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FEATURED Eboni K Williams under fire for claiming that men who work blue collar jobs are “mediocre”

To me, this shit is inherently selfish. All the data shows that most kids without father suffer in some way or another. Granted some of that is tied to the increased likelihood of the family being impoverished without a father. Granted that's not really going to be an issue for Eboni. Not all of it can be explained away by lack of money though. Increased likelihood for psychological problems, hypersexuality, and drug abuse have nothing to do with how much money the family has. Even something like increased likelihood to be arrested isn't always tied to socioeconomic background.

What's funny to me is that a tell tale sign of whether or not a person is going to be a good parent or not is their willingness to sacrifice for the good of others. If you're going into parenthood saying "I don't really care how this will impact my future child, I'm doing it for me" you're already starting out on a bad foot.

I mean, she hasnt found a partner she wanted to have a kid with. Im guessing her relationships failed before it could get to that point. She is on borrowed time with her eggs. This beats having a kid with the wrong partner. I cant really call it selfish.
To me, this shit is inherently selfish. All the data shows that most kids without father suffer in some way or another. Granted some of that is tied to the increased likelihood of the family being impoverished without a father. Granted that's not really going to be an issue for Eboni. Not all of it can be explained away by lack of money though. Increased likelihood for psychological problems, hypersexuality, and drug abuse have nothing to do with how much money the family has. Even something like increased likelihood to be arrested isn't always tied to socioeconomic background.

What's funny to me is that a tell tale sign of whether or not a person is going to be a good parent or not is their willingness to sacrifice for the good of others. If you're going into parenthood saying "I don't really care how this will impact my future child, I'm doing it for me" you're already starting out on a bad foot.

I agree with the fact that it's undeniable that having a father directly in the home is better...but are you making the assumption the child will have no male or fatherly influence at all around them? Because that's a pretty big leap to make without actually knowing the person and who they have surrounded themselves with in terms of friends and family.
I mean, she hasnt found a partner she wanted to have a kid with. Im guessing her relationships failed before it could get to that point. She is on borrowed time with her eggs. This beats having a kid with the wrong partner. I cant really call it selfish.

lol Just because you have a reason for doing something doesn't mean it isn't selfish. If you're knowingly bringing a child into circumstances that could be detrimental to that child solely to fulfill your own desires, that's pretty much the definition of selfish. I'm not saying I don't understand it. Being a parent is very important to a lot of people, so I get why some women go this route.

I agree with the fact that it's undeniable that having a father directly in the home is better...but are you making the assumption the child will have no male or fatherly influence at all around them? Because that's a pretty big leap to make without actually knowing the person and who they have surrounded themselves with in terms of friends and family.

No I'm not making that assumption. I don't know her situation exactly so I'm speaking very generally. If her plan is to involve her father or brothers or other men that she trusts in the child's life, so that even if the child never has an actual father, he/she will always have father figures, I'd say that situation isn't ideal, but I'd acknowledge that she's making the best of it.

That said, I've heard some women that have done what she's doing say they feel no need to find men to have in their child's life because they believe they can play both roles. That's crazy to me.
Left over woman SMH. This feminist mindset really has messed a lot of these women up
These like the Jim Jones of woman, people that grow up with a certain wrapped mindset. Never grow out of it even when it’s drastically outlived its use for their age range. And just cause a few people have been successful in thriving in it, “Jim jones” they used it as evidence to still do it. Meanwhile life continues to give them every indication that they need to grow up
lol Just because you have a reason for doing something doesn't mean it isn't selfish. If you're knowingly bringing a child into circumstances that could be detrimental to that child solely to fulfill your own desires, that's pretty much the definition of selfish. I'm not saying I don't understand it. Being a parent is very important to a lot of people, so I get why some women go this route.

No I'm not making that assumption. I don't know her situation exactly so I'm speaking very generally. If her plan is to involve her father or brothers or other men that she trusts in the child's life, so that even if the child never has an actual father, he/she will always have father figures, I'd say that situation isn't ideal, but I'd acknowledge that she's making the best of it.

That said, I've heard some women that have done what she's doing say they feel no need to find men to have in their child's life because they believe they can play both roles. That's crazy to me.

I mean, 2 parent households dont always last and some households are better with just one parent because the other parent is on some bull shit that will affect the kid/s. Or other bad habits that may form later. Bringing a child into the world comes with risk.

Also, she can still look for a suitable partner to be the step father.
lol Just because you have a reason for doing something doesn't mean it isn't selfish. If you're knowingly bringing a child into circumstances that could be detrimental to that child solely to fulfill your own desires, that's pretty much the definition of selfish. I'm not saying I don't understand it. Being a parent is very important to a lot of people, so I get why some women go this route.

No I'm not making that assumption. I don't know her situation exactly so I'm speaking very generally. If her plan is to involve her father or brothers or other men that she trusts in the child's life, so that even if the child never has an actual father, he/she will always have father figures, I'd say that situation isn't ideal, but I'd acknowledge that she's making the best of it.

That said, I've heard some women that have done what she's doing say they feel no need to find men to have in their child's life because they believe they can play both roles. That's crazy to me.

Gotcha. I just try to look at each situation in their specific circumstances because speaking generally can often ignore nuances that change the dynamics of how a situation really is vs how it appears to be
I mean, 2 parent households dont always last and some households are better with just one parent because the other parent is on some bull shit that will affect the kid/s. Or other bad habits that may form later. Bringing a child into the world comes with risk.

Also, she can still look for a suitable partner to be the step father.
lol she couldn’t found a suitable partner to play father. Unless she lower her standards, step father not happening either
Did people assume she got a donor because she used IVF? IVF can help woman who have trouble getting pregnant with their partners.
This...did she say that she used a sperm donor? What if the donor is a man that she knows and plans on co-parenting with? What if she's in a relationship that she chooses not to talk about?