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Infiltration: Welch, West Virginia

My Third Trip to West Virginia (Your Sister in Laws Ain’t Got Shit on Mine)

This is in two parts about two insane women. No question about it. The first part don’t even take place in West Virginia but I had to include it. It would be an injustice not to.

My wife has four sisters. The youngest two I’ve seen grow up before my eyes & are nice smart girls that seem to take after her. Her older sister & sister born after my wife tho... are somethin else. Her older sister I actually knew before I met my wife. We had the same algebra class together in 9th grade. Back then she wasn’t too bad lookin & I won’t front, I tried to holla at her. Nothin crazy just some small talk. Trust me had it went beyond that my wife probably wouldn’t of dated me let alone talk to me. Flash forward to my wife & I dating. I had no idea they were sisters until after we started fuckin & even then I figured nothing remotely happened. It was brought up by her sister once I saw her again & I had to explain the whole thing to my wife. She joked about it with me a lil bit, no harm no foul. So I figured why would it possibly be brought up again right? Oh you’ll see...

Her older sister for lack of a better term.. is crazy. I didn’t know it back in high school, but I dodged a major bullet. The mood swings this woman has is legendary. My wife & I got kicked out her car once because of a slight noise being made & her assuming I was fuckin with her in the back seat. One second she would be the nicest person, the next she’d snap at you. She is the female Harvey Dent. The type of person that asks for money & then try to dig into your financial situation to find out why you can’t buy this bullshit for her off Amazon. After both ours & her daughters were born she tried to say ours was gonna be slow because of the complements our kid would get on her looks.. just out of spite. When my wife was in driving school & living with her she refused to watch our daughter for us while she was in school. Mind you it was HER idea to have them live with her & she’d watch the baby while my wife was in school. $400 down the drain (driving school in MD sucks).

She’s also OCD as hell. Not “oh I like my desk a curtain way” OCD. Fuckin clinical. I refused to touch anything in her house after seeing her get into it with my wife & her own kids. Her husband seems like a decent guy but you can tell he was trapped. He waited until nearly a decade and three kids later before he decided he might as well put it on paper. Add on to that though, every time my wife talked to her she always brought up how I hit on her in high school. Even going as far as bringing up hypotheticals on what would of happened if she accepted my advances. To which I say, I’d probably would of choked her & ended up being the real subject of “Making a Murder” on Netflix. In a nutshell, a dodged a fuckin bullet.

To be continued...
My Third Trip to Welch, West Virginia (For Real This Time)

Now when I say my wife’s family is from WV, it’s mainly her mothers side. Her self & her older sister were born there but for the most part they grew up in Maryland like I did. Meaning all the fuckery they herd of from their family & would see when they get older from visits to WV they weren’t exposed to until they were grown. That being said, I feel bad for what being in WV has done to the sister born after my wife.

When we were dating she was just becoming a teenager. Innocent, never exposed to bullshit. Sheltered & constantly told what to do by her parents. The younger kids including her were home schooled but I saw her as more of a maid than someone getting an education. My wife confirmed it when I asked. Thanks to her being a little slower than her siblings my mother in law was quoted in saying that all she could ever be was a housewife. At 13 that’s what your mom thinks of your future? Damn. In the years following she of course seeked attention from guys who had no problem taking advantage of her. Her step father treated her like shit, with neither confirmed nor denied rumors that he abused her.

After a stint in a hospital to deal with mental issues, she came with her parents to West Virginia. Just a short time later she was allowed to marry a then 34 year old man at 17. The final time we visited Welch while my wife’s family was there was the first time we saw her sister with her new husband. Her sister had clearly let herself go. She was a average size girl up to just a couple years before. Now her weight was dangerously big & she became way less active. Her husband is a deadbeat in every sense of the word. A drug addict that makes frequent trips to methadone clinics. When I first met him he offered me a sip from his Coke can, I politely declined. The guy has been involved in all types of shady shit to keep them afloat. My wife has begged her sister to get help & even to come live with us so we can help her get it together. Every time she agreed to leave she always found a reason to stay. Especially when she realized we wouldn’t enable her sedentary lifestyle.

I really don’t understand why her mother allowed this to happen. She’s managed to drive away all of her daughters except one out of the house & into marriage. The youngest is still there & is a teenager herself now but I’m sure it won’t be long till she’s married off. I don’t know if it’s because she feels it’s one less mouth to feed or what. All I know is that girl didn’t deserve where she’s ended up. Depression, health problems thanks to her not taking care of herself... a husband that seemingly has no future beyond trying to become the next Walter White. From what my wife tells me they’re married by paper only. He spends her check from the state every month & occasionally lets her know he loves her. Apparently he’s never took the extra mile to satisfy her in bed either, so I’m sure he’s gotten a side piece probably since the beginning.

It’s a sad situation. Her family as since moved to California including my wife’s younger sister & husband. Dude still has no job & lives off his wife’s welfare check & my mother in law. That there is no man. After they left I figured baring extraordinary circumstances I’d never set foot in WV again. Of course like a lot of other things involving this state, I was wrong.
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Kinda sad.

I feel bad for the younger sister.

Yea she been through some shit man. A lot of it no fault of her own.

I’m gonna post one more installment for this. Then it’ll go on hiatus until the final one. If things go like I think it will... it’ll be some shit.
My Last Trip to Welch, West Virginia (I’m Dark & Hell is Hot)

Alright, so here’s how all this shit sadly went down. My wife’s grandmother has been sick for a long time but we haven’t herd anything about how bad it was until two weeks ago. We found out she had lung cancer & she wouldn’t make it to the end of May. Which is a shame cuz I liked her grandmother. She didn’t take shit from anyone & always showed me love. She also had nothing but distain for my wife’s step-father which was a plus. So we were thinking we’d go out there in a week or so to see her. Well only a few days after we found out about her cancer she passed. It was devistating especially since my grandmothers cancer just came back & is apparently worse than before. It was a trying few days for my wife & me. I somehow managed to take emergency leave for three days & we drove out to WV late Sunday for her funeral Monday afternoon.

When we drove into Welch I told my wife “Damn, you’d expect to see Trump stickers all over peoples cars.”. To which my wife responded “Theres no need, everyone here supports him. How do you think he won?!”. Welp, she’s got a point there. Trump winning however doesn’t seem to of changed things. If anything it’s worse thanks to the “Opioid Epidemic”. Saw a fair share of skeletal folks out there. By now all the coal mines are gone so the economy plummeted even lower. Could of swore this fuck promised to bring back the coal mines. Nope, he pulled that Vince McMahon higher power shit..


“You all bought it! Hook, line, & sinker!”

My wife’s uncle invited us to stay with him. She has two of them & they both are cool. Tho the one we stayed with is probably my favorite out the whole family. Always down to earth, cool as fuck & the only person in her family I never had to keep my guard up with. She also has an aunt I never met but ever since we been married has hated the fact that I’m black. So much so that she severed all contact with my wife since she found out we were married. That was almost 12 years ago. She was quoted by her brother as saying she didn’t approve of my wife’s “lifestyle”. Yea ok. I’m sure being pilled out & cheating on your husband with your drug dealer isn’t a good lifestyle choice either, but I digress.

We stayed at the same house my wife’s family lived... & it actually wasn’t bad. Dude made some good home improvements on the house. It was like day & night compared to how it was last time I was there. His wife is cool too. Any wife that rolls a blunt for her husband is cool in my book. Lol. Being there this time wasn’t bad at all. The funeral itself might not even count as a funeral. The grandmother requested to be cremated so there was no body to speak of. Also most of the family didn’t show up due to scheduling conflicts... & the fact that in July they plan on scarttering her ashes. Meaning that all these people I talked about on here. My crazy sister in laws, my wife’s immediate family, uncles, aunt. Everyone will be at this thing. I keep telling my wife & she agrees it could be some shit hitting the fan there. Everyone in some form or another has beef with each other in this family.

The uncles have beef but I honestly believe they will try to patch it up in one form or another. Her aunt has beef with everyone thanks to her higher than thou attitude (figuratively & literally). Oh, an she don’t like my black ass. My wife’s older sister and her can’t stand each other & at some point I might have to pull them apart. My mother in law would probably be ok if it wasn’t for the fact that she’s STILL with my wife’s step-father even after all that shit he did. No one likes this fuck. To the extent that my wife’s uncles purposely didn’t use his name in their mother’s obituary when listing the family. In 12 years of being with this woman I’ve never seen her entire family at the same place at the same time. There’s been a reason for that, since throughout that time there’s always been drama. Now all this combustible elements are gonna come together... I can’t wait.

Y’all thought I was gonna end this without any racist shit happening to us didn’t you? Welp, you’re wrong.

To be continued...
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I played this video while reading to get the full experience.

Yup, that about sums it up. If they would of went past the 76 sign at the 3:39 mark & gone straight down they would of saw the hospital & my wifes uncles house up top of the hill.
Yup, that about sums it up. If they would of went past the 76 sign at the 3:39 mark & gone straight down they would of saw the hospital & my wifes uncles house up top of the hill.

There’s a black dude with a white girl at 3:50. Is that you?
My Last Trip to Welch, West Virginia Part II (Just a Friendly Game of Softball)

Ok, so after the funeral took place we were invited by my wife’s uncle to go to his daughters softball game. She’s 9 so I’m thinking these gonna be a bunch of 8-10 year olds playing. Her uncle was like “Man watch this & tell me it ain’t fucked up.”. Of course we get to the field, his daughters team is all girls around her age. The opposing team tho is some big ass middle school creatures. I’m talkin the Monstars out this muthafucka...


Bless they hearts. Anyways so by now I’m thinking with the whole interracial thing “Man it’s 2018, people should be over this shit.”. There I go again tryin to be hopeful & what not. My family walked to the stands & every damn body was staring at us. Not in a “they’re outsiders sort of way”, but in a “who’s side you on” way. We were quick to realize that with the exception of the actual softball teams, the stands were segregated as fuck. It felt weird. Little white kids looking at me asking they parents questions & shit. My youngest son was running around a lot so I had to chase him to the other side of the stands where the opposing teams families were. He’s the lightest of all my kids & his hair is the straightest but you can still tell he mixed. Back at home I rarely get looks of bewilderment that he could be mine. Over in good ol Welch tho.. the question couldn’t help but be asked over and over. “That your son? He so cute with all that hair.”. A lot of politeness behind gritted smiles. Rather than snap back I just nodded my head & sat down. No point in starting shit around the kids.

I try to pay attention to the game. Them little girls got the hammer lowered on em. Throwin the ball fucked up & missing saves.. damn I felt bad watching them against them. The other team was talkin some shit too. Gettin on em like Eddie Murphy off Delirious.


Right then I keep hearing a “woooooo there you go baby!” every 10 damn seconds. One of the opposing teams parents was a skinny, pale mush faced girl that was loud as shit. Annoying as all hell. Before the game ended I walked to their side to throw something away in the dumpster & this chubby old snaggle toothed nigga was standing near her. At first I didn’t pay it no mind.. until later when the uncles wife told us that apparently she was a “professional sex worker”. I said “That hobgoblin gets paid for sex?”. The girl told her that she demanded that old black dude “pay that 30 dollars he owe since he gave her the clap”. The pills she got in exchange for her services wasn’t gonna clear that up so she needed her money upfront. She’s a “business woman” or so she claimed. My one regret of this last trip was not sneaking a picture of this thing. Bitch looked like a citizen of Whoville..


After watching the softball slaughter we went back to her uncles & chilled for the rest of the night. Despite all that it actually wasn’t a bad day. Hell waking up & being on the porch that morning was great. No noise from the city, no crazy shit goin down. Just a peaceful morning with a good mountain view. I can see why there’s people who don’t mind being here. Getting away from all the hectic shit. Of course I’d never wanna live here, but I can appreciate the serenity of it all. With this trip in July I know it’s gonna be some off the wall nonsense.. but I don’t mind coming here as bad as I did before. Especially since her uncle & his fam are there. Welch will forever have some internally fucked up problems. The poor disenfranchised people at the heart of it wanna get out of their rut just like everyone else in the country. I’d like to say one day we’ll get there, but then what else am I gonna fuckin write about? My family & where I’m from? Fuck that.

The End