The Most Eaten Animals By Humans Per Year

How are sharks endangered though? They're the danger. Fuck sharks.
Sharks get a bad rep. Ppl think shark just roam around and eat everything.

They endangered cause they getting killed for shark soup and also getting killed getting caught in nets due to over fishing
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How are sharks endangered though? They're the danger. Fuck sharks.

I'm going to just assume this post is meant to be a joke and leave it be.

I thought these numbers were worldwide

The general numbers are worldwide, but the article talking about people being tricked into eating the endangered shark was just talking about a few restaurants in Australia.
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I remember, I THINK it was an episode of Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe and he was on a tilapia farm and he was told the tilapia eat the human waste or some shit. I may be misremembering but I do remember right after that, niggas was swearing off tilapia

Edit: not saying this is happening everywhere but I remember swearing it off once I saw this

Yeah, that's why you should never eat Tilapia from China. They basically feed them exclusively with shit. The South American farms are cleaner though. So just check the label to see where it comes from.
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There's a lot of fish and even shell fish that just eat anything and everything though

Yeah you right, pretty much i will only eat Salmon and every now and then I will get some fried catfish.

But other than that, I stay away from alot of seafood

There is alot of bottom feeder sealife that I completely cutout.....shrimp is one thing I use to eat and love...not anymore. When someone explain to me how shrimp was the roach of the sea....I never went back lol
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Yeah you right, pretty much i will only eat Salmon and every now and then I will get some fried catfish.

But other than that, I stay away from alot of seafood

There is alot of bottom feeder sealife that I completely cutout.....shrimp is one thing I use to eat and love...not anymore. When someone explain to me how shrimp was the roach of the sea....I never went back lol
I dont know why I thought you was vegan. I thought you mentioned that before but maybe im trippin
Ha non-endangered

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Damn. This is a bit sad when you see those types of numbers. Why are people eating camels? Sad. There's no way there is a God that is cool with this. There can't be. Unless there is... there can be no forgiveness. That's a lot of slaughter.
When my brother was in the Kuwait war back in the early 90s he brought back camel jerky. Camel is fucking gross b
I dont know why I thought you was vegan. I thought you mentioned that before but maybe im trippin
I was for a good 5 years...but now I will eat fish and chicken a few times a month

I am needing to cut the chicken out. But it's been difficult lol
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I'll eat tilapia... I mean shrimp, crabs, and lobster are essentially water roaches

Yeah, I don't care about the animals scavenging. People love swine and they do the same thing. It is a problem when an animal's entire diet is fecal matter.
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I'll eat tilapia... I mean shrimp, crabs, and lobster are essentially water roaches

When I learned that everyone dont take the poop line out the shrimp when cleaning it and preparing it, I knew it wasn't safe
When I learned that everyone dont take the poop line out the shrimp when cleaning it and preparing it, I knew it wasn't safe
So do you clean out all of the crab under some water? Or do you eat the guts?