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I see reading comprehension is not a thing in Florida

Videos are traditionally marketing tools to promote singles

There s obviously need to promote this single
You overthinking this. This video gets to serve as a time capsule to this moment in time. It is promoting something, it's promoting the W that Kendrick (and the West) caught.

It's gonna push the song right back up the charts and into whatever comes next. Thinking he doesn't need a video because it's already a hit is saying he shouldn't maximize this moment, whereas he absolutely should.
You overthinking this. This video gets to serve as a time capsule to this moment in time. It is promoting something, it's promoting the W that Kendrick (and the West) caught.

It's gonna push the song right back up the charts and into whatever comes next. Thinking he doesn't need a video because it's already a hit is saying he shouldn't maximize this moment, whereas he absolutely should.
Not saying he doesn’t need the vid plus I believe in crushing ur opponent totally

I’m saying the war is won the victory parade was had

The single did what it needed to do …. Dropping the vid now is just on some killing a nigga and showing up to his funeral and

Not saying he doesn’t need the vid plus I believe in crushing ur opponent totally

I’m saying the war is won the victory parade was had

The single did what it needed to do …. Dropping the vid now is just on some killing a nigga and showing up to his funeral and

You saying any of that like it's a bad thing. Keeping his foot on Drake's neck is gonna make it that much harder for Aubrey to comeback with something. The move is to make him contend with this, don't let him pop out with a free release.

He wants to drop this summer? "Okay, drop against this." Drop against the full weight of your defeat. His next number 1 is surpassing Mike? Make him earn that shit.
You saying any of that like it's a bad thing. Keeping his foot on Drake's neck is gonna make it that much harder for Aubrey to comeback with something. The move is to make him contend with this, don't let him pop out with a free release.

He wants to drop this summer? "Okay, drop against this." Drop against the full weight of your defeat. His next number 1 is surpassing Mike? Make him earn that shit.
Drake dropped 4 times since Not Like Us
dropped and they all flopped and were ridiculed

I think the damage has been done
Drake dropped 4 times since Not Like Us
dropped and they all flopped and were ridiculed

I think the damage has been done
I thought those were throwaways designed to take the heat before he drops something actually meant to move.

But yeah the damage ain't meant to be temporary, so Kendricks moves are gonna reflect that.