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FEATURED Why does the black community hate on its successful members so much?

Lack of accountability.

People who have no accountability don't understand their role in what goes on in their life. They think shit just happens to them, or someone else did it to/for them.

So they also didn't see a person's role in their success. So they just insert whatever makes most sense to them.
Can't answer the question, because of it's false premise. A few people thinking ignorantly and making up lies and rumors doesn't mean the 'black community' hates successful black people. You're looping everybody with the actions of a few, how very white of you.

You're downplaying it. Of course it isn't everyone, but it's not just a few either. It's not just those that say it, it's the people that flock to it. Katt Williams on Club Shay Shay had 62 million views (all my numbers are looking at YouTube). His next biggest video is at 14 million.

So Sharpe did 48 million more views than he's ever done before, and made more money than he made in any NFL season by letting Katt Williams come talk shit about successful Black people. And after the interview, Katt's ticket sales took off, prices went up, and he had to add more shows to meet the new surge in demand. It takes more than a few people enjoying the content to do all that. It takes a very big audience.

For comparison, he went Joe Rogan's podcast, and they didn't focus on talking shit but only got 14 million views. That's a much bigger platform, but waaaaay less views. Why? He changed what he chose to speak about.
so this thread is about entertainers whose job it is to entertain
which is how they live their lives to entertain
I see successful black business people who owns businesses they all don't talk uppity
and they will tell you that they put in work and learned how to make shit happen
so they can be in a position to get more
I see successful black people that donā€™t entertain or own a business. Successful is measured by the individual for themselves. I know a ton of successful software engineers working at the big and small companies. They are successful for their age...and since Iā€™m older I have a ton more money
but thatā€™s More a product of age and compound interest and investments than it is a measure of my relative success vs theirs.

Every other racial or sub group like Jews ....gets the simply logic of TIME being a variable in determining success...

black people always talk about OWNING a company as being successful - and while it can be- I have made more money working in engineering, investing than a lot of business owners and I have more freedom of movement. For me I would take freedom of movement over business ownership and tell black men I talk to to consider all the variables of success carefully. Because what you value dictates a lot of what you do....Since I value movement - I donā€™t value cars...and I donā€™t have to kill myself with clothes- but I keep hot luggage and a lot of high end functional fashion...but I donā€™t need a whole bunch of clothes and really donā€™t need a car...

My point is - everyone else sees success and age and freedom and work ethic and lifestyle relative to age being success where as black people only judge ultimate outcome - Like fame or money.... everyone canā€™t be the CEO, famous or rich...and most canā€™t before 30...or even 40....

I see so many young black men that are successful at 22 or 28 and they donā€™t see it cause they want to be me or some other older more successful guy right now...or Lebron right now....

If you doing it right, success will come in time and you will look back and realize you were successful all along you just got wealthier as time passed...

Everyone else knows this - as they say -Rome wasnā€™t built in a day...and behind every overnight success we will see years of hard work....yada yada yada - my point is - there are a ton of successful black people...we just gotta start acknowledging them vs saying ā€œyou ainā€™t got a Bentley..ā€ ?
This times pi - No more truth has ever been spoken.

We need to separate black success from black celebrity-

Black people saying Examples of black success is Lebron or Katt Williams or Drake is a problem. In every other culture they donā€™t celebrate their entertainment as success stories to for their kids to aspire to.

You have to separate a successful ultra rich entertainer from a successful black person...

Like a top end professor, economist, scientists or business person should be the person we look to for inspiration. I look at people like Roland Fryer and watch dude get roasted by black people but dude is successful and worthy of respect. Honestly black people have been tricked into singing and sports over using their intellect - and at this point I canā€™t even blame white people - But fortunately not all of us are dumb asses...Iā€™ll be at NSBE 50 In Atlanta with a bunch of people kids can aspire to be one day...

And that's the tragic thing.

America doesn't produce a class rich Black American professionals. Shit, America doesn't even produce a class of well off Black American professionals. You might make 250K a year but be 300K in debt due to education because your momma and daddy can't help you.

America really don't even produce an age diverse class of rich Black celebrities lol.

The same motherfuckers been around 20 years.

So we are talking about a small group of people that feel entitled to our praise and respect just because they rich, famous and Black.

It's not because they are Nobel Peace Prize winning scientists and engineers.

It's not because they are political activists.

Lol, but they quick to have us regular, working class Black people, reflect on our character as a race of people because we treat them like any other fucking celebrity of any other race.

Lol, like Shannon Sharpe sitting on the couch gossipping, hanging out with gay niggas and hip switching and we ain't supposed to say something.

Being an object of ridicule is part of the job Shay Shay lol.
B/c wyte Anglo Saxons throughout the history of this country have ingrained into black folks minds that's there's only certain number of spots for us at the top of the ladder of success. Them same wyte Anglo Saxons have put certain obstacles to ensure that only certain black folks are even "allowed" at top with them.

That's just my imo. Oh and envy is a muthafucca. Which is why it's one of the 7 deadly sins.
Eh, hating on someone is a little too much. Now questioning how a person moves, is different. Crazy as it seems, the worse opinions on black people recently, especially black men, has to do with their sexuality, or how they move with women. Diddy, Michael B Jordan, Will Smith, and Russell Wilson all come to mind.
B/c wyte Anglo Saxons throughout the history of this country have ingrained into black folks minds that's there's only certain number of spots for us at the top of the ladder of success. Them same wyte Anglo Saxons have put certain obstacles to ensure that only certain black folks are even "allowed" at top with them.

That's just my imo. Oh and envy is a muthafucca. Which is why it's one of the 7 deadly sins.

I def see this. Our celebrities too often say their industry is competitive, when it doesn't need to be. Hip hop and comedy.
And that's the tragic thing.

America doesn't produce a class rich Black American professionals. Shit, America doesn't even produce a class of well off Black American professionals. You might make 250K a year but be 300K in debt due to education because your momma and daddy can't help you.

America really don't even produce an age diverse class of rich Black celebrities lol.

The same motherfuckers been around 20 years.

So we are talking about a small group of people that feel entitled to our praise and respect just because they rich, famous and Black.

It's not because they are Nobel Peace Prize winning scientists and engineers.

It's not because they are political activists.

Lol, but they quick to have us regular, working class Black people, reflect on our character as a race of people because we treat them like any other fucking celebrity of any other race.

Lol, like Shannon Sharpe sitting on the couch gossipping, hanging out with gay niggas and hip switching and we ain't supposed to say something.

Being an object of ridicule is part of the job Shay Shay lol.
I donā€™t know man- I see so many successful black men in the dmv and in Atlanta and the seven cities and around NYC and in the bay and in Seattle -

I donā€™t consider celebrities in the equation cause for every drake there are a million back pack dudes and even someone like Special Ed, Rakim or Das Efx - I bet Iā€™m doing better than them financially and I looked up to them when I was younger.

A lot of black men, node and keep it moving. Because

A- we donā€™t want to flex on people that are less fortunate

B- we know how dangerous it is to flex around poor people

C- when you finally have something after years of grinding you find yourself around a group of equals - and thus - it ainā€™t that uncommon.

I would say this to any black man that doesnā€™t know another successful black manā€¦ make some other friends- we out here - no we ainā€™t rapping or making 100s of millions but again - thatā€™s not success thatā€™s excess and itā€™s tough to do that in a generation. Get your 1000s. Then 10000s and then go from there-

And stop seeing a HOF TE on tv as black success - thatā€™s black celebrity - donā€™t mix those -

A professor making 100k at a U is a success - I work out with dude and he benching 365 and is a young dude- a muslim so his dead lift suffers when he fast - so Iā€™m gonna pass him this month: but he is successful- ainā€™t a millionaire but successful by every measure that matters -

Black, young, good woman, great job, works out like a G, and can discuss geo politics with anyone on equal footing -

Like I said ill be at https://convention.nsbe.org/welcome/

we out here at every HBCU and every Ivy and at MIT and Stanford - we ainā€™t all touting the rock -
Some of us mathletes bro - pi day tomorrow - get at your boy

Weird...BeyoncĆ© and Jayz doing it for their inner circle. But just cause yall blood donā€™t mean yall blood. Thatā€™s cool.

Another problem with our people. When someone gets it we think they owe us something. Truth is a good family or squad got a bunch of hustlers hustling and you ainā€™t got time to ask for help apart from knowledge and opportunities to be of usefulness to each other.
Weird...BeyoncĆ© and Jayz doing it for their inner circle. But just cause yall blood donā€™t mean yall blood. Thatā€™s cool.

Another problem with our people. When someone gets it we think they owe us something. Truth is a good family or squad got a bunch of hustlers hustling and you ainā€™t got time to ask for help apart from knowledge and opportunities to be of usefulness to each other.

Careful. They're gonna tell you black people aren't a monolith and you sound white.
Because if you think higher than surface level you'd realize the illuminati isn't a race thing. All races are apart of some organizations to get to certain levels it's not just successful black men.
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Itā€™s a mixed bag of a lot of different things. Itā€™s not just this one concept thatā€™s very easy to break down. Thatā€™s it. Racism exists, itā€™ll always exist. There are Black people who are successful, despite racism, because theyā€™re just so glaringly talented.

So you have individuals who are successful because someone who is white gave them an opportunity to be a success. Then you run into folks who are never going to be a success, and they know it, sort of like the people who are never going to be chosen by women because theyā€™re not sexy enough. Those men typically do not want to make themselves known or notable because itā€™s not cool to not get buns or be a failure.

So people will always be jealous because you have it and they donā€™t. Your success is a reminder they failed and you didnā€™t. That you made it and they didnā€™t. That you can and they canā€™t. Getting money and notoriety is amazing.

i love being able to go get an order of food and know that I can do it again tomorrow GOD willing he lets me. Or buy a new soundbar, a new tablet, a new phone, pay a bill unfortunately
Careful. They're gonna tell you black people aren't a monolith and you sound white.
Been hearing it from people my whole life...well adult life. I donā€™t care...Real recognizes real. Iā€™m never jealous of a man for success - I just do my thing. I swear tho - sometimes I gotta keep it to myself cause the avg person doesnā€™t know how compound interest works...once they do - the question is - in 7 years will this 50 be 100 and thus itā€™s better in the market or will this house I buy with this 50 be worth 50 more in 7 years....decisions decisions

Serious questionā€¦

How the fuck have people not realized that the Illuminati is just Scientology?

Call that shit what it is! Scientology is slowly working itself towards large scale popularity and needs to be crushed before they get a vocal minority or get on the political stage
Jay and B are successful and most of the black community worships them. Oprah Jordan is successful and a lot of black people act like heā€™s some kind of god.

I think you're being to general with this claim.

Muhfuckas HATE Oprah now. And rightfully so. She threw hip-hop under the bus at that town hall back in ā€˜06, and the black community been on her ass (with Gayle King) ever since.

Now, Jordanā€¦.well, just go to the Last Dance Thread, and you see why I changed that.