The Office

Aight y'all might know the answer to this question on season 4 ep 9 the commercial where they are doing the jingle for dunder mifflin. On the second part they doing the jingle Craig playingOn the keys anybody know where it came from sound like a sample from r Kelly
Aight y'all might know the answer to this question on season 4 ep 9 the commercial where they are doing the jingle for dunder mifflin. On the second part they doing the jingle Craig playingOn the keys anybody know where it came from sound like a sample from r Kelly

ima have to go back n watch it
a lowkey funny ep was season 7 ep 7 christening . michael snapped on stanley n kevin
This show is hilarious. That is all.
They run this show on a continuous loop and I watched enough episodes to finally get hooked. The part that got me was when they was having the special break room lunches, the finer things club, and they finally let jim in. The look on Toby face was priceless
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