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Wall Street Rule for the #MeToo Era: Avoid Women at All Cost

In this day and age it's just best to record everything. We have the technology to do it; it makes no sense not to. It got this Uber driver off after being accused of sexual assault


And got 4 dentists off after a broad accused them of gang raping her in a Vegas hotel room:


All the bullshit will go away if there's a video of every encounter.

Nah, this is just another way to catch an L since many states also consider recording a sexual encounter without the other person’s consent to be a crime.
Nah, this is just another way to catch an L since many states also consider recording a sexual encounter without the other person’s consent to be a crime.

It ain't even gotta be recording a sexual encounter. In a lot of those cases it was things said or done behind closed doors or any other time that no one was around to witness it. If you have a recording of those situations and a broad goes running to HR talmbout harassment you simply pull up that recording and review it in front of HR.
This type of example is the exact shit I'm on about. If this is what you niggas think is happenin' then fair enough. Its not what's happenin', at all, but fair enough.

Also, if both men just said 'hey', there'd be no issue.

Lastly if Flav said 'hey, Beautiful' to someone and got hit with harassment I'd be first in the thread sayin' that it's wack and shit like that is makin' the whole MeToo movement look bad. The reason I'd say that is because I take this shit case by case . But again, that's not what's this thread is about, that's not what MeToo is about and that's NOT what is happenin'


^^^ Here you go. That's basically what Morgan Freeman was accused of. Dude was put on blast by these hoes for harmless flirting.
Not, it really isn't.

Newton's 3rd law states "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."

If you believe the reaction is ridiculous, then it would stand to reason that the action that caused the reaction is equally as ridiculous. The entire MeToo movement is nothing more than broads gettin' mad at niggas shootin their shot or taking crass, but otherwise harmless jokes and comments and turning them into sexual harassment and vilifying the men they accuse of it.

We've already seen how even the slightest comment, action, hug, whatever it taken and made into sexual harassment. On top of all of that, there has been ZERO evidence to support any of these claims. It's a case where the women are automatically believed and the man's job is to present some sort of proof that it never happened, and since it's all "she said/he said", that proof doesn't exist.

So how do you eliminate the threat of losing your livelihood like this? By removing anything that can be used against you. You're never alone with a woman because witnesses can corroborate a story. You order a pizza to your room when you're on travel with a female colleague and, truthfully, you fight tooth and nail not to be on travel with her in the first place; roll dolo or get some of the guys to come with you. You don't sit next to her on a plane, you don't have her in your car without at least two other people in the car with you, you make no idle chatter with her; strictly business. None of that "How's the family" malarkey.

Fuck it. This is what they wanted.

The level of bullshit typed here is on another level. Chicks aint hemming us up for saying hi. Saying she got some big ass titties will tho.
Bolded 1. That's not what we've seen. We've seen some women (a tiny minority) come forward and accuse men of abuse and some of those men (a tiny minority) have been found guilty

Underlined. This comes up in every single rape discussion and its long gettin' into again

Bolded 2. Again, very few of these cases are goin' to court and not all Me Too cases are treated the same. Some of the accusers are believed straight away and others aren't. It is what is it and I don't think it's a problem on the scale you're suggestin'.

As for the first and last paragraphs, I think they're both good examples of a person allowin' the media to influence their opinion. I've not come across any Me Too shit in my work life, or in my personal life and I don't think I'd believe you if you said you have

Women have not asked to be segregated feom men, they've asked to stop bein' sexually harassed and SOME women are takin' advantage

These niggas against common sense
The level of bullshit typed here is on another level. Chicks aint hemming us up for saying hi. Saying she got some big ass titties will tho.

And, again, if Idris said "Damn girl, you got a nice pair of titties on you" versus... Ionno... Meatloaf, guess which celeb is gettin the MeToo treatment?

What these chicks are doing is eliminating any form of flirting or flattery, something that many women have already expressed is something they would rather NOT see happen.

You're also full of shit, 'cause you know goddamned well these new hoes out here ARE trying to get niggas hemmed up for saying "hi" or did you forget that whole "street harassment" movement?
Who lost their job tho?

Nigga get you and that biscuit bubble ass head all the way outta this fuckin thread. You know good and goddamned well a shitload of men lost their jobs behind all of this shit.

Ole Mayor McCheese Pops from Adventure Time ass nigga talmbout "who lost dey job?"
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And, again, if Idris said "Damn girl, you got a nice pair of titties on you" versus... Ionno... Meatloaf, guess which celeb is gettin the MeToo treatment?

What these chicks are doing is eliminating any form of flirting or flattery, something that many women have already expressed is something they would rather NOT see happen.

You're also full of shit, 'cause you know goddamned well these new hoes out here ARE trying to get niggas hemmed up for saying "hi" or did you forget that whole "street harassment" movement?

People have different boundaries for different people, that's just a part of life, so I don't see the example you gave as a problem.

Although, I don't think anyone should be so ostentatious to a stranger, irrespective of context. If you're Idris and you feel that you can speak that way to a woman because you're handsome I'd guess prior experiences would have been positive, but that doesn't mean he could say that to any woman and she'd be happy to hear it. And even if you could, you just shouldn't cos its kinda wack imo.
People have different boundaries for different people, that's just a part of life, so I don't see the example you gave as a problem.

Although, I don't think anyone should be so ostentatious to a stranger, irrespective of context. If you're Idris and you feel that you can speak that way to a woman because you're handsome I'd guess prior experiences would have been positive, but that doesn't mean he could say that to any woman and she'd be happy to hear it. And even if you could, you just shouldn't cos its kinda wack imo.

The problem is there's no consistency. If you can't recognize why that's a problem in and of itself then you're a part of the overall problem.

If it's wrong for one man to do something then it should be wrong for all of them; you shouldn't be able to pick and choose who has the privilege of being able to say whatever they want or touch whatever body part they want.
The problem is there's no consistency. If you can't recognize why that's a problem in and of itself then you're a part of the overall problem.

If it's wrong for one man to do something then it should be wrong for all of them; you shouldn't be able to pick and choose who has the privilege of being able to say whatever they want or touch whatever body part they want.

There is consistency, and quite a lot of it. I'm sure pretty much all women would agree that, regardless of how attractive they find the man to be, that man touchin' her breasts or vagina or blatantly alludin' to sex is inappropriate. Some women are more OK with lets call it 'blue' humour than other, but then so are some men.

I don't think women are happy with strangers doin'/sayin' whatever they want to them. But, obviously, each woman would have men in her life who she is more comfortable with than other, and different women become familiar with men in different ways. There's no one size fits all rule.

The problem is that you're forcin' complex social interactions into small compartments. "Good lookin' man does A and all women are OK with it" vs "ugly man does A and all women are angered by it". That's just not how life works. There are so many variables involved there's not point even gettin' into them.
There are men I work with who keep it 100% professional and there are a few men who like to make slick comments that could have double meaning. Try and stand close or engage in convo for no good reason. Happen to take their lunch at the same time now. Ask about personal life.

The latter are the type who get shit said about them.
People have different boundaries for different people, that's just a part of life, so I don't see the example you gave as a problem.

Although, I don't think anyone should be so ostentatious to a stranger, irrespective of context. If you're Idris and you feel that you can speak that way to a woman because you're handsome I'd guess prior experiences would have been positive, but that doesn't mean he could say that to any woman and she'd be happy to hear it. And even if you could, you just shouldn't cos its kinda wack imo.

But you gotta be realistic a couple being touchy feely aint the same as a random dude on the street grabbing ass. Yall are making it seem like everything is out of context.
Nigga get you and that biscuit bubble ass head all the way outta this fuckin thread. You know good and goddamned well a shitload of men lost their jobs behind all of this shit.

Ole Mayor McCheese Pops from Adventure Time ass nigga talmbout "who lost dey job?"

Show proof a non hollywood type lost they job then?
Show proof a non hollywood type lost they job then?
