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ABW Interviews: Meeks

were they both feminine or was the truck driver butch? she sounded butch until you described the boobs and booty. studs with boobs and booty are an interesting sight lol

do you identify as straight now?

They both were butch but my last girlfriend was more feminine. She was more what I was into because I liked the idea of a woman being tomboyish but still being in touch with her femininity (I love that song by Eric Benet btw lol).

I always felt like technically I'm still bisexual because that's not a part of my life I can just erase. I remember telling my last gf that I couldn't do it again because I wanted a child. My mother made it her business to point that out a few months ago when we saw eachother as if maybe we could actually get back together, LOL.
I was young as hell

You was fucking with a pedo?
They both were butch but my last girlfriend was more feminine. She was more what I was into because I liked the idea of a woman being tomboyish but still being in touch with her femininity (I love that song by Eric Benet btw lol).

I always felt like technically I'm still bisexual because that's not a part of my life I can just erase. I remember telling my last gf that I couldn't do it again because I wanted a child. My mother made it her business to point that out a few months ago when we saw eachother as if maybe we could actually get back together, LOL.
You are full of surprises, Meeks. This was a good interview

You was fucking with a pedo?

Yeah I was young, lmfao! She was a few years older. I'm 27 now, she's probably like 30-32 now. I don't want to be wrong and if I saw her right now we'd probably throw hands so I can't ask her age now lol.
Well, yeah that's a pretty touchy subject for me and I hid it for a long time but i'm not afraid to speak up about it now.
Her father was abusive towards me. He's the same age as me i'm just a few months older.
He was abusive before I even got pregnant with our daughter and we would break up and get right back together. I could give a million excuses as to why I didn't or couldn't really leave him alone but the bottom line was that I loved him for some reason and it truly may have been the wrong reasons (who knows). He broke me down so bad mentally and emotionally that I truly became dependent on him though. He controlled the money, he controlled everything and my dumb ass let him smh. I worked my ass off when we met, I was working for FedEx and that's where I met him.

The beatings got so bad when I was pregnant though. He would beat in my head like a rag doll, literally. Dragging me, punching me.. He actually backhanded me in the mouth on a ride home from work one night because I tried to talk and defend myself. So yeah, I ended up with my teeth pushed so far back I couldn't close my mouth or eat. I had stitches in my mouth, I had to have emergency work done to pull my teeth back in place. I have scars on my face. I think he really was out to fuck my face up so bad that no one would want me. I knew that I had to leave when I was pregnant, I kept thinking of ways out. I felt like it would probably be impossible now that I had a baby because I was on maternity leave and he took care of everything.

He didn't stop though, he didn't care if I was holding her or anything. He would come at me full force just swinging. It got to the point that I had to stall him just to put my daughter down so that he could fight me. Every time I would threaten to leave he would tell me I could leave but she couldn't. Now, as I said already I LOVE my daughter and I should've left sooner but I didn't so hey.

Final straw was him punching me in the eye while I was holding our daughter, he had been mad at me and I heard her crying while I went to take a shower. When I came out he was just sitting there with her crying with this attitude and he got upset because I asked him why would he let her cry like that. Ultimately, that led to me getting punched in the face and my eye was swollen shut the next day. I basically got beat that whole weekend so that Monday night when he went to work, I called my mother and she talked my ass up out of my home. I had finally left her dad June of 2016.

Your daughter's father is pussy ass nigga. You couldn't have been my family member I would be in jail

Lemme go read cause I don't wanna ask the same sh*t but I got some questions for my fellow freaksistah
Your daughter's father is pussy ass nigga. You couldn't have been my family member I would be in jail

All of my family are here in New York, father included. 9 times out of 10 my father would've killed him, I remember when I finally left and my mother threatened to tell my father if I went back because she felt like she couldn't save me and she knew my father would've killed him.
I got a good one, and it can be seen as personal so you don’t have to answer if you don’t.

The women of ABW, if you could take any attributes, physical or personality of any of the women and give to urself. And if you could take any of ur own and bless another ABW woman with it.

Who would they be and what attributes would they be?
None and no one. People are who they are for a reason.
All of my family are here in New York, father included. 9 times out of 10 my father would've killed him, I remember when I finally left and my mother threatened to tell my father if I went back because she felt like she couldn't save me and she knew my father would've killed him.

Dude we grew up with started dating my cousin. Him and I was cool hung out chilled everything we was all close and my cousin is like my sister.

That nigga got drunk one day and slapped my cousin she called us. We beat that nigga almost to death my other cousin shot his brother in the leg. That shit started a huge beef for years but yeah fuck that keep your hands in your pockets nigga
Dude we grew up with started dating my cousin. Him and I was cool hung out chilled everything we was all close and my cousin is like my sister.

That nigga got drunk one day and slapped my cousin she called us. We beat that nigga almost to death my other cousin shot his brother in the leg. That shit started a huge beef for years but yeah fuck that keep your hands in your pockets nigga
So this is what started the hatfields and mccoys

I remember you saying it lead to a nigga letting the full auto go in the park. Crazy shit
I got a good one, and it can be seen as personal so you don’t have to answer if you don’t.

The women of ABW, if you could take any attributes, physical or personality of any of the women and give to urself. And if you could take any of ur own and bless another ABW woman with it.

Who would they be and what attributes would they be?
I'd be easygoing like @EleanorDeWitt and funny like @Whispering Eye. I think everyone should be blessed with my battle rap skills.
So this is what started the hatfields and mccoys

I remember you saying it lead to a nigga letting the full auto go in the park. Crazy shit
I would post the newspaper clippings of what happened like the homie gee757 but that would be disrespecting the dead