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Can we seriously speak on rape/sexual assault for a second?

Times changed, stop fucking people you barely know. All this Tinder, Uber, Lyft shit...inviting strangers into your personal space with little to no knowledge of who they are. Has always been, and will always be a good way to get yourself fucked up.

Putin that context in the form of an App doesn't change the reality of it. Just like letting everyone no your business (Facebook) doesn't change the result, just cause it has a cool interface.
1) If two people (male and female), both highly intoxicated, have sex, were either of them raped? If so, which one was raped?

Common sense says that neither were raped. From a purely legal standpoint they raped one another. However, in practice, only the woman was raped because men are expected to have that level of control and sound judgment to not have sex even when it's physically impossible to do so (i.e. when intoxicated).

2) If two people that have had sex in the past, and one person decides to wake the other up with sex or oral, does that count as sexual assault? Does the gender of the person initiating the act matter?

Again, common sense says that this is not problematic. However, in practice it only takes the woman to complain about it to the police and it becomes an issue. Should a man complain about being awakened to "morning head" he'll get laughed out of the station or off the phone.

3) A chick is at a frat party, and she winds up having consensual sex with one of the guys who just crossed. One of his line brothers comes in with the intent to follow the first guy. The girl doesn't want to have sex with the second guy but is too shocked and scared to verbally say "No." Should it be considered rape if the second guy has sex with her? Does he deserve to be treated the same as someone who intentionally forces sex on a girl?

I think legally this falls under rape, but it's going to be hard as fuck to prove it. She didn't give consent verbally, but she consented non-verbally.

4) A chick, while sober, insinuates to a guy that she wants to have sex with him at some point that night, and then proceeds to get wasted. Should it be considered rape if he meets up with her and she willingly has sex with him even though she's legally too drunk to consent?

This also falls into a gray area. She had given consent earlier. Where it gets tricky is if he's also drunk, then it falls under scenario 1, if not then he could likely be charged with rape despite her earlier statements.

5) Two people are dancing at a party and grinding. The guy gets a little too into it and grabs the girl's breasts which she does not appreciate. He apologizes and clarifies that he was just really into the dancing. Should that be considered sexual assault?

If y'all are already griding then there's sexual touching going on as-is. His dick grinding on her ass or her pussy is happening and there's a high chance he's also palming her ass or outright gripping it. He may have crossed an unspoken boundary, but I wouldn't consider it sexual assault because of the nature of what's going on as it occurred. Apologize and let it go.

6) Two colleagues are on a work trip and are chilling in the woman's hotel room innocently. The woman goes into the bathroom and then comes out naked. The woman has, in the past, tried to push for something with the guy, but he has always let her know he wasn't interested. This was her last ditch effort to get him to bite. Is that sexual harassment? Suppose she plays with herself and he sits and watches, but leaves when she tries to go any further. Would he be taken seriously if he reported her? Would she get the same treatment as if the roles were reversed? Should get that same treatment?

This is clearly sexual harassment and grounds for her termination. Legally, however, it falls under indecent exposure and gross lewdness/lascivious behavior, which can trigger sex offender registration. It's no different than a chick answering the door for the delivery guy butt naked.


The likelihood of her being charged with a crime is slim to none whereas if it was the reverse it's almost a given that he will be charged and convicted and compelled to register as a sex offender.
If they say no party is over. What's hard to understand about that?

If you're feeling on them and they're cool with it but you try to go little more extra and they say NO...... party over

If you grab them without consent.......party over

If they're stupid high/drunk and you're not......party over

If they xantc formulate a sentence, walk, stand or comprehend..........party over

Lol this shit not that hard to understand. Fellas more than half the world population is women. If one say no 3 more will say yes. Women if he say no 20 niggas will say yes without question
If they say no party is over. What's hard to understand about that?

If you're feeling on them and they're cool with it but you try to go little more extra and they say NO...... party over

If you grab them without consent.......party over

If they're stupid high/drunk and you're not......party over

If they xantc formulate a sentence, walk, stand or comprehend..........party over

Lol this shit not that hard to understand. Fellas more than half the world population is women. If one say no 3 more will say yes. Women if he say no 20 niggas will say yes without question

Most of what you said isn't even relevant to the actual scenarios. In the cases where your statements are relevant, you're not really addressing the heart of the question. Again, the topic isn't just about if you think a person is wrong under certain circumstances. It's also about the extent of their wrongness and what should happen as a result.

I don't know why this is such a hard concept for some people to understand. Very often in these cases, people are not saying that the accused is innocent. They just don't agree that the accused deserves the punishment being pushed. You might consider the scenario where the guy gets consent and then goes and has sex with the chick after she's drunk to be legal rape. That's fine, but do you think it's fair for him to be on the line for 20 years the same as some dude that raped a chick at knife point? I don't understand the need some on both sides have to oversimplify shit. That doesn't help anything.
1) If two people (male and female), both highly intoxicated, have sex, were either of them raped? If so, which one was raped?
Neither were raped. If one says they were the next day they would be lying.

2) If two people that have had sex in the past, and one person decides to wake the other up with sex or oral, does that count as sexual assault? Does the gender of the person initiating the act matter?
It could be misconstrued as assault I guess but its more a lack of understanding in what each other likes sexually. No harm no foul?

Yes. When a man does it he's creepy and weird. If a woman does it she usually a keeper... or crazy.

3) A chick is at a frat party, and she winds up having consensual sex with one of the guys who just crossed. One of his line brothers comes in with the intent to follow the first guy. The girl doesn't want to have sex with the second guy but is too shocked and scared to verbally say "No." Should it be considered rape if the second guy has sex with her? Does he deserve to be treated the same as someone who intentionally forces sex on a girl?
Did the girl give any signs she was not okay with what was happening? Pulling away? Crying? He might not have known she didn't want to.

4) A chick, while sober, insinuates to a guy that she wants to have sex with him at some point that night, and then proceeds to get wasted. Should it be considered rape if he meets up with her and she willingly has sex with him even though she's legally too drunk to consent?

Hopefully he's got his shit together more than her and watch out for her saftey cuz some pervs love that shit.

5) Two people are dancing at a party and grinding. The guy gets a little too into it and grabs the girl's breasts which she does not appreciate. He apologizes and clarifies that he was just really into the dancing. Should that be considered sexual assault?
Only if he keeps doin it.

6) Two colleagues are on a work trip and are chilling in the woman's hotel room innocently. The woman goes into the bathroom and then comes out naked. The woman has, in the past, tried to push for something with the guy, but he has always let her know he wasn't interested. This was her last ditch effort to get him to bite. Is that sexual harassment? Suppose she plays with herself and he sits and watches, but leaves when she tries to go any further. Would he be taken seriously if he reported her? Would she get the same treatment as if the roles were reversed? Should get that same treatment?

Only if she was hideous. If she was hot no one would take him seriously.

They should probably be punished the same but nothing in life is fair.
Are men really out here just calling seconds on women at frat parties like they're party platters?

One of the things that I hope you folks realize, it does not even always matter what the law says, but what a Jury of "your peers" thinks it says. Juries have and will continue to apply the law differently for different cases
Times changed, stop fucking people you barely know. All this Tinder, Uber, Lyft shit...inviting strangers into your personal space with little to no knowledge of who they are. Has always been, and will always be a good way to get yourself fucked up.

Putin that context in the form of an App doesn't change the reality of it. Just like letting everyone no your business (Facebook) doesn't change the result, just cause it has a cool interface.

I've been on tinder for time, but I'm also not a moron. Draw clear boundaries. Be communicative. It's actually not very hard to avoid being a sex criminal.
I've been on tinder for time, but I'm also not a moron. Draw clear boundaries. Be communicative. It's actually not very hard to avoid being a sex criminal.

Eh, some shit that ain't even sexual can get you on the sex offender registry.
I don't think it has to be in a school area for it to get you in trouble.

It doesn't. But in some jurisdictions being near a school makes registration automatic whereas in others you might be able to wiggle your way out of it. In almost all of them if a child witnesses it and it gets reported it's pretty much mandatory registration.

Getting completely or partially naked while changing clothes in your car can trigger it too, again mandatory if a child sees it. That's something my ex did quite often while I was driving and something I used to see during my commute about once a month while living in Phoenix. One chick I knew had a cop threaten her with indecent exposure 'cause it was hot as fuck that summer, her car had no AC, and she was pulled over while driving in nothing but a see-through bra and panties set with her clothes on the seat next to her. That could have also triggered registration depending on the DA's mood.
Are men really out here just calling seconds on women at frat parties like they're party platters?

One of the things that I hope you folks realize, it does not even always matter what the law says, but what a Jury of "your peers" thinks it says. Juries have and will continue to apply the law differently for different cases
yes...alot of dudes dont care...they getting ass
I know this is like willingly walking into a hornets nest, but honestly, with today's world, I think we really need to be clear about what is right and wrong, but we also need to be clear where there is grey area or where things are inconsistent. So I'm going to put a few scenarios that probably happen pretty frequently and I want people's opinions about what they are?

1) If two people (male and female), both highly intoxicated, have sex, were either of them raped? If so, which one was raped?

2) If two people that have had sex in the past, and one person decides to wake the other up with sex or oral, does that count as sexual assault? Does the gender of the person initiating the act matter?

3) A chick is at a frat party, and she winds up having consensual sex with one of the guys who just crossed. One of his line brothers comes in with the intent to follow the first guy. The girl doesn't want to have sex with the second guy but is too shocked and scared to verbally say "No." Should it be considered rape if the second guy has sex with her? Does he deserve to be treated the same as someone who intentionally forces sex on a girl?

4) A chick, while sober, insinuates to a guy that she wants to have sex with him at some point that night, and then proceeds to get wasted. Should it be considered rape if he meets up with her and she willingly has sex with him even though she's legally too drunk to consent?

5) Two people are dancing at a party and grinding. The guy gets a little too into it and grabs the girl's breasts which she does not appreciate. He apologizes and clarifies that he was just really into the dancing. Should that be considered sexual assault?

6) Two colleagues are on a work trip and are chilling in the woman's hotel room innocently. The woman goes into the bathroom and then comes out naked. The woman has, in the past, tried to push for something with the guy, but he has always let her know he wasn't interested. This was her last ditch effort to get him to bite. Is that sexual harassment? Suppose she plays with herself and he sits and watches, but leaves when she tries to go any further. Would he be taken seriously if he reported her? Would she get the same treatment as if the roles were reversed? Should get that same treatment?

I noticed something too this isnt directly related to this thread. But why outside of @konceptjones nobody speaks on boys being abused by older women? We live in a society ran by men but men cant see a woman as being a predator or themselves as prey. And nobody seems to care how bad it can mess up a boy into adulthood. Ive noticed outside of koncept yall never speak on that?
Nobody cares about boys at all. It's funny how we have Black Girls Rock and a number of similar groups to support black girls, but nothing similar for black boys. The idea behind those groups are that black girls are undermined and need to be put in the forefront. The problem is that's not even true. In the black community especially, black boys are the ones under the gun and lagging behind in most all areas. So why are we dividing up the help we give our kids based on gender? How does that help the unity in our community or anything else?
I noticed something too this isnt directly related to this thread. But why outside of @konceptjones nobody speaks on boys being abused by older women? We live in a society ran by men but men cant see a woman as being a predator or themselves as prey. And nobody seems to care how bad it can mess up a boy into adulthood. Ive noticed outside of koncept yall never speak on that?

Because rape culture exists, but opposite of the way you've been led to believe it exists.

The universally accepted textbook definition of rape culture only works in our society if you switch it to female on male rape.
As a society, we've normalized female on male rape. It's the only form of rape that's almost universally accepted as "ok" and that there's no real victim.
As a society, we trivialize female on male rape to the point where society at large doesn't believe it exist even when the empirical evidence says otherwise.
As a society, male victims of all ages should be happy a woman forced herself on him and any male, young or old, is probably gay if he isn't.
Female on male rape is rarely taken seriously by the authorities and they only act on it when they're forced to do so i.e. the several thousand female teachers arrested on such charges.
Even when arrested, female perpetrators of rape are rarely convicted or if they are convicted they receive far lighter sentences than their male counterparts.
In our society female on male rape is a joke and victims, even when they speak out as such, are made fun of even by the police.
Sexual harassment from women towards men is completely tolerated and, as with a female forcing herself on a male, the guy must be gay if he doesn't like it.
Female on male rape is celebrated in movies and on television, particularly when it comes to underage boys with grown women. Even one of the hood's most beloved movies, Juice, had a whole running subplot with underage Quincy and his adult nurse girlfriend Yolanda, including having her clearly disgusted grown ex Frank describe him as "just a kid". Others would be The Last American Virgin, Class, My Tutor, and probably half of the teenage, "coming of age" flicks with a high school male as the central character that came out in the 70's through the early 90's.

That's why nobody talks about it. It's completely normalized. Nobody believes themselves to be a victim because society told everyone that they weren't. When this was brought up during the course of another thread on the IC there ended up being a whole lotta dudes admitting to having been victimized by older girls or flat out grown women but no one that admitted it really saw themselves as a victim.

That's the true effect of rape culture.
Because rape culture exists, but opposite of the way you've been led to believe it exists.

The universally accepted textbook definition of rape culture only works in our society if you switch it to female on male rape.
As a society, we've normalized female on male rape. It's the only form of rape that's almost universally accepted as "ok" and that there's no real victim.
As a society, we trivialize female on male rape to the point where society at large doesn't believe it exist even when the empirical evidence says otherwise.
As a society, male victims of all ages should be happy a woman forced herself on him and any male, young or old, is probably gay if he isn't.
Female on male rape is rarely taken seriously by the authorities and they only act on it when they're forced to do so i.e. the several thousand female teachers arrested on such charges.
Even when arrested, female perpetrators of rape are rarely convicted or if they are convicted they receive far lighter sentences than their male counterparts.
In our society female on male rape is a joke and victims, even when they speak out as such, are made fun of even by the police.
Sexual harassment from women towards men is completely tolerated and, as with a female forcing herself on a male, the guy must be gay if he doesn't like it.
Female on male rape is celebrated in movies and on television, particularly when it comes to underage boys with grown women. Even one of the hood's most beloved movies, Juice, had a whole running subplot with underage Quincy and his adult nurse girlfriend Yolanda, including having her clearly disgusted grown ex Frank describe him as "just a kid". Others would be The Last American Virgin, Class, My Tutor, and probably half of the teenage, "coming of age" flicks with a high school male as the central character that came out in the 70's through the early 90's.

That's why nobody talks about it. It's completely normalized. Nobody believes themselves to be a victim because society told everyone that they weren't. When this was brought up during the course of another thread on the IC there ended up being a whole lotta dudes admitting to having been victimized by older girls or flat out grown women but no one that admitted it really saw themselves as a victim.

That's the true effect of rape culture.

DL Hughley told his story about that on VladTV about how when he was 11, he was trying to act like the older guys and wound up having sex with a 23 y/o chick. He basically said that at first, he felt like the man because he had sex with her, but he was just a kid and when the shit went on, it all scared him and he wanted it to stop, but he didn't know what to do. It was kinda interesting because we all do kinda look at it as Ok if a male gets it like that, but that was the first time I heard a dude who went through admit that it was not a good experience.
DL Hughley told his story about that on VladTV about how when he was 11, he was trying to act like the older guys and wound up having sex with a 23 y/o chick. He basically said that at first, he felt like the man because he had sex with her, but he was just a kid and when the shit went on, it all scared him and he wanted it to stop, but he didn't know what to do. It was kinda interesting because we all do kinda look at it as Ok if a male gets it like that, but that was the first time I heard a dude who went through admit that it was not a good experience.

Tyler Perry had this happen to him when he was a kid:

"... Perry says that while at a playmate's house when he was about 10 years old, his friend's scantily clad mother locked the friend in the bathroom and told Perry to leave.

"I was at the front door trying to get out, when she came in and laid on the sofa and asked me if I wanted the key. I told her I had to go home as it was getting dark.

"She put the key inside of herself and told me to come get it, pulling me on top of her," Perry writes on his site.
Tyler Perry had this happen to him when he was a kid:

"... Perry says that while at a playmate's house when he was about 10 years old, his friend's scantily clad mother locked the friend in the bathroom and told Perry to leave.

"I was at the front door trying to get out, when she came in and laid on the sofa and asked me if I wanted the key. I told her I had to go home as it was getting dark.

"She put the key inside of herself and told me to come get it, pulling me on top of her," Perry writes on his site.

Damn thats fucking crazy
And i think also that leads to alot of nighas not trusting no bitches. Cuz its like if this grown woman fucking kids how can i trust my chick.