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OPINION What’s your Most Controversial Opinion?

Ranting about random shit

1. Megan Thee Stallion makes my dick so fucking HARD….I swear I have bust to many nuts to her

2. I’m tired of DLC in video games. It’s so normal and this bullshit cost to much. How many fucking times I gotta pay for Akuma. But lmfao I ain’t even got the newest console, still on the Xbox one.

3. GTA6 comes out next year, gotta buy some stock in Take2 or some shit. This game will out sell Elden Ring and everything else. My cousin was 10/11 when GTA5 came out, now she will be 22 when gta 6 comes out, fucking insane

4. Only fans has helped and hurt porn. Fuck the industry, I just mean porn in general. All these ladies could be pornstars. They are all virtual pornstars.

5. I have thought this for a long time. Do you think these female celebrities and these video vixens have sex with male pornstars? These rappers stay fucking female pornstars and strippers. You think some of these R&B singers getting pounded.

6. I do believe we have aliens, monsters, demons, and all unnatural shit we can’t see or hear. A dog whistle is wild because humans really can’t hear that pitch. It’s some colors birds can see and we humans cannot. Imagine how many other things our natural senses can’t interact with but other species can

7. Babies can they see ghost/ spirits? I think and know they can but how and why. Is it because they are so young and innocent. When do we as babies to kids lose that sight. Children wave to grandparents, aunts, brothers, sisters, that all have past away. Some never even encountered and smile and say he/ she are right there.

8. Why is everything so GAY TODAY? All the media has to go to gay or transsexual stuff. I mean there can be some shows and movies, BUT NOT EVERYONE. It’s like you can’t enjoy anything without something being gay. Then they want to slap on one more thing, Black people. I fucking tired of us black people being the face of everything and not getting help with shit. Strong black women that don’t need no man, lesbian. Strong black man, he gay. Leading black guy with white girl, they will not make them a couple, and the guy has to be weak. These new media agendas are so annoying. I wouldn’t care if it’s in some stuff, but it’s in everything.

9. Food is so fucking expensive. Joe Biden giving all that money to Ukraine really fucked us up. The last two years food went up like crazy. Snapple was $1.50 now it’s $2.50. M&Ms was like$ 1.75 now it’s like $3.

10. On food, why the fuck do none of the fruits have seeds in them. Yo when I was a child in the 90s and a teen in the 00s it was hard to find seedless stuff. I swear sometime around the 2010s seedless stuff sky rocketed. It’s like everything is unhealthy. You have to leave USA to find healthy food.

I’m tired of ranting
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I'm pretty much with you except when it comes to intersectionality. Maybe it is not the greatest measure of a Black man's struggle, but the idea is very necessary to measure Black women's struggle, particularly in the U.S. Black women eat all the same shit as non-Black women for being women, then they eat all the same shit Black men must endure; all on the same plate. The worst part is that Black people even reflect White hate for Black people. This means Black women get shit on by all non-Black people, shit on by Black men, and shit on by Black women. Intersectonality does a decent job of forcing people to consider how some hate or struggle is diversified.

But this is what I'm talking about. It's a bunch of pseudo-intellectual nonsense meant to obfuscate and confuse, ultimately leading to black struggle being appropriated and used to further unrelated causes. The black struggle was never just about the black man. Black women have been front and center from the very beginning, there is nothing necessary about intersectionality. It's only been recently that we've allowed them to tell us we are separate - only now do we feel we need to add tiers to struggle. Crenshaw is nothing more than a tool of the white establishment to further divide the black community in to more easily controlled sects.

The black struggle in America is unique, we do not share common historical grievances with anyone - not hispanics, not asians, no one. We as black men share this with black women and they share it with us. The delta is negligible to non-existent. Those who say otherwise and demand we play a game of "Who is the bigger victim?" with our own kin are the enemy.

They've sent you down a rabbit hole, telling you to get into the weeds and find all the small differences and nuances. And you do. And the end result is an ever more fractured black community because everyone is now 100 times as indignant as they are now being told their black struggle isn't as struggle as this other black person's struggle. While you are steady destroying yourself and your community in the pursuit of the social theory version of Shangri-La, they've used the support they've extracted from you to gain more power and more influence.
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I could see if your point was making folks work earlier so they can retire earlier but I really feel like it just more years of work
They would retire earlier

Even if you wanna argue that ppl would still be made to work until the same age you now have more time to prepare to retire

You can save enough money to retire at 50 you start at 15

That’s 30 years minimum of working
But this is what I'm talking about. It's a bunch of pseudo-intellectual nonsense meant to obfuscate and confuse, ultimately leading to black struggle being appropriated and used to further unrelated causes. The black struggle was never just about the black man. Black women have been front and center from the very beginning, there is nothing necessary about intersectionality. It's only been recently that we've allowed them to tell us we are separate - only now do we feel we need to add tiers to struggle. Crenshaw is nothing more than a tool of the white establishment to further divide the black community in to more easily controlled sects.

The black struggle in America is unique, we do not share common historical grievances with anyone - not hispanics, not asians, no one. We as black men share this with black women and they share it with us. The delta is negligible to non-existent. Those who say otherwise and demand we play a game of "Who is the bigger victim?" with our own kin are the enemy.

They've sent you down a rabbit hole, telling you to get into the weeds and find all the small differences and nuances. And you do. And the end result is an ever more fractured black community because everyone is now 100 times as indignant as they are now being told their black struggle isn't as struggle as this other black person's struggle. While you are steady destroying yourself and your community in the pursuit of the social theory version of Shangri-La, they've used the support they've extracted from you to gain more power and more influence.

You spitting today.
But this is what I'm talking about. It's a bunch of pseudo-intellectual nonsense meant to obfuscate and confuse, ultimately leading to black struggle being appropriated and used to further unrelated causes. The black struggle was never just about the black man. Black women have been front and center from the very beginning, there is nothing necessary about intersectionality. It's only been recently that we've allowed them to tell us we are separate - only now do we feel we need to add tiers to struggle. Crenshaw is nothing more than a tool of the white establishment to further divide the black community in to more easily controlled sects.

The black struggle in America is unique, we do not share common historical grievances with anyone - not hispanics, not asians, no one. We as black men share this with black women and they share it with us. The delta is negligible to non-existent. Those who say otherwise and demand we play a game of "Who is the bigger victim?" with our own kin are the enemy.

They've sent you down a rabbit hole, telling you to get into the weeds and find all the small differences and nuances. And you do. And the end result is an ever more fractured black community because everyone is now 100 times as indignant as they are now being told their black struggle isn't as struggle as this other black person's struggle. While you are steady destroying yourself and your community in the pursuit of the social theory version of Shangri-La, they've used the support they've extracted from you to gain more power and more influence.

Intersectionality isn't about whose the bigger victim. It's acknowledging that people have different experiences and exposes even more things that affect Black people that need to be addressed.
Intersectionality isn't about whose the bigger victim. It's acknowledging that people have different experiences and exposes even more things that affect Black people that need to be addressed.

Intent matters naught when the result is what it is. That is exactly what it is in practice. It's a PsyOp wrapped up in a thought experiment.

"Straight Black Men Are the White People of Black People" did exactly what is was actually meant to do. It created a schism where there needn't be one.
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Intent matters naught when the result is what it is. That is exactly what it is in practice. It's a PsyOp wrapped up in a thought experiment.

"Straight Black Men Are the White People of Black People" did exactly what is was actually meant to do. It created a schism where there needn't be one.

That's a huge generalization to make because not everyone views it that way. So to discount it because some have a skewed view of it is short sighted in the long run. If misinterpreted ideas is enough to reason to discount something then there's no reason to ever take anything seriously
That's a huge generalization to make because not everyone views it that way. So to discount it because some have a skewed view of it is short sighted in the long run. If misinterpreted ideas is enough to reason to discount something then there's no reason to ever take anything seriously

No, it is not a generalization and that is not them misinterpreting it, that's the consensus and that is intersectionality in practice. That is what it is fundamentally. The goal is to create a conceptual structure that positions people on an oppressed/oppressor spectrum by way of overlapping identifiers. That is why it is called intersectionality; these people supposedly exist at the intersection of their unique categories of personhood.

It exposes nothing new, it presented nothing with respect to black struggle. It's nebulous nonsense with no practical application and no quantitative methods to make it's determinations.
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No, it is not a generalization and that is not them misinterpreting it, that's the consensus and that is intersectionality in practice. That is what it is fundamentally. The goal is to create a conceptual structure that positions people on an oppressed/oppressor spectrum by way of overlapping identifiers. That is why it is called intersectionality; these people supposedly exist at the intersection of their unique categories of personhood.

It's not supposed. It's reality that we all live. Nobody is identified as just 1 thing. And there's times where those identities will lead to a specific set of issues that need to be addressed. It's not a hard concept at all. As Black men there's shit we go through that's specific to us and only us. We see it daily. And we also need to take actions to address those specific things because unchecked they lead to further issues in our communities. Same with Black women. Part of the problem is rejecting the entire idea because people simply don't like internet chatter about it. Meanwhile the real world application of it is in effect.
It's not supposed. It's reality that we all live. Nobody is identified as just 1 thing. And there's times where those identities will lead to a specific set of issues that need to be addressed. It's not a hard concept at all. As Black men there's shit we go through that's specific to us and only us. We see it daily. And we also need to take actions to address those specific things because unchecked they lead to further issues in our communities. Same with Black women. Part of the problem is rejecting the entire idea because people simply don't like internet chatter about it. Meanwhile the real world application of it is in effect.

The point of it is very specifically against treating issues as individual or in isolation. It directly opposes addressing axises of oppression in isolation. That is directly from the horse's mouth. That is wholly different from the very real thing, that predates all of this nonsense, of acknowledging that we have our separate, unique experiences with the struggle. We do not, and have never, needed Intersectionality for that. Intersectionality is the exact opposite of finding solutions, it's the creation of problems. There isn't an ability to find a solution for a group when the individual is meant to be, fundamentally, unique and distinguishable from it. It manifests as hierarchical and creates friction thereby denying all efforts to generate consensus.

We all need to reject that framework because it is fundamentally flawed and does not have in it the practical ability to solve real world problems. It does not bring to light anything we did not already know, it actually works to erase some aspects of black struggle. Rejecting Intersectionality does not mean we reject the lived experiences of black women or black men, the two are not exclusive.

Part of the problem is rejecting the entire idea because people simply don't like internet chatter about it.

Miss me with this dismissive bs.
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The point of it is very specifically against treating issues as individual or in isolation. It directly opposes addressing axises of oppression in isolation. That is directly from the horse's mouth. That is wholly different from the very real thing, that predates all of this nonsense, of acknowledging that we have our separate, unique experiences with the struggle. We do not, and have never, needed Intersectionality for that. Intersectionality is the exact opposite of finding solutions, it's the creation of problems. There isn't an ability to find a solution for a group when the individual is meant to be, fundamentally, unique and distinguishable from it. It manifests as hierarchical and creates friction thereby denying all efforts to generate consensus.

the interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender as they apply to a given individual or group, regarded as creating overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage.
"through an awareness of intersectionality, we can better acknowledge and ground the differences among us"

That is the literal definition of intersectionality. Whatever you're talking about vs what it actually is are two different things. People are people and there will always be some who fuck the concept of something up. But that doesn't change what the actual concept and idea is just because some misconstrue it. You're speaking to the perceived pov vs what it actually is.