter
Feel free to hang it up in your home/lawn etc...

This is what causes conflict. The people who get offended by the 10C's being in the public school system will find a way to return the favor.
Feel free to hang it up in your home/lawn etc...

This is what causes conflict. The people who get offended by the 10C's being in the public school system will find a way to return the favor.

This is the response, not the opening shot. At least in their eyes. Those schools that put up all the gay flag stuff and talk about pronouns and what not gets shared on them facebook groups so they feel they gotta do stuff like this.
Considering it's a bible belt state I'm not surprised. More surprised that it's the first state to do it. Figured others already did
Considering it's a bible belt state I'm not surprised. More surprised that it's the first state to do it. Figured others already did
It's coming

They're all calling plays from the same book

States have tried before and were denied by the feds

Louisiana is being sued and it will probably get overturned
Seems like it skirts on the whole separation of church and state, but really can't get upset over it when LGBT crap is allowed in schools. Would rather schools just focus on reading, writing, arithmetic, etc., and live everything else to parents
These crackers with no relgion cosplaying religion by way of white supremacy.. they dont believe in god in any religious/spiritual sense its just a hypocritical vehicle for supremacy
That's my beef. There are more hypocrites in the church than outside of it. These types make me somewhat OK with extremist who leave no room for interpretation.
Preciate ya'll all weighing in so far. Way more reasonable than YT, of course.

But check this out, Now here comes Oklahoma out of nowhere đź‘€: