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In your circle of friends...

What would you be designated as....

The quiet one

The life of the party

The hot head

The Playa

The moody one

The down for whatever one

and why?
What would you be designated as....

The quiet one

The life of the party

The hot head

The Playa

The moody one

The down for whatever one

and why?
Quiet one, life of the party and the playa
I don't agree but that's what I've heard.
I'm usually chilling, speak when there's a reason to. Not exactly quiet but if I ain't got nothing to say i don't force it but I talk plenty enough if the topic is meaningful.

Not exactly a party person but if we do go out and my homeboys start hugging the wall and screwfacing then I'll be the one dancing with chix and trying to put them on my friends and chatting them up
Life of the party: I enjoy having a good time. I am a social butterfly and like to laugh, dance and be merry. Always trying to up the mood if it's not live. If I have been drinking I am extra turnt and giddy.

Hot Head: while I have tempered my hot head-ness, I will pop off when needed. I will rationalize to a point...then it's like ok the nice route isn't working....0 to 1000.

Down for whateva: I usually enjoy the people I am with and they make it fun. So whatever the move is I am cool with and can be flexible. Unless it's some absolute fuckery or something I am totally against. Royal is always in the mix. Most my family and friends know they can hit me up to go do almost anything.

Just the other weekend my cousin ask me to go to a concert with her...now would I have chosen to go on my own..no lol. But I said yes and it was dope.
In my youth—the optimistic one

In my teens—the pessimistic one

In my early 20’s—the asshole

In my 30’s—the quiet one
Depending on the night quiet one, life of a party, down for whatever one, or moody one.a
Older you get the more you realize most people ain’t worth talking to. Cause the more variations of people that you met, so the quicker you can place people in what group of people are worth talking to. And that group ain’t large at all.

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