French Actor Juicy Smolièr Found Guilty of Staging Hate Crime

Smh at this being @SneakDZA favorite song. Fohwtbs

"A queer tryna frame a nigga, but shame on a nigga That try to put the blame on a nigga"
Im so lost

Can i get a recap of the facts?

he was out at 2am getting a meatball marinara sandwich from subway (what subway is open @2am?)

he’s walking home when he’s “attacked” by two masked white men who yell at him that he’s a black fag and that this is maga country, they punch him and put a noose around his neck..

he reported this after a while after the incident and the police started their investigation

they found security footage of Jussie and the two men but not of the assault

the two men were eventually found, though and they exposed this as a prank/hoax..

Jussie staged this shit and paid them $3,500
police say they became suspicious when he went back to the location of the assault and pointed out an obscure camera that he was elated was there... they said the camera was pointing in a different direction, though, so didn’t catch the assault...
Jussie Smollett rehearsed the "attack" against him days before the incident and it was all staged for the camera, this according to what the 2 brothers told cops.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ, Abel and Ola Osundairo told cops they got in a car with Jussie and scouted a location, settling on the one right outside the actor's apartment. The brothers said Jussie chose the spot because he believed a camera would have captured the action.

Our sources say the brothers told police Jussie said he wanted to make it a "physical thing," but not to the point he'd be seriously injured.

On the night Jussie says he was attacked, the brothers claim they showed up at the scene but were extremely nervous because, just as they played out the scene, a car drove by and they were worried they'd be ID'd.

Our sources say the brothers performed per the rehearsal -- they screamed out they recognized Jussie from "Empire" and then hurled the racist n-word and the homophobic f-word.

The brothers told cops they "made contact with Jussie's face" but it was "weak." They said they didn't know how he suffered the bruises but the staged fight was not designed to injure him.

TMZ broke the story ... when cops arrived, Jussie took them down to the area he said the "attack" went down and pointed to the camera, saying it was good the incident was captured on video. What he didn't know was that the camera was pointed in the wrong direction and didn't capture the incident.
So I told y’all I live a couple of blocks away from the “ attack” my homie just sent me this 5C83B6CB-725C-4F71-8EE6-38F3CBB8B51B.png

Jussie Smollett Was Reportedly Upset a Racist Letter Sent to His Studio Didn’t Get a Bigger Reaction

“Empire” star Jussie Smollett paid two men to attack him on the streets of Chicago because he was upset that a racist letter sent to his studio didn’t get a “bigger reaction,” according to multiple CBS Chicago sources close to the investigation. The letter apparently contained white powder and had “MAGA” written on the outside of it, along with racial and homophobic slurs.

Chicago police say HAZMAT responded to the letter and determined the white powder to be aspirin. The letter is now in the hands of the FBI.

“When the letter didn’t get enough attention, he concocted the staged attack,” one source told CBS Chicago’s Brad Edwards, as the other sources reportedly corroborated.

Ola and Abel Osundairo, the two Nigerian brothers who were paid $3,500 to stage an attack against Smollett while pretending to be Trump supporters, said they did not have an ideological motive for participating.

“We are not racist. We are not homophobic, and we are not anti-Trump. We were born and raised in Chicago and are American citizens,” they told CBS’s Charlie De Mar.

The Empire star reportedly paid for the rope that the brothers used to attack him, and rehearsed the attack together with him days before carrying it out, according to the sources. One brother allegedly held the rope and poured bleach as the other wore a Make America Great Again hat and yelled racist and homophobic slurs at Smollett.
