
I didn't even notice Greg doing that
Shout out to @Infamous114 for dropping that Prestige TV podcast. They brought up something I never thought about which was everything with Roman being about sex. Him telling Shiv dad is fucking me now and he's not fucking you anymore or whatever tf he said....lol. is just one of Roman's gross throwaway lines. Except that this is the same character with the wild oedipus complex (kendall does too but Roman's is worse) and impotence. Him even doing that weird shit in the bathroom with the tech bro was sexual. Roman is one fucked up dude.

I'm obsessed with this episode im fina watch it again when I get home lol
Not done with the episode yet, but i popped in to say the scene between Kendall and Logan was some God tier TV. Might be prisoner of the moment, but I put it up there with the Avon and Stringer convo on the balcony.