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The Most Eaten Animals By Humans Per Year

80% of the mfs ordering guinea pig are probably being served rat. Not like they in a position to complain about it.
Guinea pig was crazy to me. Where they do that?
South American restaurants on both coasts seem to be pushing the trend, answering to demand mostly from Andean expats for what is considered a fine and valuable food in Ecuador, Peru and Colombia. Middle-class foodies with a taste for exotic delicacies are also ordering, photographing and blogging about guinea pig. The animals — called cuyes in Spanish — are usually cooked whole, often grilled, sometimes deep fried. Many diners eat every last morsel, literally from head to toe.
You can get it in the US
Damn. This is a bit sad when you see those types of numbers. Why are people eating camels? Sad. There's no way there is a God that is cool with this. There can't be. Unless there is... there can be no forgiveness. That's a lot of slaughter.
Damn. This is a bit sad when you see those types of numbers. Why are people eating camels? Sad. There's no way there is a God that is cool with this. There can't be. Unless there is... there can be no forgiveness. That's a lot of slaughter.
You're vegan?
Huh? You thought God had favorite animals or what?
Well most religion will lead you to believe it's humans. I'm thinking more about the idea of not killing or taking life, yet most animals aren't included in that consideration. If God is real, I have to assume we are wrongly assuming God is ok with killing even for food, especially our mass numbers.
Well most religion will lead you to believe it's humans. I'm thinking more about the idea of not killing or taking life, yet most animals aren't included in that consideration. If God is real, I have to assume we are wrongly assuming God is ok with killing even for food, especially our mass numbers.
You think God wouldn’t like us killing any animals for food?
Damn. This is a bit sad when you see those types of numbers. Why are people eating camels? Sad. There's no way there is a God that is cool with this. There can't be. Unless there is... there can be no forgiveness. That's a lot of slaughter.
Camel is eaten like in desert type places like egypt.