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Big Brother 20

This dude Tyler is made out of teflon or something. How does he have the whole house convinced that he is on their individual side no matter what the evidence suggests?

And how did the chick that got voted out feel so surprised when the only people telling her she was safe was the other damn alliance? She should have at least known it was a 50/50 chance since she was up with an alliance member. I never saw anybody so blown away from an eviction before. It was lovely.
This dude Tyler is made out of teflon or something. How does he have the whole house convinced that he is on their individual side no matter what the evidence suggests?

Just now starting the last episode. Please tell me that Chris is not going to introduce himself to Bayleigh parents as "Swaggy C." I'd kick that nigga outta my house immediately.

But anyway, I was coming in here to say the same thing about Tyler. This dude done played the game like I've never seen. That he has damn near every one in the house thinking the he is on their side gone make him one of the GOATS....

It would take someone like Brett to blow his game up.

If he makes final 2, I can't wait to see the reactions from everyone when they find out that they masterfully played individually and collectively..
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Swaggy said Chris was going in but he showed up wearing not one but two Swaggy C shirts. With a cartoon pic of himself on the back of one. I don't think him and Bailegh are going to make it. Just a guess.

I wonder what he really thought as he was driving up to that 7000 square foot house. After he got through the gates and security of course.
Swaggy said Chris was going in but he showed up wearing not one but two Swaggy C shirts. With a cartoon pic of himself on the back of one. I don't think him and Bailegh are going to make it. Just a guess.

I wonder what he really thought as he was driving up to that 7000 square foot house. After he got through the gates and security of course.

She used to date Deray Davis...I’m sure her fam can deal wit Swaggy C corny ass...her family needs to be mad that she playing tha game dumb as hell right now...alienating her allies and letting tha ops know her power...she’ll be gone soon smh
Angela nominated Rockstar and Scottie. Hayleigh won the hacker twist and replaced Scottie with Tyler. Angela then won POV. Bayleigh might get backdoored.

Feeds are crazy!
Angela nominated Rockstar and Scottie. Hayleigh won the hacker twist and replaced Scottie with Tyler. Angela then won POV. Bayleigh might get backdoored.

Feeds are crazy!

They said Tyler chose a trip to Hawaii instead of winning tha POV but still convinced Angela to use tha POV on him lol...he’s killing tha house right now lmao

What about the "Maneaters?"

Weren't the women supposed to unite in order to insure another woman won the game?

What happened to........"Girl Power?"

Sarkozy laughing clip.gif

Once the season ends, I hope Chronicles of Judah does a segment breaking down why the ladies alliance was doomed to fail.
Angela nominated Rockstar and Scottie. Hayleigh won the hacker twist and replaced Scottie with Tyler. Angela then won POV. Bayleigh might get backdoored.

Feeds are crazy!



but in all actuality there never was a ladies alliance. there's level 6 and some mildly entertaining floaters. let's be real here.
The veto ceremony is gonna be good. JC says he's going to eat a bag of Pita chips and wink. Bayleigh's blindside is going to be epic. She's clueless.
but in all actuality there never was a ladies alliance. there's level 6 and some mildly entertaining floaters. let's be real here.


It's just funny to me how some of them were talking all of that girl power/I am woman hear me roar shit.......yet, when they had an opportunity to make it happen...........they couldn't put aside their differences long enough to accomplish anything.

And........."Queen Bay"...........was dumb enough to buy into all of it.

Webay gif drinking soda while being interrogated.gif

The veto ceremony is gonna be good. JC says he's going to eat a bag of Pita chips and wink. Bayleigh's blindside is going to be epic. She's clueless.

Winning HOH was the worst thing that could've happened to her game.

It basically put a battery in her back and made her think she had more influence than she really did.

Had she not won, she would've never been compelled to tell Rachel about her Power App...........and no one else in the house would've known she had it except Fessy.

Another mistake she made was going out of her way to reach out to people that she knows are not on her side:

Angela and Kaycee in particular.

As soon as Angela won HOH, she should've used her power to nominate Brett and Kaycee.

With Hayleigh winning the Hacker Comp, she could've still taken down Kaycee and put up Tyler.

Then again, with Angela winning the POV...........I guess none of that matters anyway because she'd still end up getting backdoored.

Angela's a cold piece of work.

Wouldn't be surprised if she's a sociopath.........but her mentality is perfect for this game.

Bayleigh's an idiot for thinking that she gave a fuck about her either way.
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I think Bayleigh's parents lied to her. They told her she tested one point shy of genius level. She didn't even get one word right in the hacker competition. Even JC got one right and he hardly speaks English.
Nah if bayleigh would have used her power app and Hayley won that hacker comp it would have been two of the final four members of level 6 on the Block. Even if Angela won the POV and put bayleigh up the votes would have been Tyler JC Sam Brett voting for bayleigh to leave. Rockstar fessy Scott Haley voting out Casey remember the hacker can eliminate one vote so the vote would have been for kaycee to leave. Bayleigh was just not a good game player to realize she had the numbers this week, now she's gone.
I should be used to it by now.........but this is a brutal game.

Catching up on After Dark and the remaining members of Level 6 are in the HOH room just clowning the hell out of the other side of the house.

Going in on Faysal not knowing what's going on...........and laughing at the fact that him and Haleigh are acting all happy like they don't even care about what just happened at the veto ceremony.

Coldest part of the game is when everyone's in the house chilling and having fun without a care in the world.........while, at the same time........somebody else is depressed that they're about to go home.......yet, the rest of the house just goes on about their business like that person doesn't even exist anymore.........when they're still in the house laying in the bed wondering where it all went wrong.

D Wade damn gif while sipping water bottle.gif

Wednesday and Thursday can't come soon enough.

Almost tempted to subscribe to the feeds just to see some of the aftermath.
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