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Poll Game 7 or birth of your child?

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Game 7 of the nba finals, you're one of the main contributors on the team, it's 5 mins before tip you get a message from staff your s/o is going into labor.

It's your first nba finals and your first child. Child or legacy?
I’m going to see the birth of my child.

But this shit got too much wiggle room.

Like are playing at home or on the road? If we’re at home, there’s a 99% chance that I can just go play in the game for 3 hours and then head to the hospital in PLENTY of time for the birth.

Either way I’m going to see my kid come into the world.
If it was game 1 thru 5 then I'll go to the birth, game 6 I'll go the the birth assuming my team is leading the series but game 7 I gotta go win the game and the championship. I might never make it back to the finals the rest of my career
This nigga at our church missed his son s baptism to watch a Bears game lol

But yea I’m in the hospital w my kid
I’m going to see the birth of my child.

But this shit got too much wiggle room.

Like are playing at home or on the road? If we’re at home, there’s a 99% chance that I can just go play in the game for 3 hours and then head to the hospital in PLENTY of time for the birth.

Either way I’m going to see my kid come into the world.
You don't know that you'll have plenty of time. You're assuming you will. Not knowing are you heading to the hospital or playing the game?

Get the mental gymnastics outta here.
5 mins before tip means I’m already on the court and warmed up

I’ll just play in the game

Worst case scenario I’m at the hospital 3 hours later which isn’t all that bad
If it's a home game you will still make it before the kid is born since women be in labor for hours. Play the game and head to the hospital afterwards
This is discounting what the woman is going through and that she more than likely wants u there too
Somebody else can be there until I can make it. All this would be discussed before we even get to that point. You gotta play that game considering you might never make it back to win a title
Woman die giving birth but playing a basketball game is more important for yall.

That shit sick.

The amount of stress and pain a woman goes through giving birth and having her other she loves is a big fucking deal mentally, emotionally, and physically