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Is Ignorance Truly Bliss?

Is Ignorance Bliss?

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and Baka's got a weird case, why is he around??
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We've all heard the phrase, but do you agree with it? Is ignorance truly bliss?

If your s/o was cheating, would it be better to not know and continue thinking you were in a perfect relationship?

or would you want to know and end something that up to that point was perfect?

If your favorite meal was made out of rat meat, would u prefer not to know and continue eating your favorite meal happily or would you want to know you're eating rat meat!

We've all heard the phrase, but do you agree with it? Is ignorance truly bliss?

If your s/o was cheating, would it be better to not know and continue thinking you were in a perfect relationship?

or would you want to know and end something that up to that point was perfect?

If your favorite meal was made out of rat meat, would u prefer not to know and continue eating your favorite meal happily or would you want to know you're eating rat meat!

Id rather know. If she cheats and i find out i can be free to wtf i want, if i found out chicken wings and the beef on nachos was rat meat well id probably still eat it.
Nah ignorance is just ignorance that ignorance is bliss shit is just some dumb shit someone made up to make themselves feel better about being oblivious
When it comes to cheating I NEED to know, don’t be selfish and let me look like a fool while you fuck Tammy and her sister behind my back. I could be being great with someone actually worth it nah mean.
I don't think ignorance can be bliss since bliss refers to a kind of perfect happiness. If becoming more knowledgeable about the reality of your situation makes you unhappy then you were not in bliss. A legitimate bliss would be one that we experience in spite of our knowledge of the world
Y'all crazy.

If the world was ending in 30 seconds would you want to know and worry those last 30 seconds, or continue to just be chill....

People really really really overvalue the truth, Especially in situations where the truth absolutely shatters our perceived happiness.

Like I truly get the wanting to know the truth. I too often seek the truth.... But as I'm getting older I see the wisdom in living the lie...

The thing is... The world is fucked up.... And even things in your life that aren't fucked up have the potential to get that way at any moment notice.

Any moment.

Any moment.

And life is short. It could also end in any moment.

Our entire lives all we strive for is happiness or what we THINK brings us happiness. It's tied to every conscious and sometimes unconscious decision we make.

Even when making choices we feel we have to make out of responsibility. We would much rather live in a home than the streets... So while I'm not happy I'm paying this high ass rent.. I am happy having shelter...

Ok, back to my point. Life can end in an moment. Anything that brings you happiness in life can end in an moment.

We may think we always want to know the truth. But we want happiness more than the truth. We want the truth because we believe the truth makes us happy. So we think we want it more...

But just look at us.... How many lies do we hold on to, just because they make us happy??

I ain't going to hm get into all of them... But I'll address Goldie's hypotheticals

I've been with my wife for almost 10 years now. We have two beautiful children. We're happy, we're deeply in love. I leave work tonight and die.

I die fully believing that my marriage is one of the best things going on in my life. I'm 100% good with that.

Say.... Right about..... Now..... My wife starts texting me confessing about an ongoing affair and how she's not happy, she's leaving with new boo. By the time I get home from work they will have been on the road for 4 hours and she's not telling me where she's going.

I still die on my way home..... But I am not fucking happy bruh. Like yea I know the truth.... But I would have much rather died with the lie..... Certain truths just ain't worth the pain....

I mean shit I love my food, and not one picture of animals beingb tutored abused... Not one
documentaryb about diesease from meats... None of that deters me. I like what I like.

They say shrimp are the roaches of the seas... I've said before.. If steamed roaches tasted this good....I wouldn't give a fuck about going in some nasty ass houses and stocking up
And fuck what you heard, a world with Santa Claus is much better than real life