Infiltration: Welch, West Virginia


The price of a brick goin up…
Feb 3, 2018
San Diego, CA
Alright.. I just came back from spending a day & a half in one of the most poorest, convervative places in all of America.. Welch, West Virginia. My wifes family is from here & we just yesterday we had to attend her grandmothers funeral. She was a cool person, drank her box wine & smoked daily till she died. Old bird went out in her terms & I respect that. Anyways, whatever racist, mad Republican, crazy shit you may think of this town.. you're right and then some. This was I believe my fourth or fith time being here & everytime its been some nutzo shit goin down.

So much like @deadeye & his Wal-mart series, its inspired me to cronicle my few vists to this town. A place where American progress seemingly forgot. There's been some fun times there & times where I legit felt like I wouldn't make it. Alot of comedy & alot of sadness. This shit wasn't built for just one quick post. Aww hell naw, ABW needs the whole damn thing. Ya'll have fun reading the fuckery.
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You gotta get that AVI TFOH

I dropped my damn grapes seeing that shit
My First Visit to Welch.. (This some 50's shit)

Ok, I'ma set the backround. This took place around Christmas week 2009. My wifes family orginally was living in Maryland but decided to move back to West Virginia about a year before. They invited us there for the holidays & of course I was skepical as hell. My wife tried the whole few weeks prior trying to tell me "well things have changed, it shouldn't be THAT bad". Granted Obama was in the White House freshly I still had my doubts. My wife told me stories she herd from her family back in the day about how all the black people that lived there were segregated to a poor neighborhood on the side of a mountian the fucked up cacs called "nigger hill". I kept telling her "that shit don't just die down, it gets passed down". Which she agreed, but being swept up by what we all thought was "change" as far as race relations we hoped things would go smoothly.

Intresting fact: Steve Harvey was born in Welch. I'm sure there's a reason why this nigga claim Cleveland.

As I drove into the town three things I noticed right the hell away...

1. It striaght looked like Happy Days. Time I think stopped right around 1955. Don't get me wrong now, there was modern day cars & fast food places. Even had a Wal-Mart (but it closed early as shit, wasn't even open Christmas Eve). However the actual buildings, homes & even alot of the people looked like they holding on to the past extra hard. Alot of abandened buildings & run down homes. The coal industry left the town except for only one or so mines so the economy suffered. Leaving the most modern looking building a saw in the whole town.. the county jail. The schools looked like housing projects. Alot of the characteristics of a place that no one gives a fuck about anymore.

2. The looks I got were imediate & not subtle. As I was driving people peeped my wife & I.. Got all types of looks from all kinds of people. Black women ranged from "I'm disgusted" to "how do I steal him from her". White people (especially older ones) looked in utter shock. Seeing our kids in the backseat probably set it off more than just her & I together. My wife just looked back at me & shook her head. It was painfully obvious that whatever kinda interracial shit was going on it was taboo & behind closed doors at best. Frankly I don't give a shit if people apporove or not. However this was way beyond that espeically with them white folks. Ya'll will hear about it later on.

3. Where my wifes family was living at.. was shit. I'll break it down. The neighborhood is behind the towns hospital. It is not at all a good hospital. One of my wifes uncles has literally called it a place where people go to die. If you have anything beyond a broken bone or something close they can't treat you. Thanks to lack of town funds that give you any of the shit a modern hospital can do. They would have to airlift you to the closest hospital worth a shit in Kentucky & you better hope to god it ain't anything where time is a factor. Their house is high the fuck up in a hill where the steps are a death trap. What I will get into tho is probably the most blatantly racist shit I saw when I was there that first time. All because my dumbass wanted some Long John Silvers...

To be continued.
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They Mad.. (The Long John Silvers Incident)

Aight. fast forward a little bit to after Christmas, before New Years. Up to this point I’ve only had mother-in-laws cooking. Since they weren’t making a lot of money, at least not enough to eat out, I had to fit the bill. Which is fine by me. One afternoon my wife, at the time two oldest kids & myself decided to go to Long John Silvers. It was my first time going to one since I was little and I normally wouldn’t go at all. However I wanted some type of “seafood” & I didn’t feel like cooking in that mess of a kitchen. Nor did I want to see what my in laws version of seafood could be.

We roll up in there & I was surprised as fuck. Every employee there was black. Everyone. There was a older gentleman there in a sweater vest walking around with a Bluetooth in his ear. He was the owner. For one of the very few times since being there I was happy. Fuck happy. I was proud. To see a black owner out of all the places I been at there. To see him employ his people. To see success even if it was just a fast food franchise. I walked up to the counter & ordered, and that brotha knew what I was thinking the second he saw me. We dapped while he was on his way out. That was awesome.

So after I ordered we sat down & waited for the food to be brought out to us. Just then the entrance opened & I saw a group of about 5 or 6 white guys walk in. They were dirty as fuck with their hard hats & shit, obviously on their lunch break from the coal mine. Every single one of those motherfuckas eyes lit up when they saw us. My wife, noticeably pissed off at em, turned around & gave them a look. All the while I’m thinking “I’m gonna get fuckin lynched outside & my last meal is some bullshit Long John Silvers”. I could hear the slurs mermered from they mouths but they made a point not to make eye contact. One of the girls who worked there served our food and took one look at the white dudes & one look at us & did this shit...


...before that shit was a thing. So after we got the food I said “fuck that, what the fuck they gonna do?”. Which was right, cuz they were in the wrong establishment to try some shit. Granted had we been anywhere else I’m sure they wouldnt of thought twice... but once I saw them look behind the counter & noticed all the employees were looking at them waiting to start shit, it was deaded. We finished our food and started to head out. On the way out I went outta my way to smack & grip my wife phat white ass in front them crackas. The look on their faces when I turned around and closed the door.. priceless.

That there was my first trip to Welch, West Virginia.
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You owe me some seedless grapes Ms. Kandy

The green ones

I took offense to your novelette. Why the dig at black women? They wanted to steal you away or they were disgusted because of your white woman by your side? Get over yourself. Hate to inform you but your wife is one of them when it comes down to it.

And it's faucet, not foset.
I took offense to your novelette. Why the dig at black women? They wanted to steal you away or they were disgusted because of your white woman by your side? Get over yourself. Hate to inform you but your wife is one of them when it comes down to it.

And it's faucet, not foset.

I wasn’t trying to rag on all black women but honestly that was the looks I got out there. As well as comments. I actually haven’t seen any shit like that living in the DMV at all since I been married. Plus seeing that I’m not done at all with these stories I’ll let you know now, it gets worse than just looks. It wasn’t like anyone was trying to hide their feelings. That town even today is truly segregated.

You don’t have to inform me what color my wife is. I well aware of all that entails. I’m not out to offend anyone especially black women & never have. I’m not one of those brothas who’s had problems with my race or any coon shit like that. I’ve never at all been conceited when it comes to who I chose to be with... so with that I apologize if you still take offense. However, I’m not gonna leave shit out that actually happened.
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Truce. My roots are from the deep South. More than likely you got the crazy looks from being an outsider. Small Southern towns are like that. Everybody knows each other and are immediately suspicious of any new face.
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Truce. My roots are from the deep South. More than likely you got the crazy looks from being an outsider. Small Southern towns are like that. Everybody knows each other and are immediately suspicious of any new face.

I expected that too later on. I grew up in the north and at the time wasn’t smartened up on any shit like that. Didn’t understand that until I lived in Louisiana.
You need to drop the story on how you met your wife.

You two seem like an unlikely pair.

Not even talking about the race thing, but there seems to be an extreme difference in backgrounds.

We do got a lot of differences. Our backgrounds up to the time us meeting in high school are pretty crazy. I’m gonna get into it partly in the next story. It pretty much involves her family heavy.
My Second Time Visiting West Virginia (The Backhanded Vacation)

Ok, fast forward to July 2011. We had our third kid four months before & we all were invited back to West Virginia by her family. It wasn’t Welch this time, but some campsite at a resort that they paid for. I was skeptical as to why they did this or how they could afford it. Apparently they used their tax refund & while my wife said it was “out of the goodness of their hearts”.. I didn’t believe it for a second. My wife was suspicious too but not as bad. I knew better. These are the same people (mainly her step-father) who tried to make us pay 400 a month to em while my wife stayed at the home SHE GREW UP IN pregnant & waiting for me to get out of boot camp/school. When I came back to get her he complained, saying “what we gonna do for money now?”. His dumbass thought I was gonna leave her there & pay him that money. His exact words. Fuck outta here. So I was prepared for the fuckery that awaited. I didn’t know it would be this bad tho...

When we got there they were nice, overly nice. More than the usual bullshit I got from them. Her step-father seemed real eager to stay on my wife’s good side as well. They never had a good relationship & he was one of the big reasons why we ended up with the plan to get her out of that house. While supposedly he was good to her mom, towards her & her siblings he was a abusive man. Physically as well as mentally. I’ve witnessed some close calls when visiting their house while we dated & I really believe had I not been there things would of went a different way.

The first couple days out there was ok until finally during a dinner my wife & her mom go talk alone. I’m wondering what the hells going on cuz they were gone for at least 45 minutes. We were gonna go see Thor at the drive in out there & we were gonna be late. Finally she shows up and we leave the kids with em. That’s when she tells me.. the reason we were invited & everything was paid for us out here and shit.. was to get my wife on their side. Her step-father apparently was charged in Maryland a few years ago for sexual assault on a minor. Leaving everything behind in Maryland as a result of being an embarrassment to the church community they were apart of. Her mom was trying to convince her to write a glowing character statement on her husbands behalf. Even going as far as hoping she’d testify in his defense. My wife felt betrayed as she should. Not at all surprised that her step-father would do something like this... but shocked that her mother would be in complete denial & go as far as drag her into it.

We left the next morning. A few days earlier than expected. No way would I ever want my daughter around that fuckhead after hearing that shit. My wife would go on to testify later that year, for the prosecution. He would go on to take a plea bargain & only serve a year & a half (tho he would be a registered sex offender for the rest of his life). My wife’s immediate family & her’s relationship was never really on stable ground since. It was the last time we ever did anything with them like that. Things would go down hill for em in the next two times I’d visit WV. In a way I was hoping things would change somewhat in Welch since Obama was firmly in office. Of course, I was dead wrong.

That was my second trip to West Virginia.
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