Real or no? Will Smith slapped Chris Rock for joking about Jada at the Oscars

I’ve been wondering why nobody even stepped up for Chris. You must be really disliked by a lot of people to get assaulted on live national tv and not even get to play victim, lol.
One of my preacher friends had the best take on this, in my opinion....He was responding to another statement where another preacher said that there is a point where if another man disrespects his wife or daughter in his presence where his hands getting used enters the realm of possibility. The response was:

"Yea, but you aren't going to allow men to sleep with your wife and play righteous indignation after the fact.

Ole willie ain't got a leg to stand on. If you won't raise your hand to a man after breaking your wife's back- don't play when he says an off color joke.
I said what I said."

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But.....but...he was ok with it.

haven't you seen the meme................:Will:<--------------those are tears of joy.

Bullshit. We had multiple topics on this site where people were acting like the Trans community was wrong for any and every negative reaction they had in response to Dave's special. I ain't surfing through old topics, but I'm pretty sure at least a couple people in those topics that dismissed the trans people are giving Will a pass here.

And your second point is just stupid because guess what, I haven't put my wife out there like that for that specific reason. She likes her privacy. She doesn't want to be all over the net like that. I respect that wish. Jada has about 5 different platforms where she happily airs out her personal business. Will was crying about a meme. She's the whole reason he is a meme.

Rock has hosted these events like 20 times now, and said way worst shit about other people than that joke. I didn't see anyone criticizing his jokes in those cases. Ya'll have no principles. Your shit changes like the wind based on frivolous shit.

In regards to Will Smith......."protecting"...........his wife:

Russell Westbrook eating popcorn and laughing in the background clip.gif
Ppl reacting negatively to this.


In the past our forebears went through so much and put up with so much shit in order to make life better for themselves and for future generations.... and negros out here in 2022 saying that it is too much to expect the preeminent black actor not to rush the stage at the Oscars and punch someone for making a joke about his wife.

My, how our standards and expectations have fallen.

Us even suggesting Will wait to the commercial break, go back stage and talk to Chris face to face (like a mature adult), letting him know that joke went too far and having him apologize to her, apparently make us a eunuch. Instead it was the right call to rush the stage and put hands on a host, creating an unneeded spectacle over a GI Jane joke. A throw away joke everyone would for forgot in 2 min max. This shit bout to have the Streisand Effect on her insecurities.

And its a good thing theres video of this, cuz some of yall clearly always failed at the game telephone. They way yall telling it, Chris Rock was a feral animal attacking Wills family, and he had to leap in front of them and slap Chris to save their lives, smh
Can you imagine being a celebrity and having niggas who don't know you have the audacity to try and dictate how you carry on with your life?

I don't even like when niggas try to tell me how to feel about shit now. I can't imagine having to live life that way.

dont be a celebrity then tf lmao
This shit was old by midnight. 24 hrs ain't even passed and ppl are completely over this shit. World moving too fast yo lol
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Lotta niggas might try Will out in public now too.

Think he's gonna do anything to them?

If he meant what he said, he's gonna have to handle anybody who says something about Jada now.

Since we all know he's not, he needs to kill that noise about protecting her.........because that's not what this was really about.

Dude just got in his feelings because of what Chris said..........and he only stepped to Chris because he was an easy target.

End of story.