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Kyle Rittenhouse Trial (Jacob Blake Protest Shooting)

The fact that there are no checks and balances that would have come into play to get this judge ousted tells you all you need to know about our system. Dude is openly Team Rittenhouse, and there doesn't seem to be anything anyone can do about it.

Their overall message is spot on, but ya'll only get mad when right wing people do it. I've been saying it in this thread since way back. The media (both sides) are full of people setting out to persuade you instead of inform you. And you shouldn't want to be lied to, period. Whether from the left of the right.

So ya, the right is full of shit for acting like Rittenhouse is some innocent boy scout. The left is also full of shit for acting like the guys he shot were good people.

Do some of your own research to follow up on news stories (from either side), and make your own opinion. Don't fall for propaganda.
In that same video he said Kyle was guilty, whats the point of this?

It's about news outlets giving you the info they want you to have to influence your opinion instead of just giving you all the facts.

Joe's mad about it because they did it to him when he took that medicine when he had Coronavirus. Kept saying he took a horse dewormer like he was on some real weird shit, when he wasn't. Media spin though, and it worked.