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Real or no? Will Smith slapped Chris Rock for joking about Jada at the Oscars

I don't think anybody signed up to be treated that way. Just because it happens doesn't mean that celebrities should just willingly accept that treatment.

Hell all celebrities don't even get treated the same.
Never said they had to accept it or anything. I’m just saying their expectations need to be based in what does happen and not what they wished happens.

Can’t control the internet, just what you allow to expose to it. And they’ve done a terrible job of late to keeping shit off of the internet. And I think it’s because Jada wanted to be more open about their personal life in pursuit of the next phase in her career.
Maybe I'm desensitized but when people said violence happened at the Oscars I was thinking someone was knocked out. It was a slap. Granted that's one of those high end places but I think people are overreacting 🤷‍♂️
Nothing about that joke had anything to do with how Jada moves, foh lol

Nigga talked about her having a scoopball and hey its ok cause she made Will cry at a table talk😕

And once again, YOU don't have to think the joke was bad but you know who did...her husband. And you know what HE did? Something about it

And that's on Mary Had A Little Lamb

Was there a particular reason Will was sitting with Lupita instead of Jada or was that just the way it looked from the camera angle

Camera angle. Some of the people in the front were sitting at tables and others were sitting in recliners. Jada is just off to Will's left the whole time. Lupita is to his back left slightly.
what will did was wack asf. hilarious but wack asf. takes a lot of energy to walk on stage and smack someone. A LOT and at the end of day, was it worth it? i mean this aint the block 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 this is not w philly my nigga.

why did you smack that man like that? is alopecia a joke? NO but is walking on stage and smacking chris rock a good look? FUCK NO.

smh then you cried and had denzel and tyler fucking perry consoling you? if you gon smack a nigga aint no crying after that.

once you smack someone you suppose to throw a trash can or punch a wall or something

not cry smh

what a wild ass night
I agree 100%
with race

see what y’all made us do?