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Poll The View

Which View You Prefer

  • Default

    Votes: 8 23.5%
  • GameZone

    Votes: 26 76.5%

  • Total voters
The new layout should load as fast as the default layout. It's pretty much the same look, just updated.

I'll keep the default around until i work out all the kinks on the new layout.
The new layout looks nice af. It’ll take some getting used to because it looks nothing like default or gamezone as far as the way the sections look.
Gamer Zone b/c the default was too bright for my eyes

i changed to the Material layout and it does look nice, but still too bright for my eyes

I do like the way the badges and stuff are placed tho under the avi's but i dont like the circle avi's
The new layout should be working properly in the next few hrs, i'm waiting for the software company to open up so i can figure something out.

I got another new feature coming to ABW very soon too.
Aight aside from a couple small things, the new layout should be running smoothly.
I'm gonna remove the default theme this weekend, so try to get used to the new layout or Game Zone
I've never even seen that blue shit

looks like an interracial homegrown porn forum I know of

not that im into those types of things
Technically Game Zone is ABW's default theme, but "Default" is Xenforo's default theme.
Trying the new format now. Its dope, better even, but I dont like new shit so im gonna go back to gamezone
Material design looks sooooo much different. It looks nothing like the other two.
@Goldie can we get more backgrounds other than the artist you like?

Kanye West perhaps?
whats the "new" layout?

and what browser do ya'll use for mobile?

I saw somebody mention load time.....this Opera shit drives me sometimes but it was the only thing that would work (that I knew of)