Taxstone's Murder Trial: Verdict Found Guilty

So if niggas plant a gun on you , u saying u wouldn’t take the stand and say Officer Dickhead planted the gun on me? Just trying to make sure I understand

I'm sayin I wouldn't have to point the finger at anyone else to clear my name

when I testified I jus told the truth bout what I did & on cross-examination the prosecutor asked me if the cop was lying since our stories didn't match

of course I said he was

but more importantly Ima make sure my lawyer gets evidence to show reasonable doubt
when that cop testified against me at 1 of the hearings I had to take the stand to defend myself cuz his lies were outrageous

but I never had to point the finger at anyone else to clear my name

even if them cops woulda caught them dudes who tried to kill me few yrs ago, still don't think I'd of testified against them

jus charge it to the game

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I think it’s unproven or no he didn’t

I can’t remember it’s been so long
No. The surveillance video in the club shows tax running and troy & banga running after him, with troy pausing to aim and shoot at him in the club. The he continues to chase and i believe bang collapses.

After that, they go to the hospital and when cops get there and search troys vehicle, if my memory is correct, in a hidden compartment they find that same gun he shot in the club and few others.

I thought Tax would of fought that gun charge even tho they claim his DNA was found on it. Could of claimed he fought over it when Troy n dem pulled it out.
No. The surveillance video in the club shows tax running and troy & banga running after him, with troy pausing to aim and shoot at him in the club. The he continues to chase and i believe bang collapses.

After that, they go to the hospital and when cops get there and search troys vehicle, if my memory is correct, in a hidden compartment they find that same gun he shot in the club and few others.

I thought Tax would of fought that gun charge even tho they claim his DNA was found on it. Could of claimed he fought over it when Troy n dem pulled it out.
Everybody could have been shot prior to this when they wrestled with the gun like Maino girl getting shot through the floor or ceiling
it seems if Troy jus would've played victim (which he appears to be) instead of gangsta he could've avoided this
Troy Ave the most wishy washy nigga ever. Their whole beef started with Tax saying Troy wasnt a street nigga and he needs to stop pretending. Troy's response was basically saying that he's tough. Then the shooting happened.

After that, he pulled a 180 and is doing interviews saying streets is a myth, ect ect. But he cant even keep his pretend act up. Watch some of his interviews, especially this latest with Math Hoffa. Streets is a myth but he keep slipping up talking about he a street dude and really with the shits, bullies the bullies ect. but when hes facing charges he wanna live by civilian rules.

wait, i haven't followed anything about this case....mainly because of lack of interest.

but someone planted a murder weapon on a dude, and he told them who did it?

nah, more to it than that.

The cliffs are,
2 guys beefing online, 1 a podcaster the other a rapper
finally run into each other by chance at a TI show backstage.
Fight happens
gun comes out during fight, shots go off
girl gets hit in her knee, troy ave get shot in the leg & bodyguard shot in the stomach
Through surveillance video (i posted in a previous comment) we see 1 guy run out the backstage room(tax, the podcaster), troy ave and bodyguard (that was shot) run out, troy has a gun shooting at the podcaster
Bodyguard collapses and later dies from injuries
Find out 3 people in total were shot, 2 men and 1 women
Cops go to hospital where troy ave is at and search his truck. Find the gun he was on video shooting and other guns
Later on in the investigation cops claim they found DNA of Tax (the podcaster) on the gun and a person that claims they sold it to Tax
Tax is arrested and been in jail ever since
Troy been on a pr tour saying the streets is a myth, hes 100% the victim in this ect ect.
Couple years later Tax taks a plea with the gun charge
And now we are here, the trial starting